I agree that the words spoken by Isaiah concerning the conception of Christ was not a prophesy. It truly was a sign for King Ahaz. The whole idea was to strengthened his faith.
He was trusting man for something he should have, all along trusted God for.
To here these words concerning a virgin conceiving and believing that God will make that happen, Should have an impacted his faith in God.
There is only One God and Saviour Isaiah 45 who was born Christ and called Immanuel God with us. God the Holy Spirit, His Spirit the Spirit who sends? Christ and who is God we must know we were told by John the one Jesus loved told us and the WORD WAS GOD! And John said He, Christ created All things. Now we know who said let us create man in OUR Image He didn't leave Himself out when speaking 2 us
Isaiah 7:14 is not, I repeat, is not, a prophesy of Jesus. If you bothered to read the previous verses, you would see that this is a sign to King Ahaz of Judah. There were other nations that wanted to invade Judah. God gave the sign of the birth of a child to show Ahaz that God was with him. King Ahaz ruled from 732-716. Jesus was never called Immanuel by anyone. Do some research.
The peoples broken it, it's the people's that have to fix it. God has given us all power it is up to us to believe, nobody can do that except ourself through the power of God we our greated in his image. Through the power of the water and the blood which Christ has offered for a final otonement for the sin of all Man. We have access to that blood by believing in him repenting of our sin and being baptized into his death and having our sins washed away which in turn adds you to the body Acts chapter two read whole chapter God is very Clear Amen I say Amen what will you choose!!!
Take thy son as well. How important it is for the youth of our generation to spend time with their fathers. Time spent not only in fellowship but in service. To often our youth run amuck raised by who knows and then weeping as they stray. Yes their is fear involved and from the human view even danger. How great an example Isaiah set for his son in this instant. His son saw first hand his fathers courage, devotion to God, willingness to serve, faith and etc. Would our children see such in our fathers of today.
God will always find a way to send his one and only Son to us. God had commanded this to Mary to concieve a Son and called him Immanuel and that is Jesus sent to us to be saved. Mother Mary was very obedient and follow and obey God 's word that it will be done according to God 's word. God stretch his power to Mary and Joseph and sealed with protection and love. John 3:16 For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believe in him will not be perish but have an eternal life and will be saved. Thanks be to God for his love and mercy for us. Jesus loves u and me.
The sign is that a virgin will conceive and bear a son : and His name is Immanuel : That is : God with us. Simple as that. What ridicule and mockery Mary and Joseph suffered. They believed God.
God 's kingdom is not from this world but in heaven. God sent his only Son Jesus Christ to bring his word to us to be saved. His words are true and pure he who hear his voice will be saved. We must obey his words and commandments that he has given as this is our heavenly manna. Jesus came down to manifest in humanity in order for us to understand and believe that there is God who is above all. Jesus fullfilled the scriptures for us to be save from the works of the defeated enemy. We must keep thanking Jesus for everything he has done to our daily lives. He is worthy to be praised. Jesus loves you, he only wants us to believe in him
As long as we the children of God still live in this planet earth there is bound to be troubles from our arch enemy the devil and his agents that are surrounding us. But whenever such situation arises do not allow fear to overcome you, rather listen attentively to what God has to say concerning that situation. Because Him alone has the final say and not the devil.
We need to watch verse 9 that says if ye believe not ye shall not be established. We need to believe and trust in God 's word or voice otherwise our trust and mis guide will destroy us.
Isaiah here talks of times that have been there and more strongly now. What is happening to Israel and his enemies that surround her and all their plotting...how they will never prevail over the most high. He choosing a sign is to remind you of his power. God doesn't need the help of man to accomplish anything....he is all sufficient and his tarrying is not weakness but that scripture might be fulfilled at the right time...be blessed!
praise ye the lord as he is so righteous he sent Gabriel to advise Mary of her immaculate conception she will bring into the world Jesus to protect the Jewish people as God had already given him his information that he would die for his people Israel FOR THE SINS OF MAN IS DEATH AND GOD TOOK ON THE WORLD SINS SO THAT HIS FATHERS WORK WOULD COME TO FRUTION ISAIAH WAS ONE OF THE MAJOR PROPHTS ALONG WITH DAVID MOSES AND ABRAHAM I CANNOT REMEMBER IF JOB WAS A PROPHET
(Verse 14) "All right, the Lord (God) himself will choose the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel-'God is with us.'"
This is the most important statement God can make. It is God speaking of himself as the Immanuel to come (God with us). That is, when he is born on the earth as Jesus, he will be God saving his people from their sins.
Let's say it this way. Only God can save us. And only God can forgive our sins. In other words, just as God saved his people from the Egyptians, it is the same God now, as Jesus, who saves us from sin.
I am so thankful that God did not send some lesser figure to try to do a job that only he could do. It would never have been accomplished. But God came himself, as only he could do, and save us from the folly we brought on ourselves!
@Michel, you will find this in the Hebrew/English bible (look for it in the internet and write Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 in Hebrew /english.sorry for omitting this in my previous message. God bless u and all of us and thank you kinjames Bible on line for giving us this page of communication
He was trusting man for something he should have, all along trusted God for.
To here these words concerning a virgin conceiving and believing that God will make that happen, Should have an impacted his faith in God.
This is the most important statement God can make. It is God speaking of himself as the Immanuel to come (God with us). That is, when he is born on the earth as Jesus, he will be God saving his people from their sins.
Let's say it this way. Only God can save us. And only God can forgive our sins. In other words, just as God saved his people from the Egyptians, it is the same God now, as Jesus, who saves us from sin.
I am so thankful that God did not send some lesser figure to try to do a job that only he could do. It would never have been accomplished. But God came himself, as only he could do, and save us from the folly we brought on ourselves!
God bless you!