John Chapter 3 Discussion Page 20

  • MockingBird on John 3:15 - 9 years ago
    I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God . He is my Lord and Savior . I shall not perish : I have everlasting life. It lasts forever. I have eternal life . I will have life and no perishing through out all eternity. That is the difference between everlasting and eternal.
  • Ysraelite on John 3 - 9 years ago
    JOHN 3: 15 is saying whoever believes in what JOHN 3: 16 says will not die but have everlasting life.
  • Mike on John 3 - 9 years ago
    It struck me funny because it sounds like Nicodemus still didn 't see Jesus AS GOD but only as 1 a teach 2 a man that GOD "was with ". And Jesus didn 't take the opportunity to correct him.
  • Wye on John 3 - 9 years ago
    a promise my whole being is base on specialy my soul which is ddcated to GOD
  • Jacob on John 3 - 9 years ago
    I wish these people who speak of the original greek would show us the original manuscripts. Also which greek are you speaking of. It is the Uncial 's, the cursive 's, the papyri, lectionaries, Kurt Aland or Nestle Aland, Stephanus, Beza, Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, The Textus Receptus, or what? Did you quote your so called correction of The King James Bible from Stronges or Vines or some other lexicon? We want to know where you got your private interpretation 2 Pt 1:20. The truth is you don 't have the originals so The Lord preserved His words in the King James Bible Ps 12:6-7 and you can trust it instead of the Nicolatians. That which is born of Flesh is clearly the first birth because He says you must be BORN AGAIN, speaking of the Spiritual birth. Your first birth is a water birth, since all animal life on this earth began in water Gen 1:20. Your wife is a fountain Prov 5:16-18 and your geneology involves rivers Isa 48:1. Your blood is 80 percent water because it came from water. Christ 's blood and water bears witness 1 Jn 5:8. Anyone who reads would know that you don 't need to change the text if you read the context. A new birth would be a birth from above see verses 13-14. If you believe on Jesus Christ you are born again and it is a birth from above. The Bible is for your correction not for you to attempt to correct it.
  • Arlin Farriester on John 3:5 - 9 years ago
    Born of water means when you are born, look it up born again should be translated born from above.
  • Jimmy on John 3:7 - 9 years ago
    Jesus is taking of trust him, that He is God,He can forgive sins. Look at the man on cross he confess to Jesus,here they is nothing like keeping law but just trust Him, same hour man enter in paradise. See Romans 10:9 10 it 's only confess,believe in your heart, thou shall be saved. John 6:63
  • Eddie Joyner on John 3:3 - 10 years ago
    This scripture was dealing in regards to the new birth meaning-new birth in Christ and the word ' 'see ' ' in this text means ' 'understand ' '--for example Except a man be born again, he cannot understand the Kingdom Of God. the carnal mind cannot comprehend spiritual things only after one has submitted to the Lord 's will and ways through a true heart of repentance can they be washed with the anointing of the blood of Jesus Christ which will then give them the ability to see in the spirit to behold the Kingdom Of God.
  • Lavanda on John 3 - 10 years ago
    Acts 19, tell us to believe on him that came after John, Jesus Christ. Paul says this in reference to John the Baptist when John says, I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but He who is mightier than I shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire. John 's baptism is the Old Testament baptism, Jesus finished work on the cross made the sins of the flesh dead and if the flesh be dead to is who believe Jesus died in our place then it is the soul which need to be saved. The baptism you need is the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that baptism which comes after John, if you believe Jesus died for the sins of your flesh, then you would not desire to save the flesh, but the soul. And the soul is saved by believing the Word of God aka Jesus, for the Word was made flesh.
  • BillyB on John 3 - 10 years ago
    He comes not to condemn but to save. We must only believe in Him.
  • 2ChromeEyes on John 3:5 - 10 years ago
    Given the information in John 3:1-8, I also conclude that when Jesus is telling Nicodemus "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. ", that he means being born from his mother and born of the Spirit, because Nicodemus asked if a man can enter into his mother 's womb a second time. And Jesus emphasizes, that not ONLY born of water, but ALSO of the Spirit. "that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. So, "born again " means being born of the Spirit. Our new life is not in the flesh, but in the Spirit.
  • Ken on John 3:8 - 10 years ago
    the wind blow where ever it want thats freedom...if you got to be born again that means you got to be free like the wind and mark-you what Jesus says the truth will set you if you got to be born again you have to accept the truth bout life in general we need to dig into life,s concepts that are proven 100 now thats the truth and none can chance it the truth about ourselves who we really are lets not classify ourselves into groups but focus on ourselves for example you can be good,bad ,quiet ,loud trust me nature is balanced and you cant change these traits but you can co exit with the really well if you accept them because that what they are now that the truth you got to accept but if you don,t then you can never be free like the wind
  • Nick on John 3 - 10 years ago
    What happens to those who die and have never heard of Jesus?
  • Tyrone willis on John 3:4 - 10 years ago
    Nicodemus was thinking in a physical sense . Jesus was speaking spiritually.Thats born of flesh is flesh that 's born of spirit is spirit....Unless you are born again you will never know the things of the spirit. We must worship him in spirit and truth......
  • Shadyn on John 3 - 10 years ago
    This I 'd the real bible it talks about God sending his only begotten son
  • Fred gordon fundador on John 3:16 - 10 years ago
    Thank you oh God for loving us
  • Mike D on John 3 - 10 years ago
    We see Jesus talking to a religious Pharisee who I believe is an interested seeker of Christ and so Jesus shares with him the truth of Salvation, it is a new birth, a Spiritual one. Much like the physical birth there is a struggle, the birth pangs. Every one that comes to Christ will experience this. A person must see themselves lost if they would be saved. Paul gives a good example when he says, I 'm the chief of sinners. It is a hard place to come to, emptying yourself of any effort, any goodness and to count it as dung. Man is prideful and wants to contribute something to salvation but God gives it as a gift and it must be received as just that. Every other religion states a list of works to be done but not Christianity, it is done already and the Christian does good works as a result of the genuine conversion. I heard a man make this statement that I thought was most helpful. He said one of the ways you know your salvation is true is that the search is over. No one can come to with another religion and sway you to abandon your faith.
  • Robin on John 3:16 - 10 years ago
    My favorite.
  • Paul masawa on John 3:19 - 10 years ago
    The light is the word of GOD we are being preached for and we are ignoring by doing evil things let urge all the believers to follow the doctrine of jesus
  • Jacob on John 3 - 10 years ago
    Look out for all those new versions. They teach lots of false doctrine. Things that are different are not the same. They do not read the same and do not teach the same things. They have a false spirit and are helping to lead the world to accepting the antichrist.
  • Kumai Morea on John 3 - 10 years ago
    Hi,,tenkiyou and i love KJB.
  • Justice on John 3 - 10 years ago
    Jesus was born in flesh so we would see and understand . So r we we should b born of Spirit to understand the things of God.
  • Jacob on John 3 - 10 years ago
    The thief died under the new testament. Heb 9:17For a testament is of force AFTER MEN ARE DEAD: Now look at John 19:33 But when they came to Jesus, and saw that He was DEAD ALREADY, they brake not His legs: He died before the thief thus placing him under the new testament. Jesus was preaching a different gospel than that revealed to Paul. Matt 10:5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, GO NOT INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES, verse 7 says, preach, saying, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. 8 Heal the sick. Do you preach the Kingdom of Heaven and heal the sick? The kingdom was turned down and Jesus sent Paul to the Gentiles Acts 9:15, Rom 11:13, etc. You are not saved by water baptism but Spirit baptism of 1 Cor 12:13. You do not DRINK the water in the baptistery. The Holy Spirit comes into the inside of you to live 1COR 6:19! Then seals you Eph 1:13. Please get saved today if you are trusting water to get you to Heaven.
  • Lilian on John 3 - 10 years ago
    Jesus himself is the word of God and God wants us to be feed with his heavenly manna, the word of God which gives us life and salvation. We must obey his word as he who loves Jesus must keep his word until rapture. Jesus have given the full authority from God we must accept his word. We need to walk with faith and not by sight. Jesus loves you and keep praising and thanking him everyday.
  • Bobby on John 3:5 - 10 years ago
    The thief was under the old law. He didn 't need baptism. Had he died later he 'd been under the new law and would have needed both baptisms. Water and holy ghost. Jesus only taught one plan of salvation, Death,Burial,Resurrection. He set the example. Repent, death of your flesh, burial baptism resurrection holy ghost born again. Its amazing how people will do anything to try and get out of living right and obeying God!
  • NISHA313 on John 3:5 - 10 years ago
    We have been talking about this in church last week. The water means The word. The Spirit of course is the Holy Spirit and will then be able to come in you and live. Of course water baptism is still very necessary. I hope this was clear and understanding... Be blessed
  • Mike Dorwart on John 3:19 - 10 years ago
    This is probably why most people remain non Christians. When faced with the message of Christ they will be committed, would be an end of the very things they love. What they fail to realize is that with that new life comes new desires and the things are destroying their lives lose their appeal.
  • Mike Dorwart on John 3:19 - 10 years ago
    This is probably why most people remain non Christians. When faced with the message of Christ they to be committed would be an end of the very things they love. What they fail to realize is that with that new life comes new desires and the things are destroying their lives lose their appeal.
  • Mike Dorwart on John 3:2 - 10 years ago
    It 's amazing how different people see Jesus. Here Nicodemus saw Jesus as a teacher come from God when in fact he was God come to teach. Another thing that 's amazing is the way men viewed the miracles of Jesus. Blind eyes open, dead raised to life, and much more. Nicodemus saw them as they truly were, an act of God, when others saw them as the work of Satan. Nicodemus was on the right tract and it 's my belief he later trusted in Christ as Lord.
  • Dumisani nyirenda on John 3 - 10 years ago
    My view on john chapter 3 is jesus is trying let us the true way of getting heaven 3:3 Apart from that there is no other way Groly be to God

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