Matthew Chapter 20 Discussion Page 2

  • Obbie Beal on Matthew 20 - 5 years ago
    28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (it is amazing, a person when captured by his enemy will not be released until someone pay a 'ransom'; once the 'ransom' is paid the person held captive is released / set free; the blood of animals could not set mankind free but the shed BLOOD OF JESUS /CHRIST could, and it was paid
  • Adrienne Bellaire on Matthew 20 - 6 years ago
    matt. as all the word of God is the awesome word never ch anging always loving, always calling us giving the gospel.praying for all . praise him !!!
  • A disciple on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    "Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen." When the Lord goes out into the mountains and the wilderness, seeking His lost sheep; when He finds it, He puts it on His shoulders and brings it home rejoicing. Why would some of the ninety nine grumble and murmur?
  • A disciple on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    servant; the religion of God is not an organization of division and disagreements! The true Saints of old time were good and loving and righteous, with the Law of God in their hearts and His fear directing their course in life. So true for the Disciple in the early days of the Christianity, they had all things common, were holy, and were persecuted for being good. The same is true today!
  • Servant of God on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    Many are called(not so much this generation)few are chosen. Jesus called many and a religious organization ensued but divided itself not in unity but disagreements. This is the vineyard (where work is done and wages earned) As for who is chosen, it is God, who has no equal, choses! This is Biblical. As for the Son, his reward was great for he saw the Father and was glad.
  • Lilian on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    The first shall be the last and the last first for many be called but only few are choosen. Not all who called Lord Lord can enter into the kingdom of God but only servants who accept Jesus and obey his words will only be saved I will praise you Jesus forever Jehovah my Savior Shalom amen
  • Robert on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    I believe the story of the laborers is about salvation thru Jesus Christ. Those saved all have an equal access to Heaven even if their Love for Christ is one second or a hundred years. Salvation is never too late.
  • A disciple on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    The story of the laborers in the vineyard teaches us, that the Lord who hired all the workers told everyone that whatever is right they shall receive, and agreed for a day's wages for going to work. The men that could only come to work for one hour, all still got a day's wages; which was paid out of the Lord's own money, and had nothing to do with the agreement He made with everyone else.
  • A disciple on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    Paul; "The devout Jew is learned in the Torah. They are observant of the law of God through Moses." What has changed with God since He had David write the 2nd Psalm? When, over the last, almost 2000 years, did God change His mind, and now no longer requires us to go through His Son to come to Him? Until the Jews, and everyone else converts and believes in Jesus, THEY CANNOT BE SAVED!
  • Paul on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    The devout Jew is learned in the Torah. They are observant of the law of God thru Moses. Abraham was a friend of God, Moses was his scribe. Jesus is sent to demonstrate the Holy Spirit, the power of prayer and eternal life for whom it is prepared. Christians should not be so presumptuous lest their vineyard be taken from them and given to others. The heart of man is evil. God is Judge,not man!
  • Insight777 on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    The cup that Jesus drank from is faith. A faith can look clean on the outside, as the Jewish faith, by holding religious doctrine that proclaims to be truth. If the religion is wrong built on lies then the inside of the cup needs to be cleaned. The faith from Jesus is he is the Son of God. This is a clean cup full of truth. Jesus wanted his pure faith/cup to be passed to others after his death.
  • A disciple on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    Lu2677; No! The Jews do not follow the Torah! They follow their own teachers and books, ever since they rejected Jesus. They SAY they study Torah; but as you and I understand it, NO! And they have a completely perverted view of nearly everything that WE understand in the Old Testament. I come from a Jewish background, and I have had discussions with many Orthodox Jews; they DO NOT follow the Word!
  • Lu2677 on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    a disciple "Judaism follows the doctrine of men that rejected Jesus Christ" No, Judaism to the Jew who believes in the Torah, Old Testament, which are scipture from God.The Torah was written before Christ was born. When Jesus said "do you not know the scriptures?"These scriptures were what God had given them. Their rejection of Christ leaves them without (excluding the saints of old) a savior.
  • A disciple on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    Insight...; Matthew 16:13-17; Jesus asked His disciples, "..Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?..whom say ye that I am?..Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God...Blessed art thou, Simon Bar Jonah: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven." And in John 1; "..the Word was God..And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.." This is Truth!
  • Insight777 on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    Jesus speaks of Son of man in 3rd person because he is Son of God. Jesus did not want his followers to be murdered for blasphemy so he allowed people to call him Son of man but said Son of man is Antichrist. The Son of man is the expected Savior of 2 religions based on Abraham that reject Jesus as the Son of God. Their Son of Man expectation rises again when the true Savior, Jesus, leaves earth.
  • Rebecca on Matthew 20 - 7 years ago
    I love the whole Bible.Especially Ruth and Psalm and ect
  • Sandra Perry-Williams on Matthew 20 - 8 years ago
    Lord,you are Amazing!!!
  • Nicola on Matthew 20 - 8 years ago
    I like how Jesus open the blind eyes. When we are afflicted we must pray, whether ppl like it or not. Our Lord answers
  • David robinson on Matthew 20 - 8 years ago
    praise the lord , thank u lord for your word of God
  • Noel Grant on Matthew 20 - 8 years ago
    I enjoy reading the scriptures. We must understand that we are all equal in the sight of God wether we are accepted first or last. Have a bless day.
  • Kathleen on Matthew 20 - 8 years ago
    René: To "rise again" is a little like "to get up again". The "again" implies "sooner than you would expect". Imagine you have a little child who you put to bed at 8:00, and they came back into the room at 8:15. You say "I put you to bed and you got up again!" This is a "phrasal verb": the 2nd word implies something. You'd get it normally, but you misinterpret it because you read "literally".
  • Rene on Matthew 20 - 8 years ago
    Matthew 20:19
    'He will rise again". Why the word again, this implies He rose before. Help me understand. Love to you all and I pray that the Lord bless you kindness
  • Patricia on Matthew 20 - 8 years ago
    The Master call is for all to come. Work while it is day for when the night come no man can work. When we hear the voice of the Master do not turn a deaf ear. I pray I'm willing to open my heart and receive Him. We all have sinned. No matter when we receive and obey at the end we all shall receive a crown of life. So glad for a compassionate and just God.
  • Barbara Nkwantabisa on Matthew 20 - 8 years ago
    Matthew 20:16 - i tend to agree with the first adam as the last. And the last Adam was Jesus who will be and is first in all things. I just hope to do a pleasing thing in his sight. I'm sure we have all been last in something in life, and first in something in life. I dont concern so much with being first, but i just wanna hear well done from him.
  • Lilian on Matthew 20 - 8 years ago
    God has appointed time to bless us and heal us. Jesus is the great Shefered all He wants is the Sheep (us) to follow him and obey his words so that all of us must have life in abundance. Lets give thanks and praise Jesus only BECAUSE HE LIVE WE SHALL LIVE ALSO ANEN
  • Wayne on Matthew 20 - 9 years ago
    Where is the house that man has built for God our Father.? For Jesus himself rebuilt it in three days. Have we learned nothing of the understanding of the way of God ? God sent us His son to give us eternal life so that where He is we can also be.Jesus commands us saying freely you have received freely give.My Father's house Is A House Of Prayer.
  • Atim Eyere on Matthew 20:16 - 9 years ago
    An excellent tool for evangelism or simple witnessing the gospel truth to win souls from hell to God's's also great to strengthen all believer, to continue in the faith unto eternal life. Thank you so very much for all your effort to facilitate the harvest of Christ. Bless you all
  • Rev.Dr. Shahbaz Khokhar on Matthew 20 - 9 years ago
    Matthew was disciple of Jesus Christ, he was preacher afterword.
  • Tuelo on Matthew 20 - 9 years ago
    You make me glad by your deeds,lord I sing for joy at what your hands have done
  • Eziokwu Raphael Ohen on Matthew 20:26 - 9 years ago
    But it shall not be so among you: But whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister. Rather than minister some translations used servant. The important thing is that a Christian should serve or minster to the needs of people. Jesus came to serve. Those who came in His name must follow His steps. They must serve the needs of neighbours, church members, friends, colleagues, co-travelers and even enemies, who are less privileged, deprived of their right, oppressed, depressed, sick, ignorant, weak, faithless, orphans, widows and widowers, illiterate, etc. In this talk Jesus was telling Christians to serve because service to humans will build them up. In the church people should not be looking for high sounding names, praises, colours, titles, opportunities for eloquence, to be noticed in wonders but visit the sick, those absent from church and fellowship, help the poor, support new converts and backsliders, visit the aged, support widows and widowers, sweep and clean church without asking for notice, attend to community activities to bring security, harmony and physical development without posing as lords or masters, etc

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