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Viewing the 1611 King James Version of Ieremiah (Jeremiah) Chapter 37, also known as: THE BOOKE OF THE Prophet Ieremiah. , Jeremiah, Jer, Je, Jr,.
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1 The Egyptians hauing raised the siege of the Caldeans, king Zedekiah sendeth to Ieremiah to pray for the people. 6 Ieremiah prophesieth the Caldeans certaine returne and victory. 11 He is taken for a fugitiue, beaten and put in prison. 16 He assureth Zedekiah of the captiuitie. 18 Intreating for his liberty, he obtaineth some fauour.
1And king Zedekiah the sonne of Iosiah reigned in stead of Coniah the son of Iehoiakim, whō Nebuchad-rezzar king of Babylon made king in the land of Iudah.1
2But neither he, nor his seruants, nor the people of the land, did hearken vnto the words of the Lord, which he spake by the prophet Ieremiah.2
4Nowe Ieremiah came in and went out among the people: for they had not put him into prison.
6¶ Then came the word of the Lord vnto the Prophet Ieremiah, saying,
9Thus saith the Lord, Deceiue not your selues, saying, The Caldeans shall surely depart from vs: for they shall not depart.9
10For though yee had smitten the whole armie of the Caldeans that fight against you, and there remained but wounded men among them, yet should they rise vp euery man in his tent, and burne this citie with fire.10
11¶ And it came to passe that when the armie of the Caldeans was broken vp from Ierusalem for feare of Pharaohs armie,11
12Then Ieremiah went forth out of Ierusalem to goe into the lande of Beniamin, to separate himselfe thence in the mids of the people.12
14Then said Ieremiah, It is false, I fall not away to the Caldeans: but he hearkened not to him: so Irijah tooke Ieremiah, and brought him to the princes.14
16¶ When Ieremiah was entred into the dungeon, and into the cabbins, and Ieremiah had remained there many dayes:16
20Therefore heare now, I pray thee, O my Lord the king; let my supplication, I pray thee, be accepted before thee, that thou cause me not to returne to the house of Ionathan the scribe, lest I die there.20
Original 1611 KJV Sidenote References for Jeremiah Chapter 37
1 Chap.22.24. 2.kings 24.17. and 2.chron. 36 10.
2 Heb. by the hand of the prophet.
9 Heb. soules
10 Heb. thrust through.
11 Heb. made to ascend.
12 Or, to slip away from thence in the midst of the people.
14 Heb. falsehood or lie.
16 Or, Celles.
20 Heb. let my supplication fall.
* Some content courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
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