John Chapter 3 Discussion Page 18

  • Kevin on John 3 - 8 years ago
    Shouldn't the pronouns referring to Jesus and God be capitalized?
  • Lilian on John 3 - 8 years ago
    Thank you Father for sending Jesus to us so that we all must have life in abundance. Help us Lord to be BORN AGAIN IN SPIRIT EVERY MOMENT OF OUR LIFE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE, MERCY, JOY
  • Theresa on John 3 - 8 years ago
    GOD gave is son so we can have everlasting life and we should save .
  • Lubi J on John 3 - 8 years ago
    What I understand about this verse is that, God has given us a chance whether to be His or the world's people. The only thing we should do is to look up the Cross for our salvation just as the Israelites did when Moses made a snake of bronse so that when they looked up they were Saved from being beaten by other snakes. I Trust an Believe that JESUS has come to Save me from SIN.
  • Michael on John 3 - 8 years ago
    Verse 16 is a good reminder to us all of God's love for us all. Our heart overflows with love for Jehovah because he has made it possible for us to receive forgiveness of our sins if we are repentant and exercise faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. What a loving God we have.
  • Crystalyn driver on John 3 - 8 years ago
    It's unbelievable in the old testament that the people didn't belive God.
  • Alissa on John 3 - 9 years ago
    There was a man of the Pharisees named nicodemus ,a ruler of the jews;
    The same came to Jesus by night and said unto rabbi we know
  • Mike on John 3 - 9 years ago
    Verse 16 reminds us that Jehovah God gave us the greatest possible gift of love when he sent his precious Son, Jesus, to the earth
  • Donald on John 3 - 9 years ago
    Thank God for this app
  • Wayne on John 3 - 9 years ago
    The Holy Spirit was given to Christ in v. 34. Not without measure.
  • Pania on John 3 - 9 years ago
    I am searching for john1 or john 3-18 or 18-3 I read a note one day without even noticing what the message may have meant for me or for the women who wrote it I think of it everyday and wonder what her message meant. she no longer lives in the flesh, I've gone into the library today in search of this scripture. I have come across a Paipera Tapu AN MAORI Bible. would the love the chance ead an English version exactly as its written in the Maori Version. please how do I come across a bible.
  • Ectela smith on John 3 - 9 years ago
    hae.. I realy got inspired reading it during this chrismas eve...Thnk you lord for giving us ur son
  • Chuks Azowenu on John 3 - 9 years ago
    To be born of water is to be wash by the water of his word, while to be born of the spirit speaks about the regeneration of the corrupt human spirit inherited from our first parents. These two requirement guarantees one to see the kingdom of God. But you must abide by the truth you have received.
  • Stephanie on John 3 - 9 years ago
    Dont give devil foothole!
  • Ray on John 3 - 9 years ago
    For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish.
  • Madison on John 3 - 9 years ago
  • Elizabeth on John 3 - 9 years ago
    I can see the love of God demonstrating to man kind that he so love us that he give us his only son,no greater love that this that a man lay down his life for his friend,we are his friends.Everlasting life is a gift from God Its break down every barrier and every one is accepted and they can choose to except this gift or not whether you are poor,rich,black white this eternal life is to all.
  • Pawan Upadhyay on John 3 - 9 years ago
    If you Want to understand the John Chapter :-3,you will have to study the verses from 3:3 to 3:12.Jesus is cleary talking about kingdom of god on earth. When will kingdom of god be occur on earth? Jesus said that for see the kingdom of god and enter in to the kingdom of god,you will have to born again and you will have to take second birth,you will have to born of water and born of spirit,flesh born from flesh and spirit born from spirit.Spirit is unborn.Jesus was talking about born from holy spirit.Jesus was talking about rebirth.
  • Pawan Upadhyay on John 3 - 9 years ago
    Spirit is unborn.Jesus was talking about born of spirit.
  • Pawan Upadhyay on John 3 - 9 years ago
    When any Pastor or priest is preaching about the holy gospel of jesus,He should read the full preach. John 3:3 to John 3:8 Jesus said that for see the kingdom of god,People will have to born again. If you read whole preach from John 3:3 to John 3:8,then you will be find that Jesus was talking about rebirth.he was talking about flesh to flesh and spirit to spirit. When will be Kingdom of god occur on earth? Jesus was talking about rebirth.
  • Ogochukwu on John 3 - 9 years ago
    Jesus has finished the work of calvary and because Jesus lives we can face tommorrow through love and faith.That is God Grace!
  • Tungamirai Musendekwa on John 3:15 - 9 years ago
    I see the true LOVE. The unfailing Love that no one can understand. Jesus chose us because he was given to us when we were still sinners. I feel I must do all things in LOVE. God is Love. Deep down my heart I am challenged to show God's love to people. JESUS, GOD the FATHER The HOLLY SPIRIT are one. There is a mistry here. May God open my eyes to see
  • Walter richey on John 3 - 9 years ago
    John 3:16 Jesus is talking to Nicodemus and telling him he Must Be Born Again. Notice Jesus says in that passage the word "Believe" and Who So Ever Will. This means YOU friend. Believe means to Trust In, Rely On and Cling To. I have served Jesus over 33 years and I can tell you He is REAL and He Loves YOU.
  • Walter richey on John 3 - 9 years ago
    John 3:16 Jesus is talking to Nicodemus and telling him he Must Be Born. Notice Jesus says in that passage the word "Believe" and Who So Ever Will. This means YOU friend. Believe means to Trust In, Rely On and Cling To. I have served Jesus over 33 years and I can tell you He is REAL and He Loves YOU.
  • Walter richey on John 3 - 9 years ago
    Regarding the Birth Date of Jesus, There is no date of the Birth Of Jesus, But, December 25th is a Date set aside to Remember His Birth. Jesus was born in The Year Of Rome 749 at the close of the year. The corresponds to December in Jerusalem and America and the whole world in fact. Happy Birth Day Jesus. Thank You For Forgiving My Sins.
  • Rev.Leroy Walker on John 3 - 9 years ago
    I liked it
  • Jehan on John 3:30 - 9 years ago
    We are longer ourselves. We were bought with a price far greater than what we could ever repay. Therefore now living has an entirely different meaning than what we understood from our past. Living is truly Christ!
  • Colarita on John 3:16 - 9 years ago
  • Colarita on John 3:16 - 9 years ago
  • Paul on John 3 - 9 years ago
    Dear truthseeker, regarding your question about only certain people being saved, jesus warned that "not all who call me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of god" mathew 7vs21. There will be alot of people who believe in god even dedicate their lives to him who will not enter the kingdom when jesus returns. This doesn't mean that they can't do anything about it now, read acts chapter 10 for a primary example of how predestination works: cornelius feared god and was a good man, but peter was sent to tell him what he must do to be saved-the path cornelius was walking was predestined to end in death as our own righteousness will never get us closer to god. Cornelius himself was not predestined, he was able to make his own choice, as we all are, whether to follow his own heart or gods commandment. Cornelius and his house all repented turned to god and obeyed him were filled with the holy ghost for they heard them speak with tongues and were baptised in water. Thus they were now on the path that is destined to lead to eternal life. The paths we can choose each have a certain destination, but it is up to us to decide which we take.

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