I like to read each account of a given biblical account especially when deeply searching truth or studying details. The search box on this site is helpful for that.
But in the end, the important part is the miraculous provision made by Jesus, multiplying the food to feed so many. It wasn't just ""stretching" the morsels out to feed more (as we did when there was someone extra for dinner in our big family). It was obviously abundantly miraculous.
You are welcome. It is true that we don't know how long the journey was or if the Lord waited on those who came by foot. Something I am also seeing is that in Matthew 14:13, it says they followed him on foot out of the cities (Plural). So my guess is that they came from various cities to where Jesus was and some may have gotten there even before Him. This is just a guess on my part. I do not know?
Thanks Jesse, I was thinking that also, An out of the way place that is not very inhabited. The Jordan valley is very fertile and as steep slopes leading up to the upland. The people may have had a way around the body of water Jesus was crossing in a boat and were able to meet up with Him wen he got out of the boat to the place He wished to perform tis miracle. He must have tarried some for them to catch up with him, or the boat was slow traveling compared to foot. We don't know if it was a long journey or sort.
It does and TY!! There's that old adage that scripture defines scripture and good ol'Mark details this departure in a different way. Apparently the masses came from all directions, so many didn't have to cross by sea (I'm thinking HOW did @20,000 people get a vessel to navigate a body of water)? Holy Spirit driven. Your desert description makes total sense!!
Matthew 14:13-21 speaks about the provision of food for the five thousand. You are correct in stating the approximate number of people being 20,000. It tells us that there were also women and children, so it would have been somewhere between 15 to 20 thousand people that were fed.
Here is what I would like to share with you on this section as I am taking it from reading the Greek text. In Matthew 14:13, it says that Jesus departed by ship into a (desert place) apart. We see the word desert in our English bibles, and we think of a desert as some dried-up place full of cactus (No grass). So why did Jesus tell them to sit on the grass? There's no grass in the desert!
This is why I love the Greek. In the Greek text, where it says, "a desert place," it is EREMON TOPON which literally means a secluded place. It is not a desert as we know a desert to be in English. This was a secluded place that would have had grass. So that would explain why Jesus had them sit on the grass.
Wherever this secluded place was, we know that Jesus went by boat. As for the masses that followed, Verse 13 says they walked.
Jesus desired solitude, departed on a ship, then went to the desert. Yet the masses followed him? HOW? did they take a ship? There were @ 20,000 of them (5000 men). Also they were in the desert but Jesus told them to sit on the grass?
I see a Peter in all of us, We will fall apart in our long suit when times get tough. Peter thought he had enough in himself to love and worship the Lord for ministry but he failed "like all of us"
When the Holyspirit come, not only was he bold and equipped for the ministry but he was given the ability to love and die for the Lord.
As for the skeptics, If they deny the scripture convincing them of anything is impossible, However we stick with what's in scripture, All of them!!!
My Question Is. (1) What traits of peter's faith during his time learning from Jesus are admirable. Which needed further growth. (2) What should the Christian response be when skeptics try to rationalize away the miraculous works Jesus performed. Thank You.
Hi Raymond, I'm not sure who you're referring to by 'we', but I can assure you I'm not worshipping anyone other than God Exodus 20:3. Jesus is the only way to the Father as it says in John 14:6. Anyone who says otherwise is already described in the Bible, like in Matthew 7:15, Matthew 24:24. God bless.
When someone languishes, it means that he becomes so weak or feeble in strength that if he happens to be bed-ridden he only grows worse because it & the prolonged inactivity. But David proclaims that even in that pitiful condition, the Lord will give him the necessary strength & bring him to full health.
And this David spoke as applying to the person who "considers the poor". So this person is indeed blessed of the Lord, as he places the unfortunate & struggling person before himself. We could even see how the Lord reached out to us, both poor & languishing in spiritual darkness, but a Saviour came by for us, not regarding his Own Life but for those who needed help & salvation from the pit of sin & hell.
Hi Arielle, That's a good question, However the sabbath day is a Saturday. So if Jesus was crucified on the day before the " weekly "sabbath, that would put his crucifixion on a Friday with Saturday/the weekly sabbath coming up at 6;01pm. because their days are 6 pm to 6pm as ours is 12am to 12am. so his resurrection would have had to be around Tuesday.
But it is believed to have been 2 sabbath that week, There is also a yearly sabbath comes around every 7 years that may have came around Thursday pryor placing his burial late Wednesday ( before 6pm) and his resurrection Sunday (after 6pm) preceding Saturday. Here's the yearly sabbath. What is an annual Sabbath?
The sabbath year (shmita; Hebrew: , literally "release"), also called the sabbatical year or shvi'it (, literally "seventh"), is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the Bet HaMikdash in the Land of Israel and is observed in Judaism.
Note: My calculations may be flawed. I hope that helps. Maybe someone can help us both.
Comments by Alex about Faith by the written word and faith by the living word,Faith by the written word just brings on another religion but faith by the living word brings on spritual pregnancy the living word implies his voice present that word that is nigh you even in your mouth your HEART etc. Today if you will hear his voice etc, the new birth does not come via the written word but by the living word , As Peter said being bornagain by an incorruptible seed EVEN BY THE WORD OF GOD THAT LIVETH AND ABIDETH FOREVER, THE living word not the written word . Its the living Word that brings on Real faith, a spritual pregnancy which is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen Even in the natural when a woman is pregnant she has the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen the Child symbolic of th H.G TH PROMISE that is born in us via his seed the living word as my words are SPIRIT AND LIFE TH Child of PROMISE ,But the written word brings on no such fruit unto God as there is no eternal life in the written word as Jesus said search the scriptures in them you think you have eternal life but it is them that testify of me which is the H.G. that he said was gona testify of HIM etc. Remember he said i have a greater witness then John. Which is the H.G. that Child of Promise that is gonna be born in us via his seed the living word. Natural Israel was sola scriptura but they stoned almost every Prophet that God sent them and rejected the Christ . The written word answers to the lesser light but the living WORD answers to the greater light as Jesus said he was the light of the world but the written word is not th light of the world but it is a lesser light that we need at this end time. But Jesus said them that walk in the night a lesser light, bible only no H.G. no fruit unto God will stumble. God made 2 lights the lesser light and greater light but the written word answers to the lesser light an th LIVING WORD th Greater Light a Sun
Comments by Alex on Christ the FATHER , Philip asked Jesus to SHOW them the Father and it will suffice US, then Jesus Replied Philip have i been so long a time with you and you have not seen ME, He that sees me has seen the FATHER, Remember Isaiah refered to Christ as everlasting FATHER simply b/c Christ is like his Father able to reproduce very God in humanity via his seed the word ( the living word ) my words are spirit and life and his words are his seeds Jesus WD not refer to himself as FATHER if he were not the father of SOMEONE which is the H.G. the granson our fruit unto God . When God made that Promise of multiplication of Christ seed it implies Gransons an ISRAEL OF GOD aka as Regeneration of the H.G. thru out the whole world th field is the world where that good seed is gona be sown thus multiplication of Christ seed.When he breathe on them he was sowing seed, Propagating very GOD the Children were spirits the H.G plural now we see he is the FATHER of Gods,To whom his Word came it made them Gods , It was God the FATHER that said that everything has to multiply after its Kind, Jesus was multipling after the GOD KIND, Spirits His CHILDREN are spirits the H.G PLURAL, The H.G IS Gods KIND and thats how we know that he is truly God And also a FATHER NOT HIS OWN FATHER BUT THE FATHER OF THE H.G. the GRANSON, Ya gotta realize that this father son and granson scenario is a family and thats the only way there can ever be an Israel of God which fulfills that great PROMISE OF MULTIPLICATION OF CHRIST SEED.When he breathe on them he was propagating very God as his breath was his WORD HIS SEED ETC. Thats y the Woman is giving birth she is the best example of the new birth via his precious seed th new covenant a birthing covenant I WILL KNOW THEM ALL IMPLING A BIRTH IN HUMANITY A HEAVENLY JACOB AN ISRAEL OF GOD.
That's a good question because without faith it is impossible to please God it says in The book of Hebrews.
Remember Stephen was said to be full of faith , and the Holy Spirit and performed many miracles .
Christ dwells in our heart by faith as well , so the strength of our faith effects how well we experience his presence .
Remember Jesus said to his disciples they where of little faith for not trusting God for all their needs ?
Jesus said trial of your faith is more precious than fine gold .
So faith can be little to full and if healthy it should be growing .
Faith comes from hearing and understanding the word of God in the heart . Practice is experience that makes it stronger .
Little faith is much better than no faith , it just needs to be used and nurtured , tested , it will get stronger . So take heart. Few are ever full in faith , I have never met anyone that was full of faith like Apostle Peter for example.
Little faith certainly is something to work with and can grow.
Hi May. I just ran across your quite of Thessalonians. May I ask that if the Lord had the voice of an archangel, was and is the Lord AN archangel? Thank you for your attention.
May-watchwomanintheendtimes on Matthew 14 - 4 years ago
The Rapture
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words.
14-21 above, also in 2020, those who sought JESUS was shown the POWER OF GOD through JESUS. Above, JESUS being a GOOD SHEPARD knew /knows the need of them seeking JESUS. JESUS recognize the seeker's need and miraculously make the impossible to be possible for those who reached out and sought JESUS. JESUS being a GOOD SHEPARD both healed and fed them and us in 2020. Like the above John 3:16-21 guides those who seek JESUS, guiding us to the same POWER above. This same POWER has been made available to us in 2020, especially those who seek SALVATION through JESUS and not forgetting healing and feeding. John 3:16-21 guides all seekers to the power of SALVATION thereby we avoid the lake of fire.
2Kings 9:30, Jeremiah 22:14,
1611 KJV, Judith 8, through, Judith 14,
Hopefully these are helpful
John 6:23-24, they took ships
I like to read each account of a given biblical account especially when deeply searching truth or studying details. The search box on this site is helpful for that.
Hopefully this is helpful
But in the end, the important part is the miraculous provision made by Jesus, multiplying the food to feed so many. It wasn't just ""stretching" the morsels out to feed more (as we did when there was someone extra for dinner in our big family). It was obviously abundantly miraculous.
You are welcome. It is true that we don't know how long the journey was or if the Lord waited on those who came by foot. Something I am also seeing is that in Matthew 14:13, it says they followed him on foot out of the cities (Plural). So my guess is that they came from various cities to where Jesus was and some may have gotten there even before Him. This is just a guess on my part. I do not know?
Thanks for helping on this.
Matthew 14:13-21 speaks about the provision of food for the five thousand. You are correct in stating the approximate number of people being 20,000. It tells us that there were also women and children, so it would have been somewhere between 15 to 20 thousand people that were fed.
Here is what I would like to share with you on this section as I am taking it from reading the Greek text. In Matthew 14:13, it says that Jesus departed by ship into a (desert place) apart. We see the word desert in our English bibles, and we think of a desert as some dried-up place full of cactus (No grass). So why did Jesus tell them to sit on the grass? There's no grass in the desert!
This is why I love the Greek. In the Greek text, where it says, "a desert place," it is EREMON TOPON which literally means a secluded place. It is not a desert as we know a desert to be in English. This was a secluded place that would have had grass. So that would explain why Jesus had them sit on the grass.
Wherever this secluded place was, we know that Jesus went by boat. As for the masses that followed, Verse 13 says they walked.
Does this help any?
I see a Peter in all of us, We will fall apart in our long suit when times get tough. Peter thought he had enough in himself to love and worship the Lord for ministry but he failed "like all of us"
When the Holyspirit come, not only was he bold and equipped for the ministry but he was given the ability to love and die for the Lord.
As for the skeptics, If they deny the scripture convincing them of anything is impossible, However we stick with what's in scripture, All of them!!!
God bless
And this David spoke as applying to the person who "considers the poor". So this person is indeed blessed of the Lord, as he places the unfortunate & struggling person before himself. We could even see how the Lord reached out to us, both poor & languishing in spiritual darkness, but a Saviour came by for us, not regarding his Own Life but for those who needed help & salvation from the pit of sin & hell.
But it is believed to have been 2 sabbath that week, There is also a yearly sabbath comes around every 7 years that may have came around Thursday pryor placing his burial late Wednesday ( before 6pm) and his resurrection Sunday (after 6pm) preceding Saturday. Here's the yearly sabbath. What is an annual Sabbath?
The sabbath year (shmita; Hebrew: , literally "release"), also called the sabbatical year or shvi'it (, literally "seventh"), is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the Bet HaMikdash in the Land of Israel and is observed in Judaism.
Note: My calculations may be flawed. I hope that helps. Maybe someone can help us both.
Why is the Sabbath day a Sunday , when the seventh day of the week is Saturday?
I am trying to understand why the change in the timeline.
Remember Stephen was said to be full of faith , and the Holy Spirit and performed many miracles .
Christ dwells in our heart by faith as well , so the strength of our faith effects how well we experience his presence .
Remember Jesus said to his disciples they where of little faith for not trusting God for all their needs ?
Jesus said trial of your faith is more precious than fine gold .
So faith can be little to full and if healthy it should be growing .
Faith comes from hearing and understanding the word of God in the heart . Practice is experience that makes it stronger .
Little faith is much better than no faith , it just needs to be used and nurtured , tested , it will get stronger . So take heart. Few are ever full in faith , I have never met anyone that was full of faith like Apostle Peter for example.
Little faith certainly is something to work with and can grow.
The mustard seed is little in stature, but the germ of faith within is enough to accomplish great things.
Great faith is firmly rooted in Jesus Christ.
And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
And when THEY were come into the ship, the wind ceased.
Jesus commands weather. Book of Job. You can pray for favor in disasters of weather. Grow your faith.
They don't! Our culture doesn't require it. They caution about waivers to the spouses property & cash in case of a divorce.
Did Jesus go all technical and legalistic with the woman at the well? What is the HEART of the Law?
In addition to pain, suffering, loss of material things, financial things, children, loss of home, etc.
Add to this a ton of guilt to carry the rest of your limited human life; because you didn't know Gods laws? ...amazing grace.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words.