John Chapter 3 Discussion Page 22

  • Connie Hicks on John 3 - 10 years ago
    I Love John 3 16
  • Dons udoyibo on John 3 - 10 years ago
    I love GoD with all my haert. And he love his hands made. John 3 vs 16.I belive in him and I belive in his son JESUS CHRIST.
  • Fineman Ndimele on John 3 - 10 years ago
    John Chapter 3 is a great Chapter for me. In it I have seen the love of God revealled. The Holy Spirit has given me the understanding that what Jesus brought to us is the new life. Any one who believes in Him will have it. I believe that Jesus is the son of God. He died for my sins and was raised for my justification. I gave my life to Him to be my saviour, and I confessed Him as my Lord. Now He gave me a new life from heaven. No condemnation for me as a child of God. The broken fellowship in the garden of Eden has been restored. God is my Father, I am His Child. The Holy Spirit is living comfortably in me, teaching and comforting me. Thank You Jesus.
  • Adewuyi omowumi eniola on John 3:16 - 10 years ago
    Unto jesus i surrender all to him, becaure god is d god of love
  • Ruth on John 3:16 - 10 years ago
    he is love the lord
  • Judy on John 3 - 10 years ago
    Does it say in the bible ,who baptized Jesus
  • John Ritter on John 3 - 10 years ago
    Shakinahs verse 16 You know what your talking about, thanks to God someone has it correct.
  • Roisin-Teagan on John 3:16 - 10 years ago
    When I was about four or five years old the very first verse that I memorized was John 3 16. Knowing the Word is very important, and meditating on the Word is very important but applying the Word is extremely important. It is really nice to be able see and read the originial KJV. Roisin, from the U.S.A.
  • Greg on John 3 - 10 years ago
    I think to many people read verse 17 wrong. the see the saved part but do not see the might. people should fear God, if they do not believe in his son. an he says too satan believes in Jesus, so you must accept him in, an he will change you, for he cannot live in aunclean body.
  • Sue Carroll on John 3:17 - 10 years ago
    I think it means exactly what it says. Jesus came as the pure image of God 's love. We need not be afraid anymore of being judged, condemned , or rejected. Jesus is The Christ, the son of the living God, who alone can make us whole.
  • Steve on John 3 - 10 years ago
    I love to read the comments, I love John 3 16, but when some people try to quote this verse it doesn 't sound like KJV, they say eternal life instead of everlasting life, KJV is the best translation, John 3 16 is a great verse, we are saved forever, that 's great, God Bless you all.
  • Joshua on John 3:16 - 10 years ago
    thankyou father!
  • Rae on John 3:5 - 10 years ago
    john 3 and 23 in the same chapter they are talking about being baptized in water the thief on the cross was under the old law before the holy ghost had come please read and study the whole chapter NEVER take one or two verses and try to under stand you must study the whole chapter STUDY TO SHOW THY SELF APPROVED
  • Lele on John 3 - 10 years ago
  • Chaplain Slo Lane on John 3:16 - 10 years ago
    The translation given under the peoples bible is heretical as it states that the atonening sacrifice was not to appease the Father 's wrath. This is incorrect as Christ is the propitiation. This is the very definintion of propitiation.
  • John on John 3 - 10 years ago
    We should be born in spirit n live life worth to the mighty one.
  • Shakinah on John 3:16 - 10 years ago
    we are SAVED by GRACE through FAITH !. we are not Saved by the works we do or the self righteousness,. you are SAVED if, youve repent change of mind which is acknowledging you are a sinner deserving of hell, accepted JESUS CHRIST as your SAVIOUR , and Believed the GOSPEL which is JESUS CHRIST died for our sins in the Cross,was buried,and rose the third day. now after you have done this you can be sure you Have ETERNAL LIFE.
  • Hannah on John 3 - 10 years ago
    this is my fav verse
  • Rebecca on John 3 - 10 years ago
    I dont understand why did Moses lifted up the serpent... isnt suppose to be symbolize as devil?
  • Rev. Autrey on John 3:16 - 10 years ago
    Verse 16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believed in him shall not perish but have eternal life. " This is the most famous verse in the Bible, but it is also one of the verses people use to try to prove that Jesus is not God. The trouble is, they forget that John said in John 1 2 that Jesus is God. That is a true statement can cannot be changed. Because if Jesus is not God, then we cannot depend on anything he says. Only God is truth! The trouble is, people do not understand the Trinitarian nature of God. God is three persons, or has three distinct personalities. The Father is the way God makes his decisions, the Holy Spirit is the way God inspires us to believe in him. And Jesus is the way God speaks to us. So God is not a human man as we are. God does not have children. The title "Son of God, " then, is a title Jesus used to describe his human birth, and a title he used to identify himself with the human race of men. Also, it is his way of discribing or giving us an insight into the conversation that takes place in the mind of God between his distinct personalities. These personalities are distinct. That is, they can tell each other apart, but they are not separate from each other. They are the one God. Jesus described the workings of God 's mind by saying this to Nicodemus, "I assure you, I am telling you what WE know and have seen, and yet you won 't believe US. " Again, the WE and the US are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But Jesus is the way God speaks to us, as demonstrated by Jesus saying, "I assure you ... " The Jews knew what Jesus was saying. After Jesus had said to them that he and the Father are one, or that he and the Father are one and the same God, they picked up stone and tried to kill him. When Jesus asked them why they were doing this, they said, "Not for any good work, but for blasphemy, you a mere man, have declared yourself to be God. " May God help us to understand!
  • Boitumelo on John 3 - 10 years ago
    "For God loved the world and give his only Son to die for us so that we can have an everlasting life "..I 'm so greatful to know Jesus as my saver,to be called the child of God,though hard times He 's been wonderful and He never changes,when ever I need Him,he 's forever around me.. I love you Jesus.
  • Sharonepps on John 3 - 10 years ago
    amen .yes we must be born again to enter in his kingdom .amen.
  • Toni on John 3:16 - 10 years ago
    People love quoting John 3 16. But who has truly sold out to the world to obtain this everlasting life that comes through believing in Jesus? It 's more than quoting this verse, or even saying "I believe in Jesus. " Jesus says "if you love me, keep my commandments. " In keeping His commandments,we must give up the world and follow Jesus. We have to deny self and take up the cross, give up the pleasures and cares of this life that choke down the word of God. It 's more than saying it, this is something we must do daily. God is not going to allow His only begotten Son to die in vain. If we don 't suffer with Him, we will not reign with Him.
  • Blessed on John 3 - 10 years ago
    Verse29 speaks of the bridegroom and the friend of the bridegroom. John speaks of his relationship with JESUS. JESUS and John were close this John baptized JESUS with all humility. He said he wasn 't worthy to latchet JESUS shoes. JESUS is the bridegroom and we are his friends when we listen to him and do what he does.
  • MockingBird on John 3:17 - 10 years ago
    Praise God Jesus came not to condemn me but to save me and show mercy toward me. I really like Ken 's comment on 5 27 2013 .he hit the nail on the head. I was once condemned but now in Christ Jesus I am made new through the blood of the everlasting covenant.
  • Toni on John 3:17 - 10 years ago
    It is such a wonderful blessing to know that our Maker and Creator loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to save us from eternal damnation. Jesus did not come to tell us how horrible we are, but to show us the way back to the Father, which is through Jesus 's blood that He shed. Know Jesus know salvation. No Jesus no salvation. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. NO one can come to the Father but by Him.
  • Doris on John 3 - 10 years ago
    Act2 38 clearly says men must repent first in their heart then comes the baptism in jesus name.A man must be born of water and of the spirit , which is the holy ghost if he is to enter into the kingdom of god.
  • Paul summers on John 3 - 10 years ago
    Hello all. The words that Jesus was using were in the context of being baptised in the Holy spirit. The way one can only be baptised in the Holy spirit is to be born again. This baptism happens instantaneously when one believes in the gospel message. Water baptism is yes, recommended for all believers, but the act of submerging doesnt save the soul. That would render the Holy spirit incapable and salvation would be granted on works, not Gods grace through faith in HIm.
  • Trudy on John 3 - 10 years ago
    There is no other way into the kingdom of heaven but through Jesus Christ. He is the son of God, we believe in him and follow him.
  • Gabbie roberts on John 3 - 10 years ago
    My fav verse is john 3 16

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