Judges Chapter 19 Discussion Page 2

  • Ben on Judges 19 - 10 years ago
    People you must read the Bible in context,this book of the bible is showing what happens when mankind has no fear of God. Everyone does what seems good in their sight. Remember that "the heart is deceitful, and desperately wicked, no mankind can know it " thus the ultimate product of a depraved mind in lawful or lawlessness is the very ugly and corrupt acts of mankind 's heart. Is homosexuality not with us today?, what about rape, and defilement of minors?. These things are happening after the law of Moses has been given to the children of Israel,from the time they settled in Canaan until the kingship of Saul yet mankind is not able to desist from evil and wicked acts against God and their fellow humans. This goes to prove, that law by itself was not meant to "save " mankind from sin.The law was for mankind sort of like a school master that shows mankind who he she really is without Christ.
  • Gloria on Judges 19 - 10 years ago
    what is the significance of vs.29, and why was this done. why would a Levite have a concubine? Nothing has changed much for woman over the ages, this explains that women were always undervalued. You have to wonder if this because of Eve 's sin the Garden of Eden that women are treated as Chattel?
  • Justsomeguy151 on Judges 19:29 - 10 years ago
    What an ugly verse. Why did he murder her? Why did he cut her into pieces? Why did he allow her to be raped all night? What was the point of this horrific story?
  • Mugambi witness francid on Judges 19:24 - 10 years ago
    Fantastic book especially Samson is an inspiration
  • Createams on Judges 19 - 10 years ago
    This isn t about a concubine or harlot it s about the Priesthood and a Levite whose inheritance is the ministry of God and all things that pertain thereto. As with Micah in chapter 17 and the Levite Priest who cares for his idol s then in 18 leaves with the lost sheep of Dan to be their father a Levite Priest whose lived a thousand Sabbaths yet can t teach Dan the Frist Commandment. Judges 17 6 In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes. In 19 this Levite Priest who knew nothing of the Lord troubled and shamed the house of Israel for had he known the Lord he would not have known this woman.
  • Bryan on Judges 19 - 10 years ago
    I believe that sin was so ramphant that was like normal for the people that lived there what will we be seeing in times to come
  • Fridah on Judges 19 - 11 years ago
    I am disturbed by this verse of how the woman was treated Hope someone can give us a deeper understanding women should not be treated like this couldn t those men defend her why did the Levite cut her into pieces there too many questions
  • Cynthia on Judges 19 - 11 years ago
    Had the whole tribe of benjamin gone bad that no one came to this woman defense while hearing her screams from this abuse. Was her husband such a coward that he just didn't go out in her place. Why is Israel trying to find the tribe of Benjamin wives after killing all the women. ?
  • Randy on Judges 19 - 11 years ago
    The two men that put the concubine outside were both pieces of trash for doing so; if I had been the girl's father, I would have slaughtered them both for doing so as I would exact vengeance today on anyone that would lay a finger on my mother, my wife, or either of my two daughters. Now some of you would tell me that I am wrong to think that way but look art this: if everyone thought the way that I do, there would be no abuse of women in our society.
  • Segetee on Judges 19 - 11 years ago
    The interpretation of the concubines body that was cut by the Levite was to show the israelites that they are not one. An arm of Israel i.e the benjamites were those that committed this attrocities against their own brothers. They knew her in this context means they had sex with her and not that they had known her prior to this event. read carefully what the old man said " do unto them what seemeth good unto you" these are wise words he used to set up the people of belial. that which seemeth right in the eyes of man might be wrong in the presence of God. and for this reason, they would suffer for their sins
  • Evans Achieng on Judges 19 - 11 years ago
    Sad...But where was God in the midist of all these? He was just watching. His beloved people doing the strangest of things. the sins for which nations were being driven from before them. Homo***suality, harlotry....
    I think it also points to future judgement of the adulterous Nation-israel.
  • Rhonda on Judges 19 - 11 years ago
    The men that gang ****d her stated they knew of her..Was she some sort o prostitue to or was she the levites wife? I am a bit baffled about how the Levite cut her body up. She was dead already. Obviously he loved her but why not just bury her? Is that a sighn saying that she was such a harlot that she had all parts of Isreal...I am confused but seeking understanding!!!
  • Lisa Duprey on Judges 19 - 11 years ago
    I am very disturbed about this verse,why did he have to cut her up to make his point. That was not necessary and he showed no pity for her when she was lying on the doopstep. This story is very disturbing I don't like how women were treated at that time.
  • M. Sullivan on Judges 19 - 12 years ago
    I am not sure why? God chose a woman to show sin and the consequences of it. But sin carried with it a great value of punishment.
  • Sara Addy on Judges 19 - 13 years ago
    The answer to this chapter is revealed in chapter 20.
    The womans sins are clearly stated here.
  • Sara Addy on Judges 19 - 13 years ago
    The context is in verse 2 the woman was his wife and she whored against her husband and left him going back to her father's house. Her actions lead her to suffer and to death.
    She was made an example of to remind Israel of the penalty of continuing to sin thus her body was cut and spread out to the 12 tribes.
  • Sherri Black on Judges 19 - 13 years ago
    I always thought that a concubine was a prostitute. This chapter makes me think that the woman was one of many wives. I am saddened that all these horrors befell this woman. Being abused all night in gang rape fashion by homosexuals that would have preferred a man. Its disturbing, but I liken it to when the same thing happened with the angels at lots house and again the maiden was offered to a group of vicious perverts. I love God and his word, but this story is very disturbing.
  • Yvonne on Judges 19 - 13 years ago
    Why did the concubine husband the Levite cut her into twelve pieces and sent one piece of her body part to each tribe in Isreal?
  • Mike on Judges 19:30 - 14 years ago
    need clarification on (12 Shores of Israel) does this mean the 12 Tribes???

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