King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

Want to link to this website? You may do so with no permission needed. Code examples are below. Just copy and paste the HTML code to your page and edit the book/verse if needed. You may also add the Bible to your website.
Link to home page:
Real Example: King James Bible Online
Link to one chapter:
Real Example: Matthew Chapter 1
Link to one verse:
Real Example: Matthew 1:1
To link to a RANGE of Bible chapters/verses:
Note: The range is only valid within the same book and cannot extend to other books. The URL requires a hyphen - between the chapter and verse and an _ underscore separating the chapters. Remember to put a backslash / at the end of the URL. Please test your URLs. Some may find it easier to just enter the book and range on this website'ssearch, then when on that page, copy and paste that page's URL.
Link to a chapter range:
Real Example: Matthew 1 - 3
Link to a chapter-verse range:
Use This HTML Code:
Real Example: Matthew 1:5 - 3:4
To share to Facebook or Twitter:
The chapter reading pages all have a share to Facebook or Twitter icon on the right-side, and the verse specific pages have a share icon below in the middle.