Yes, God so loved the world, and He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him(JESUS)should not perish...we have to believe with JESUS alone and obey His commandments to get into heaven.
Praise be to Jesus, Son of God, Savior of mankind! He is my Redeemer, my Savior, and my Great Physician and Healer. He has taken my terrible arthtis pain away, when the ER doctors were no help at all. I will forever pray before I bother with earthly people and things. Praise be to Jesus, He who loves me through to my soul! Amen!
GreaterLove hath no man than this than to lay down his life for his friends! Jesus loves us all and is so special. I love Jesus because he 1st loved me . Jesus leaves no one out cause he loves all!
For God "SO" Loved - meaning madly in love, loved beyond the norm... That He said if you believe in my Son, you will have everlasting Life. The Criteria to go to Heaven or have eternal life is for us to believe in Christ. Believe in what He did for us and you would have eternal life. That is Love! unconditional love! Never question if you have eternal life if you believe and accepted Jesus in your life because you do. He said it and His Word is unchanging and uncompromising. Isaiah 55:10-11 says it.
it is great since the master infacise on the aspect of being born again so that we may inherit the kingdom of GOD and he said whe a man is born of the flesh is flesh but born of the spirit is spirit glory am a child of the spirit so i have no limit in the life
Josh's said in his comment on 9/20/2013, 12:58pm...I don't share the belief that being baptized is a requirement to salvation. Look at the thief hanging on the cross.
John, the thief on the cross was UNDER the law, therefore baptism was not essential for his salvation. The requirements of new testament salvation are completely different from the law. The Apostle Paul explains this in Romans.
Nelson asked who resurrected Jesus. Romans 8 tellls us the same Spirit (Holy Spirit) that raised Christ from the dead will quicken our mortal bodies. The 3rd member of the Trinity raised Jesus from the dead
Man is self-centered and does not want to know the One true God or His son Jesus. Man's heart is fixed on the things of this world and not on the things of God or heaven.
In answer to Keith's question about what happens to babies or to people who are not baptized... it is my belief that the scripture means being born of water and of spirit meaning your natural birth and than your spiritual rebirth as a born-again Christian. Although being baptized is an outward sign to others of your dedication and of washing away the old man and coming back out as the new man, I don't share the belief that being baptized is a requirement to salvation. Look at the thief hanging on the cross. The Lord tells him that he would be with him that day in paradise...there definitely was no time to come off the cross and baptize the man, however the thief believed in Him and he was saved.
If man cannot enter the Kingdom of God without having been born of water and of the spirit, what becomes of those that believe yet die before they are baptized? Or to a baby that dies without having been baptized.
When Jesus said, a man be born again it doesnt mean we should go back to our mothers womb and be born again. Born again mean, we must ascept His invitation and live a Christian life. Is also similar to the word Repent; and be an example to other Christian
I am still trying to understand and grasp the wording in the Bible. I do believe in Jesus and I do believe he died on the cross for our sins. John 3:16 is the way for all to see him and he is there for us. I repent for all my sins and ask for foregiveness and please help me understand your word in Jesus name I pray A-men.
I am so thankful for God's only Son. That He gave all of us a way of escape. That if we can just believe, we can no longer be held bondage by Satan in Sin. For we know that the wages of sin is death; but the Gift of God {Jesus} is eternal Life through our Lord Jesus Christ.
3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease - Is lowing one's self to such a level of inexistence that Christ can shine by & through me & therefore be Gloryfied as to be a light of hope to those who's vision for life has ceased to achieve.
Jesus is yesterday, today and forever nothing can separate us from the love of God because God is good all the time and all the time He is good. Who is worthy of my life my future who is worthy to die for me...worthy is the Lamb who was crucified n the cross of calvary to receive power to bring in the world to who ever accept him as hid Lord and Saviour....Jesus is love greater then Jesus will never reject anyone that comes to Him seeking for help even those who persecute Him because he is love be born again now before is to late because Jesus loves you.
This message comes from our great saviour "God" tells us that we are all saved despite all sins that we are committed......Thanks God for your endless love to us. Iloveyou....jesus....For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believed in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life....Amen....
JESUS is the only way to have eternal life.
There is no substitute for what he did on the cross. It is up to mankind to make the choice
richer or poorer, slave or free,male or female
whatever raze or color or social status.the answer is JESUS given by GOD
The "we" and the "us" in this verse are God's 3 personalities or self expressions. The early church fathers thought of God as an actor wearing 3 character masks, one for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Spirit. The character mask of Jesus, then, is the way God speaks to us and saves us.
Let's state it plainly: The character an actor plays and the actor are one and the same person. This makes Jesus, as God's character, God.
This fact has been in the Bible all along, but few have understood it. But now that we do, let's not reject it. If we do our minds will remain in darkness, and we will never know God as our Savior. He is Jesus, the way God speaks to us.
@Inyang--Where in scripture Inyang--did anyone simply "accepted" Jesus into their lives?
I know that "accepting Jesus into your heart" is the major theme in Christianity these days--but where in the scriptures can we find a PERSON who was actually saved by --- JUST-- "accepting Jesus--into their heart. Nowhere, the actual instructions HOW to receive salvation is found in Act2--A fact which is mostly ignored by the majority of Christians these days.s.
John, the thief on the cross was UNDER the law, therefore baptism was not essential for his salvation. The requirements of new testament salvation are completely different from the law. The Apostle Paul explains this in Romans.
Yasuo I. Yamada
There is no substitute for what he did on the cross. It is up to mankind to make the choice
richer or poorer, slave or free,male or female
whatever raze or color or social status.the answer is JESUS given by GOD
Let's state it plainly: The character an actor plays and the actor are one and the same person. This makes Jesus, as God's character, God.
This fact has been in the Bible all along, but few have understood it. But now that we do, let's not reject it. If we do our minds will remain in darkness, and we will never know God as our Savior. He is Jesus, the way God speaks to us.
I know that "accepting Jesus into your heart" is the major theme in Christianity these days--but where in the scriptures can we find a PERSON who was actually saved by --- JUST-- "accepting Jesus--into their heart. Nowhere, the actual instructions HOW to receive salvation is found in Act2--A fact which is mostly ignored by the majority of Christians these days.s.