John Chapter 21 Discussion Page 5

  • Kenneth Hagan on John 21 - 8 years ago
    The books could not have been written , that is great , Jesus was so powerful yet so humble and willing to take our place and pay our debt for the sins we all have committed that he alone is the Lord and coming KING ! No prophet before him or after him ever rose from the dead and lived to be taken up into heaven and angels with him and thousands of miracles and signs and wonders followed him !
  • Malaya Patton on John 21 - 8 years ago
    I love this chapter!
  • BSP on John 21 - 8 years ago
    Verse 25 shows that Jesus did so many other things that aren't even in the Bible record.
  • Foxyrock111 on John 21 - 8 years ago
    Christ alone take us home. that by faith in the word of God's grace Christ give us the faith to
  • KEITH Pearson on John 21 - 9 years ago
  • David O on John 21 - 9 years ago
    He that tarries!! please respond
  • Robert Bomar on John 21:17 - 9 years ago
    What Jesus is saying is show my sheep what to do and how to be baptized. Peter is the only one who knew who and what Jesus was and still is. Through Jesus is the only way to the kingdom of God if any man goes any other way they are the same as a thief and robber. The father loveth the son and has given all things to the sons hand what's left to give,nothing because he has all things. I and my father are one now how do you get trinity out of that Jesus has always been. Jesus was equaled to God while on earth when Jesus died
  • Corrine clinton on John 21 - 9 years ago
    Be ready at all times
  • Linda Pittman on John 21 - 9 years ago
    I loved the chapter. Jesus is a forgiving savor.What a friend we have in Jesus.He gave Peter so many times to redeem his self.
  • Lilian on John 21 - 9 years ago
    If we understand the message its Jesus wanted to remind Peter and his desciples to have obedience in following him, Jesus always use Peter as a fisher of men and they should remember his teaching and his powerful words before Jesus cruxified. Jehovah Jireh the only provider which he always provide our daily bread as promised. Jesus reminded us to follow him and seek the Kingdom of God first so that we can see the glory of God if we allow Jesus and Holy Spirit to dwell in our lives. Jesus is a good shephered who always provide us and protect his own people
  • Muyumbu james on John 21 - 10 years ago
    Ilove God all my life
  • Stephen brown on John 21 - 10 years ago
    John 21 Verse 7 Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher 's coat unto him for he was naked Question ? Who was naked ? Was it Jesus ? I do not believe it was Jesus because the he was not in capital letters.
  • Ryan ebona on John 21:8 - 10 years ago
    all words from the testimony is amazing....
  • Brenda Dennis on John 21:6 - 10 years ago
    Why would Peter listen to Jesus was it because they had try ever thing else, and nothing has work. And they needed to get fish to feed their family.
  • Irene g mdoe on John 21 - 10 years ago
    In john 21 reminds us about our life,some times we give up on Jesus due to a lot of unanswered question,difficulties challenges in life. But he s kind n the close friend who will always be there to turn us back is our duty n responsibility to obey his voice just like what the disciples did.
  • Sally on John 21:18 - 10 years ago
    It means ungodly people will be in charge of you.
  • Will Perez on John 21:22 - 10 years ago
    I had this thought before I found it here so it to me is somewhat of a confirmation that Jesus had this in mind all along God s ways are above our ways Amen What an honor for John
  • Sheila on John 21:5 - 10 years ago
    The Catholic Jerusalem bible uses the word friends instead of children which certainly changes the intended meaning Why
  • George Lovell on John 21:17 - 10 years ago
    The risen Christ asked Peter the question three times because Peter had thrice denied Christ after Christ was arrested This questioning allowed Peter affirm his love and adoration of Christ and thereby acknowledge his true feelings
  • John on John 21:15 - 10 years ago
    Did the "more than these" verse follow the draught of fishes? Peter was a fisherman ... perhaps Jesus when he said "do you love me more than these?" might have meant "do you love me more than these fishes that you have just hauled in?". Peter was to be a fisher of men - so Jesus told him "feed my lambs", his new life work. I don't know Greek, and I could be wrong, but at least the verse does help me to remember my calling as a Christian.
  • Ar on John 21 - 11 years ago
    To.Mr David Boyce ''remark '' on this chapter on 11.24.2012...Fortunately God has so much love and mercy....The w hole Bible is written under the guidance of t,he HolySpirit, by simple uneducated people and yet millions of millions copies are spread in the world and people , simple people read and understand it. Why you archeologists try to mix numbers and codes to show off your knowledge on this book? Why don't you go to a science site and do your mathematical additions and substractions? You are a very confused person . So confused that you try to find justice on this page! No wonder nobody has remarked on your comment. But someone should tell you ,you need to repent and ask for Salvation. An let God have mercy on you.Amen.
  • Nnamdi Kingsley on John 21:6 - 11 years ago
    This is what Jesus Christ has just said to me: he added, "...exploring the knowledge of God's Word." That is the mandate for the ministry to which he has called me. To His name alone be all the glory!
  • Durga rao on John 21 - 11 years ago
    I like this
  • David Boyce on John 21 - 12 years ago
    John 21:18, although the King James version of this verse is hard to understand, if you use more modern bibles you will see this is about the crucifixion of Saint Peter. He was crucified in June 6th month of 66AD on Vatican Hill by a Mithra temple and a nearby pyramid and Peter was crucified by Nero. This John 21:18 was written to match the next triangular number in the bible of Revelation 13:18-666 after John 21:11-153 fish 153. 153+666 = 819 and is linked to John 21:18,19. The number 21 is 7+7+7 and is part of the 7 seals of the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation is written around the Book of Ezekiel and Ezekiel means 'to fasten to' or 'Holdfast'. Revelation 21:18,19 contains the word 'WALL' to lead you to the 14 Premiere of Sask. Bradley John Wall-Tami Kildaw code which is completed on 11 24 2012 when Brad turns 47. Nostradamus used this Wall code when he had himself buried in a WALL when he died. Holdfast Sask. Roman Catholic Church spire is found in 6:12 Quatrain and creates an end of time map where the bible ends on 12 21 2012 and he uses many other towns in the surrounding area and about 70% of His Lost Book paintings are about the Old Templar Biblical Code. What does it mean? Jesus was crucified in March the 3rd month of 33AD and Peter's crucifixion is double that of June 6th month of 66AD. Revelation 13:18 is about Rome, however Jesus was born on 66.6 when you add the Latitude + Longitude of Bethlehem together and 66.6 is Lat. + Long. The area of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified in March 3rd month of 33AD and was 39 and 6 months old and would be 40 years old on October 9th of 33AD. Historical books written about Saint Peter show he was in England in the spring of 66 AD with his wife and daughter as Jesus lived in Somerset England near Glastonbury Tor. After Peter died in 66AD, Jesus took his remains and had them buried in Jerusalem and Saint Peter's remains were found in 1953 by two monks who wrote a book about it. In late 66AD Jesus was involved in the beginnings of the Jewish rebellion of 66AD in which the first people to die were those who murdered his brother Jacob which was changed in early English to James the Just. This resulted in the sacking of the Second Temple of Solomon as Jesus made references to it's destruction. Jesus later in 66AD headed north into the area of the 7 churches of the Book of Revelation in what is now Turkey and he is giving us a warning. It was the Council of Nicea after 325AD in this area of these 7 churches of the Book of Revelation where the Roman Catholic religion started based on a fictional Jesus Christ of Nazareth, an unmarried carpenter. Nazareth never existed in Israel until after 350AD. Revelation 21 was based on the end part of the Book of Ezekiel, Holdfast Sask. Over a thousand years ago church clergy from Europe such as the Culdee monks would come to this area of Sask. And they later formed the Mandan Tribe who spoke Brythonic. The Burial mounds of Manitoba-Rev. George Bryce will lead you to the Culdee monks who were using the triangular number 153 for the area of 51 Lat. and 105.3 Long. Many of the Culdee monks descended from King David and Jesus Christ and had to flee Ireland around 1170AD or be massacred by the Normans who were backed by the Vatican. I am a historical archeologist and many archeologists know this history.
  • David Boyce on John 21 - 12 years ago
    John 21:11 says 153 Fishes was derived from Genesis 1:26 where fish first appears in the bible and was the sign of the first follower's of Christ when the New Testament was written. The triangular number 153 has 17 on three sides. 17x9=153, 17 in ancient languages is 7 and 10. Jesus was born in 7 BC on October 9th.17+9=26. The Government of the US uses this date of October 9th for Leif Erickson Day.17+17+17=51,117x9=1053. King David was born in 1053BC and his final testament is found in 1 Kings 53 to 1 Kings 2:11 and this is why 21:11 was used by the writers of the Book of John. 51 Latitude and 105.3 Longitude matches Susan Dalton's remark of Holdfast on a modern day map of Holdfast Sask. Near 51 Latitude and 105.3 Longitude Ancient church clergy for centuries came to this part of North America knowing the Second Christ would be born in this area and many were buried around Last Mountain Lake. 217x9 = 1953{2 7 10 1953} In Genesis 1:26, cattle appears as this word was derived from the ancient Greek word 'Boys'. The miracle of John 6:9 Boy who gives Jesus 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread is part of the ancient Templar Code, 69 is the ancient sign of cancer. The birth of the boy is found in Revelation 12:5, 7 heads and 10 horns are Roman emperors and kings, one of them being Julius Caesar which July was named from.
  • Terri simmons on John 21:18 - 12 years ago
    John 21:18 How Peter will Glorify God in his death. That the holy spirit will take over, his spirit (engulf him). The word girdedth mean to surround, for Peter will be walking in his present, and God will take charge over him. It would not be Peter walking but the holy spirit in him. This will only happen when Peter becomes mature, and not still young in Christ. Then he will be able to give his life for Christ, to witness to the Jews.
  • Emmanuel on John 21:21 - 12 years ago
    It is referring to Judas! he did not immediately committed suicide. Christ knows all thing. Judas was still alive at that time of this verse. it was after 8 days(jn20:26) Christ was concerned with life not death because satan entered judas and hebrews chpt 2 states satan is death.
  • Daryl on John 21:15 - 12 years ago
    Peter was commissioned by Christ to feed His Lambs. This is what the Lord shared with me. The Lambs are the immediate followers of Christ (Apostles). The sheep are the Jews first and the Gentiles Second. John the Baptist said of Christ behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. God has his lamb Christ for sin. Christ has His lambs for the establishing of the church. Reading threw John 21 Christ signified of the death of the Apostles. All of the Apostles were martyred for the Church. The first set of sheep are the Jews for the Gospel goes to the Jews first then to the Gentiles. This is revealed in the book of Acts.
  • Timothy Wayne George on John 21:15 - 12 years ago
    This verse makes us all ponder the question that Jesus ask Peter" Lovest thou me more than these?" Peter had boasted though all men will forsake thee, I will never forsake thee, but he failed. All of our failures can be traced to this question about love for the Lord more than these. As Peter answered thou know that I love thee because only the Lord knows our heart. We must search our heart daily, and make sure that nothing comes between our love for the Lord. Just as Jesus restores Peter, then he restores us when we confess our love for him more than these.
  • Andre on John 21 - 12 years ago
    Garry, I read your initial post this morning and my heart is really touched. I too can say that for a long time I was bound in a situation that I thought that there was deliverance from. Many times I wanted to give up, but I am encouraging you to fight the good fight of faith. I got my deliverance. Jesus is greater than your problems and His forgiveness flows deeper than the condemnation of the heart. I will be praying for you also, that you will get your deliverance.

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