There are two different ways of the devil that you are talking about.
First is temptation, which Satan drawing somebody to him, presenting what is delicious and enticing, succulent, what most people would like. And such desires are dormant in us, because they are natural to mankind, only that men often give themselves to them either disorderly, or in excess. Like lusting after a woman, no one will lust after his own wife, because he can have her at any time. Yet there can be a possessive degree of love which is not of God, if we don�t keep the boundaries. But that excess comes from within man or woman likewise.
If we don�t temperate our needs and desires, we might end up opening a door for the devil to take advantage, and that is often by ourselves.
Second, what Job faced was a pure attack from the devil as the Bible clearly states. God knowing Job�s strength, left him under attack for a while, and finally came to rescue him; silencing the devil thereby.
However both, temptation and/or attack are always in the limits of the bearable, 1 Corinthians 10:13.
God bless you.
He's a faithful servant of God, even when faith is tested he bowed down and worshipped God. It doesn't matter what we are going through in life, God never leave us. Greater is he that is within me that he who is in the world. Glory be to the Almighty God.
Verse 7: typically I believe that Satan did not fall from heaven. I believe that to word or phrase ''to'' is a replication, an adverb, a preposition, and the word ''fro'' is substantial to an adjective in a preposition if my diaphragm isn�t mixed up.
Job 1 is a prime example of how the devil comes to buff you to make you doubt that God is with you or for you. Despite all Job went through, he knew that God had been his provider and protector and that based on his relationship with him, he knew that God was still worthy of praise. We need to remember that God is good despite of what we was going through!
It�s truly sad to hear about your circumstances, but those are open attacks from the devil, just like Job had them.
It truly hurts, but that�s where we need to show more love for God and seek his face. The Lord Jesus is a strong tower, the righteous run to that tower and are safe.
All in life shall pass away, in a way or the other. Only God is permanent.
Please, put your trust in God, not in things; they fade away, nor in men; they pass away.
Just like Job did, �Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart�, Psalms 37:4. Go about it with simplicity of heart, and look at the salvation of the Lord. Chances are still many, Just Trust and Obey.
God bless you and keep you in His loving arms.
The book of Job is a great book, I agree no matter what the circumstances, Job never turned against God. I lost my husband 5 years ago and my son was murdered 2 years ago. I have lost my way my faith has been shaken. I ask only that you pray that I find my way soon because I'm tired and I know God is the only one that can help me, but I no longer feel his presence.
The Lord led me to read JOB because my faith is being tested. I am so glad that I did because the book of JOB reminds me that GOD is still in control, and that I should always keep the faith.
Despite his circumstances, when his friend asking Job what did he do that God would punish him in such a devastating way, but Job would not denounce or turned his back on God. It is a testament of true faith in the Lord.
Job is no faker. People tend to say that they follow God N believe in him but when you look at their lives you can clearly see that somewhere they lack the faith that he exists. Job lost everything yet the only thing he could do was to fall on his knees and worship. He is a true man of God.
Love your family. Job lost all his possessions, not until the fourth messenger sent word that his sons and daughters were dead did he fall to his knees. Possessions are not important, it's love, family, Jesus Christ and God that count most. Job lost everything but his faith in God, remained most important.
The devil is working on my faith right now. So I decided to find the bible online, so that I can make heads or tails of what is happening, and I ran right into this passage. So this is how strong GOD�s word is. Just what I needed to strengthen my faith. I knew to remain steadfast in the LORD but this passage, made everything much better it has soothed my heart. I love the LORD.
Job 1 shows that Satan is consistently seeking for occasion to afflict God's children. But no matter the situation, we should be firm and trust God to deliver us.
No matter what the circumstances are in your life, a faith like Job's will lead you to the Lord. Love the Lord with all your heart, for He is worthy of no less.
Job feared and loved God with ALL of his heart and life. In fact, among men born of a woman he is the highest and greatest SAINT next to our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST. And it also means that any Christian can equally attain to this height of total devotion, submission, righteousness and holiness.
The book of Job is a great example of the kind of trust you must have in God. Despite of the horrific situations that SAINT tends to set up for you to curse God and die. The letters in SAINT to me stand for Sinister, Angry, Ignorant, Non-believer in God The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.
I love the way Job loves the Lord and it�s just to show us that Satan is everywhere, in the church out of the church, and he is working overtime in Christian lives. So, we have to be strong and keep the faith.
Faith, hope but most of all Love. Those are just a few of the ingredients needed to show the Love of God to self and others. I truly love the book of Job because through his faithfulness and perseverance, it shows me that no matter what I may go through - God is and will always be there with me. He will restore and deliver me from all pain, sorrow, loss, stolen/diverted/polluted blessings, illnesses and all life's trials and tribulations. Thank you all for your wonderful comments. God bless!
Job is the perfect example of faith. This man was human like all the rest of us, even though all that happened to him he still praised the Lord!! This is very inspirational, and quite convicting. I pray that one day I'll have half the faith that Job had.
The Bible clearly states that ��the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.�� Romans 6:23. And death and life are mutually exclusive. The trouble is that most unbelievers do judge from the cover, without entering the book, which is completely wrong. They take the Bible as a baby playbook, so they set all sort of barriers, not because of what they know, but mainly, because of what they don�t know.
Sure there is profit in being a good person as the Bible says ��For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.�� 1 Timothy 4:8 And I have chosen both bodily exercise and godliness. God bless you.
Andre - you appear to have a more undrestandable approach in saying that these things are figurative (such as "hell"). I would imagine the majority believe that hell is literally a real place. As I said before, we are speaking two different languages and will never connect on this subject. However I think that we can agree that being a kind, loving person should be everyone's goal and we all have the right to our beliefs (as long as we don't impose them on others!).
Let us use Job 1 as an example to us, that as long as we are faithful and true to God, no matter what we may go through in this life, through trials, through testing, we must not give up, we must always keep the faith and hold on, in spite of the situation, and God will bring us through victoriously.
The word of God is not against what you are saying. Only that it gives a better hope for those who trust God. And denying God is a choice one will only be responsible for� there is no eternal torture, that is simply figurative� The loving God as He is cannot spend eternity torturing human beings, no, there is not such a story in God�s plan. Only that, the word of God is meant for those who believe, NOT for those who do not believe� likewise people whom God dealt with, or still deal with have a relationship of their own with God, � a relationship, you and I may not clearly perceive. Sure we can judge from outside, but not without mistakes���For they that say such things declare PLAINLY that they seek a country��. Hebrews 11:14� God bless you.
Andre, We come from 2 different schools of thought. What gives me hope is family, friends, love, and the awe that I feel in looking at the grandeur of the universe and the fact that I am lucky enough to be part of it. I try to be a good person, not because of the hope of a reward or to avoid eternal torture, but because I believe the world would be a better place if we all treated each other well.
Those are sense based reasoning� and God is very far beyond all that we desire or simply think. Of course Job came out victorious and stronger than ever before. If God did not help him, Job would have failed� but God did, after Job exerted his utmost.
Based on what you say, the spirit of competition itself should be demise. Because there is no crowning without striving. And striving implies sufferings and sacrifices of all sorts, afterward come the rewards, and Job went through all such.
Now those who died, if they died in righteousness, the Bible says, God has prepared them a city, which is far beyond this life�s senseless stuffs. And those who look to that city don�t think worldly things, they think godly ones, and a ready even to die at any time, to preserve their rewards ( Hebrews 11:14-16, 35-40). If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable ( 1 Corinthians 15:19).
God bless you.
There are two different ways of the devil that you are talking about.
First is temptation, which Satan drawing somebody to him, presenting what is delicious and enticing, succulent, what most people would like. And such desires are dormant in us, because they are natural to mankind, only that men often give themselves to them either disorderly, or in excess. Like lusting after a woman, no one will lust after his own wife, because he can have her at any time. Yet there can be a possessive degree of love which is not of God, if we don�t keep the boundaries. But that excess comes from within man or woman likewise.
If we don�t temperate our needs and desires, we might end up opening a door for the devil to take advantage, and that is often by ourselves.
Second, what Job faced was a pure attack from the devil as the Bible clearly states. God knowing Job�s strength, left him under attack for a while, and finally came to rescue him; silencing the devil thereby.
However both, temptation and/or attack are always in the limits of the bearable, 1 Corinthians 10:13.
God bless you.
It�s truly sad to hear about your circumstances, but those are open attacks from the devil, just like Job had them.
It truly hurts, but that�s where we need to show more love for God and seek his face. The Lord Jesus is a strong tower, the righteous run to that tower and are safe.
All in life shall pass away, in a way or the other. Only God is permanent.
Please, put your trust in God, not in things; they fade away, nor in men; they pass away.
Just like Job did, �Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart�, Psalms 37:4. Go about it with simplicity of heart, and look at the salvation of the Lord. Chances are still many, Just Trust and Obey.
God bless you and keep you in His loving arms.
The Bible clearly states that ��the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.�� Romans 6:23. And death and life are mutually exclusive. The trouble is that most unbelievers do judge from the cover, without entering the book, which is completely wrong. They take the Bible as a baby playbook, so they set all sort of barriers, not because of what they know, but mainly, because of what they don�t know.
Sure there is profit in being a good person as the Bible says ��For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.�� 1 Timothy 4:8 And I have chosen both bodily exercise and godliness. God bless you.
The word of God is not against what you are saying. Only that it gives a better hope for those who trust God. And denying God is a choice one will only be responsible for� there is no eternal torture, that is simply figurative� The loving God as He is cannot spend eternity torturing human beings, no, there is not such a story in God�s plan. Only that, the word of God is meant for those who believe, NOT for those who do not believe� likewise people whom God dealt with, or still deal with have a relationship of their own with God, � a relationship, you and I may not clearly perceive. Sure we can judge from outside, but not without mistakes���For they that say such things declare PLAINLY that they seek a country��. Hebrews 11:14� God bless you.
Those are sense based reasoning� and God is very far beyond all that we desire or simply think. Of course Job came out victorious and stronger than ever before. If God did not help him, Job would have failed� but God did, after Job exerted his utmost.
Based on what you say, the spirit of competition itself should be demise. Because there is no crowning without striving. And striving implies sufferings and sacrifices of all sorts, afterward come the rewards, and Job went through all such.
Now those who died, if they died in righteousness, the Bible says, God has prepared them a city, which is far beyond this life�s senseless stuffs. And those who look to that city don�t think worldly things, they think godly ones, and a ready even to die at any time, to preserve their rewards ( Hebrews 11:14-16, 35-40). If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable ( 1 Corinthians 15:19).
God bless you.