Job Chapter 1 Discussion Page 7

  • Jennifer on Job 1 - 9 years ago
    I love that through all the trials Job faces he remains faithful to God. Very powerful!!!!
  • Rosa on Job 1 - 9 years ago
    This what Jesus wants from us, to believe and trust him. He can giveth and taketh and we must be grateful for all his blessings and know that not all us eternal on this earth...
  • Colleen on Job 1:6 - 9 years ago
    If "sons of God " in Job 1:6 are human, how could they come to present themselves before the Lord? If God is in Heaven, or not on earth, how could humans come there to present themselves to him? Angels would have been in Heaven. Humans would have been on earth.
  • Misty on Job 1 - 9 years ago
    This is a great book to read for spiritual warfare.
  • Sinazo ngalo on Job 1 - 9 years ago
    the book of Job is teaching us of how to face the problems we have. . the is no greater power other than sacrifice.. we should place our hearts onto God and trust him by all times.. dont give up there is still hope
  • Rose tiras on Job 1 - 9 years ago
    Job, a good example of today 's believer. Lord, help me to be sincere like your servant Job.
  • Rufus on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Wow, this cleared many understanding that I have had all my life. I am now 69
  • Ethel K Nunkwe on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Job is a man who acknowledged that humble yourself before the Lord in times of loss as well as in times of gain. No did not need to question and blame God for the calamity, instead h worshiped him.
  • Lillie on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    job a true man of GOD. did not panic, did no get excited. but bowed down before GOD and blessed him saying GOD giveth, and GOD taketh away. how powerful is that. the love of GOD is all power.
  • Dezerine on Job 1:20 - 10 years ago
    In life when we face with calamity is not too give up but to pray it is a language that God understand, it is a weapon.
  • Nweke uchenna on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    i think that it was job 's fear that brought this calamity upon him. he has been making sacrifices behalf of his children out of fear.
  • Noj on Job 1:7 - 10 years ago
    I think its awesome, boys
  • Ray on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    I wish I was like JOB and have all the faith he had
  • Rev Joseph Madungwe on Job 1:18 - 10 years ago
    I think among Job 's son, one escaped death and reported the death of other children to his father.To make matters worse and even to make the wife to know God but she didn 't even bothered but would want death on the husband.
  • GvT on Job 1:6 - 10 years ago
    This must be seen in context, the Sons of God spoken here are for sure angelic beings, they are not human.They are not the usual angels everybody think of. A deeper study is necessary to bring more clarity and revelation. This was an account of something that happened in Gods throne room. It is important to just also note that the deceiver was among them, for he too is still able to come into the throne room from time to time, to accuse the brethren. Even in times when you do not think it is possible the enemy devil and his demons may try and come to steal, kill and destroy. This is his job, it is what he do, we are to be vigilant and live a total surrendered live to Christ
  • Joni G on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Christa, I will pray for you. Maybe God is calling you. We are the sheep of His pasture. When I was in nursing school several years ago, we were required to dissect a sheep 's brain. Not the thing for me. I am in to beauty, plants, etc. Anyway, our professor remarked how our human brains are anatomically the same as a sheep 's brain. It is true. Amazing! God is amazing. Like sheep we have gone astray. We are easily led but really need a Savior, the Shepherd in Psalm 23. Jesus wants us to rest in Him. Yes, and He wants us to believe, trust and obey Him. The Unity sermon is interesting because Jesus wants all His followers to believe the same, John 17:23. Do you have a Bible with a good concordance and are you meeting with a group of believers? Have you given your life to Jesus yet? Find a church that prays, believes in Christ as God 's Son, baptizes believers immerses and is growing. I am sorry you were judged. It must have been a small church. Lots of questions. What other books have you read in the Bible? The gospel of John is a good one. The very next book is Acts. It talks about the beginning of the church. Exciting to read about! Above all, pray that God leads you and shows you what you should do. He will. And Job is amazing! He had just lost his family and everything and he bowed down and praised God! Life can take some drastic and tragic turns sometimes and we can get lost in sorrow. Best to look to the Savior to lead us to pastures of rest.
  • Chiquita on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    What I think about Job in chapter one, he lost a lot but, e didn 't give up on God.he kept the faith.
  • Isaac dee on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Even though was punished by the fear of disiplining his sons,he lost everything and he was couragiious to go Dow on his knees and worship God in respective of loosing everything,his comforting message came from the father naked and i will return the same with no earthy wealth,of which one learn how he always has faith in God believe in him
  • Christa LuAnn Irvine-McDaniel on Job 1:20 - 10 years ago
    I have been looking at Scriptures and reading as much info on Religion as possible lately. I heard a message from the Holy Spirit in March about unity by humbling ourselves so we can all call on our Father God. I have known that God Loves us and sent Jesus to die for us since I was a little girl. Growing up, I felt judged at Church and when I read the Bible it scared I relied on Prayer and just Talking to Jesus to help me throughout my life. I was confident that even though I wasn 't perfect, I knew I would one day be with Jesus because all I needed to know was that God Loves Us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for all our sins. I am now 33 years old and my world was turned upside down in March. The first message I received was "We need to gather the sheep ", which I laughed because I don 't know anyone with sheep, but I knew where the message came from, so I called a Christian radio station and left the message. The second message was the Unity message that I thought was Beautiful when I heard it. I spoke to some Pastors and have read Scripture and now I 'm terrified. People make it seem like the message is taking away from Jesus 's Sacrifice! I don 't understand how that can be when Jesus is what I 've held onto my WHOLE life! Please Pray for me and if anyone can help make sense of any of this...I would love to hear from you. Thank You and God Bless, Christa
  • Jason on Job 1:6 - 10 years ago
    I believe the fundamental truth is that the book of JOB was written as an encouragement not as historical fact, the inference here is that Job put himself in satans hands through his fear of his sons actions, but remained faithful through the Devils attacks and received double blessing for his actions. The bible is inspired by God and written by men it is a guide to Gods heart starts you on a closer relationship with him. Do we understand the concept of what the writer is saying? Yes, can satan enter heaven I like to think not as all sin is frazzled in Gods presence however is God all merciful will we know the fullness of his mind? Not untill we sit on his lap in that glorious throne room. God will only act on faith, the devil canot act without fear. Settle it and live in joy. Blessings to all.
  • Fletcher on Job 1:1 - 10 years ago
    Job was perfect, upright, and feared God. He was also very rich, wise, and humble!
  • Fletcher on Job 1:1 - 10 years ago
    Job was perfect, upright, and feared God. He was also very rich, wise, and humble!
  • Edna Buckley on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    I am asking God to give me a heart of worship despite my trials, tribulations and cares of life. I must remain grounded knowing that God is my source and supplier of all my needs. There is nothing that I have that was not give to me by God.
  • Paul Bayzik on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    I lake job
  • Jessica on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Well,i believe God allowed satan to tempt and try job,to show His power.Not satans power,but God 's power.God does and allows things in our lives sometimes that we will have opportunity to glorify Him.He wants to see what we 're really made of so to speak.He wanted to show the devil that job was a sincere man of God and could not be moved.
  • Blessed on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    i beleive the sons of god were the fallen angels, because god is holy, they were not before god they were before the lord,satan does not have access to god because he is not holy,he 's sinful, just like we have to be pure to be before god satan would have to be too and he was not that 's why he said he was in an out of earth,he was doing evil then.
  • Raphael Wambulwa on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    It has opened my insight 1.Our characters is what God is proud of. 2.Even not our Family 3.He was constant committed for observing God s Law obedience is better than sacrifice 4.He used to cleanse his family
  • Jean marie on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Why did the conversation between thr LORD, and the sons of God, only state what transpired between Satan and our LORD? Surely the others present would have understood the cunning comment Satan made in responce to the praise of Job by our LORD. Job was surely an innocent, however, if the sons of God were angels, why did they not take alert to the sarcastic comments of Satan? I believe that the sons of God are human. . Otherwise the Lord would have had God intervene in the test of Job. This was surely a test of Jobs Faith. Even more, this was a test of our Lord 's purity of knowledge by Satan. Even though the Lord and our God favored Jobs faith, Satan took a lifetime away from Job to test the word of the Lord. The game of chess between our Lord and Satan emphasized the value of the pawn Job , before all of Gods sons. A lesson of faith discussed between two powerful spirits... check by Satan ... and check mate by God. Quality control known in modern day terms.
  • Lilian kwamboka on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    I like the way job expressed his faith to God even if go through hard time we have to put ourselves to God because he is the only one who knows our problms.
  • DU on Job 1:6 - 10 years ago
    Genesis says after the birth of Seth that men began to call on the name of the Lord. Every usage of the term "sons of God " used in the Bible refers to fleshly followers of God. Look them all up and read them in context. The two passages in Job are the only references on which many commentaries have concluded that this term must refer to angels. When you consider that Adam equals the created ruddy one, mankind, in the Garden walked with God daily. Cain was distressed because he was sent away from Gods face, he no longer could come before God. I believe he was the first of what would be called the sons of men, those who are not followers of God. Look up all the references to sons of men, there are a lot, read them in context. Job does not say as does not other place in scripture that Satan or any angel is a son of God. New Testament is more specific that the sons of God are those who follow after Jesus. See Matt 5 9, Romans 8 14. Galatians 3 26

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