Matthew Chapter 19 Discussion Page 6

  • Carol on Matthew 19:24 - 12 years ago
    Now the question comes to mind. What in today's standards is a rich man? $100, $5000, at which point must I start to worry that I'm doomed because I've been saving for retirement.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Matthew 19:24 - 12 years ago
    I know this principle well, by experience. One person�s "riches" are not the same as another�s. MY "riches" was $4000. This savings took me right back to homelessness and hopeless. A learning experience I�ve repented from.
  • Peter G Kimble on Matthew 19:14 - 12 years ago
    I am glad to have come across this explanation. I awoke this morning with this verse in my mind. For a long time, on and off, it has been one of the things in the Bible that I couldn't quite grasp. It sounded to me like God wanted children to suffer. Also I believe this is one of the interpretations fanatic Atheists, or anti theists, use. It�s not the children God wants to suffer, but it�s also not great suffering for our attention to perhaps prayer, or quiet, to broken by the noise of children. For how we treat the children, we also are treating our Lord Jesus. My thanks for providing these notes. Also verse 14 is brought into better understanding for me when I first contemplate verse 13. The disciples, who were still learning the path of Jesus and enlightenment, were the ones who rebuked the children. It was Jesus who said to bring them to Him. My thanks to you for providing this website. Your brother in Christ, Peter G Kimble.
  • Jay on Matthew 19 - 12 years ago
    @Omae Francis,
    About the subject of divorce, I do not believe in divorce, but you need to read 1 Corinthians 7 before you determine that adultery is the only grounds given for biblical divorce. To Matthew regarding forgiveness and judgment, we all would like to have opportunity to take back hurts, mistakes, pain, suffering we have caused others, but god has provided ways to either rectify matters with others ( Matthew 5:23,24; 1 Corinthians 6) or take advantage of I John 1:9. If you are saved than you need to forgive others and ask God to forgive you for the trespasses you have caused others and your trespasses against God. Keep your trespass list very short. Matthew 18:18. The judgment seat of Christ is for saved people and will only be accountable for your life after you received Christ as saviour until death or rapture II Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:10. Though we may suffer consequences in the flesh from our previous sins, but spiritually God does not remember our life before salvation. Unsaved will come before the white throne judgment for their rejection of Jesus as saviour and be sentenced to eternal damnation. The unbelievers have much bigger problems.
  • Jay on Matthew 19 - 12 years ago
    On verse 29- I cannot teach dispensational truth in this little space, but the book of Matthew is in New Testament, but not necessarily for church age doctrine. Read the epistles of Paul; Romans to Philemon for church age doctrine. Eternal salvation is for all who will receive Jesus Christ into their heart as savior ( Romans 10:9-13). The statement in verse 29 is directed at the disciples (Jews) for a future dispensation (millennial reign of Christ).
  • Christopher Cherry on Matthew 19:29 - 12 years ago
    Is eternal life promised to the children as well, or only to the parents that gave them birth?
  • Timothy Wayne George on Matthew 19 - 12 years ago
    Matthew19 Therefore whom the Lord hath joined together, let not man put asunder. God is the creator of marriage, and a three fold cord is not soon broken. Jesus, a man, and his wife. When problems arise, always consult the creator, and He will give you the strength to carry on. How can two walk together except they be agreed. Agree that marriage is a covenant relationship that shall be separated by death. Jesus as the head of the man, and the man as the head of the woman. God hates divorce, and we should hate everything that God hates. The two shall no longer be twain, but one flesh. It takes a life time of marriage to do that. So be kind one to another, tender as well as forgiving, as God for Christ's sakes has forgiven you. Don't let the sun go down on your anger, and always work out any problems before you go to bed. Be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath. Let the Lord be your guide in the relationship. Remember we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not of works less any man should boast.
  • Wesley on Matthew 19 - 12 years ago
    Matthew, let me share something with you. We've all made mistakes in life and we all experience some level of guilt and fear of judgment. But let me tell you that Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross to pay for all your sins. We can never have joy and fulfillment in life just by having good morals and following rules, because we still fall short of God's perfect standard ( Romans 3:23). The peace that we all seek is found in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary ( Romans 5:8). Place your faith fully in Him to forgive you of your past, present, and future sins. Salvation from Hell can only be found when we come to the realization that we are hopeless and helpless apart from God's saving grace. Call on him for Salvation as Romans 10:13 admonishes - "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". Then you can have freedom from sin and condemnation as Romans 8:1 tells us - "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus". If you have any questions about these comments, please ask. I want everyone to know the peace that Christ brings. "Matthew's Matthew Chapter 19 comment on 6/29/2012, 1:26am... I will admit I am afraid of judgment because I've made mistakes in my life. I can't remember everything but I wish I could take back many of the hurtful things I've said. I have accepted God into my life but my family does not know I have. I have good morals and follow rules and I do not want to go to Hell but I am still afraid..."
  • Omae francis on Matthew 19 - 12 years ago
    as an adventists,we ought to live by the oaths we take during our marrige,to let nothing put the couple assunder,eccet divoce in case of sexual immorality
  • Matthew on Matthew 19 - 12 years ago
    I will admit I am afraid of judgement because I've made mistakes in my life. I can't remember everything but I wish I could take back many of the hurtful things I've said. I have accepted God into my life but my family does not know I have. I have good morals and follow rules and I do not want to go to Hell but I am still afraid...
  • Donnie on Matthew 19:20 - 13 years ago
    I believe our lord was tellling us that even if we could live a perfect life in mans eyes. We will not make it to heaven unless we give him our all. Confess our sins, become born again by the washing of his blood upon our souls. I am sorry to say that I believe that there will be multitudes of people on that day that went to church, was moraly good people, and our father will say: Depart from me, I know ye not.
  • Desiree m on Matthew 19 - 13 years ago
    Jesus was explaing to his deciples that he who is thought of as all of that on this earth because they have wealth, fame, or power and do not put him first in there lives, shall be considered nothing or last in the kingdon of heaven.
  • Casey on Matthew 19 - 13 years ago
    i was wondering which disciple will be takin the seat on the 12 th throne, as judas betrayed jesus (was it so that he was part of God's plan in coming to pass the the events that led up to eventual fulfilment of scriptures (crucifixtion) or was judas condemned to eternal damnation
  • Tim on Matthew 19 - 13 years ago
    Adding to my earlier comment; John 8:41 tells us the definition of Fornication.
    They said to Jesus, "We be not born of fornication", They were telling Jesus their parents were properly married and did not have a relationship before marrige. Joseph and Mary were not married, when the Holy Ghost came to Mary and she conceived. Matt chapter 1:18-20. Read the story now and see how much more you understand about fornication and adultery. Walk in the light as it shown upon your path.
  • Tim on Matthew 19 - 13 years ago
    This chapter tells us how we "should" live as True Christians.
    The Pharisees where tempting Jesus by asking his belief of what Moses gave them in v3.
    Jesus told them they where to be Male and Female as husband and wife v4.
    This man "Shall" leave mom and dad, and Cleave to his wife. This is after marrige, if it were before marrige this would be "Fornication" not Adultery. They have NEVER be married before...
    They become 1 flesh v5.
    Moses gave the writing of divorcement, because of the Hardness of their hearts in v8.
    "Fornication is when a man and a woman have a relationship outside of marrige, neither person has ever been married before",
    Thus v9 makes perfect sense. If I, having never been married, marry a woman that has been married before, she is committing Adultery and I am committing Fornication. v9
    If I then divorce her, I free myself from Fornication and am elgible to marry an elgible wife only.
  • James on Matthew 19 - 13 years ago
    yes jesus is a family man we are his children who dou think created family and about the comment about a partner who gets bipolar or anything marriage vows say's for better or worse not because I could'nt do better or she could do worse
  • KK on Matthew 19 - 13 years ago
    Absolutely wonderful. We are here to get back there. I can hardly wait. All but dung... in a big way. Just to see Him face to face. The will and only the will of God is perfect and good for all. Any witness?
  • Chin on Matthew 19:30 - 13 years ago
    People like Noah who was righteous in the beining (first) and if Paul was consired one of the last, they were saved
  • Phil on Matthew 19 - 13 years ago
    Matt:9 vs 25-26; is very expressive by itself: it is impossible to enter the kingdom of God without God spearheading the course of our lives; especially for the rich that put their trust in riches. There have been a lot of interpretations to verse 25; pampering Jesus' words on 'the eye of a needle' but no matter how much we pamper it, the truth in the word of our Lord speaks for itself. Only God can all things possible. For without him, we can do nothing
  • James on Matthew 19 - 13 years ago
    so we need to sell everything we own to get into heaven thats nt very realistic in this day and age
  • Jael on Matthew 19 - 13 years ago
    "Whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder"

    WHAT does that mean??? I don't think it has anything to do with a nice church wedding and everything. From the beginning! Adam and Eve !!!!! People are misguided in seeking happiness in personal relationships: Jesus is not a family man! Seeking salvation is all-consuming. Takes a lifetime. Everything else, spouse, kids, career, mortgage, car, hairdos, holidays, everything, all red herrings all thorns and brambles on the path to salvation. Get rid of your camel and walk through the pilgrim's gate: it's your only hope!
  • Lee on Matthew 19:24 - 13 years ago
    i love this one,, it is awesome..
    god bless!!!
    and have a great day :)
  • Oscar M. on Matthew 19 - 13 years ago
    In today's advanced medical world, if a husband or wife is severely mentally incapacitated (Bipolar/Schizophrenia) and regularly fights with spouse causing a divorse, could the sane person re-marry for the sake of sanity and happiness?
  • David on MATTHEW 19:30 - 14 years ago
    I believe Jesus is teaching that God rewards believers according to His grace and mercy not accoding to their lobor or sacrifices
  • Klaus Engelmann on Matthew 19 - 14 years ago
    With regard to verse 9 - If you put away (divorce) your wife for reasons other than fornication (sex outside of marriage) and you marry someone else, you have committed adultery.

    If you marry someone who is divorced, you are then committing adultery.

    If two people are living together, they are living in sin (fornication) and have no legitmate union in the eyes of God.
  • Cb Casserly on Matthew 19:9 - 14 years ago
    Jesus is talking to the espoused or rather the engaged when he speaks of "fonication". Just like how Mary was considered Joseph's wife even though they were not yet married. So the engaged man can put away his wife if it is found that she is not pure ( not a virgin). Thus, it is safe to say that she has committed fornication. Fornication is a forbidden sexual act between the unmarried. To the married he simply says remain married because you have passed the stage (espoused/engaged stage) to put away your spouse.
  • Les Noll on Matthew 19 - 14 years ago
    Gods Word is clear once we have joined together we are One But if we marry we are in a holy covenent with each other Let me ask if a woman marries a man and suffers many beatings and then he divorces her would she be free to marry/ Would God Bless the marriage? Comments Please
  • Tim Hunt on Matthew 19:17 - 15 years ago
    God our father in heaven is head of his future family,Jesus still a man had not yet completed his sinless life, thus qualifying to rule over his future kingdom on EARTH. So at that point he was not yet good, only our father in heaven. Sin is the transgression of the law, Jesus life as a man was not yet over, so at that point it remained to be seen if he would complete a sinless life. Jesus then told them that if they were to enter into life they also must keep the commandments.

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