Genesis Chapter 5 Discussion Page 8

  • Ezekiel johnson on Genesis 5:1 - 9 years ago
  • Pastor Eleazar on Genesis 5:22 - 9 years ago
    When Enoch begot Methuselah, he began to observe how helpless a child could be without a primary care-giver. As baby Methuselah was tenderly handled, the father, Enoch began to understand what it means to have our heavenly Father who has our best as His interest. He does not only care, He saves.
  • Thomasamimo on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    the knowledge that Enoch was the seventh generation and was translated lives me with the urge to know that 7 the perfect number of God was Enoch
  • Charvell Dyer on Genesis 5:2 - 9 years ago
    That 's what I was thinking, this is the reason why the female takes her husband 's last name in marriage.
  • Motdaugrnds on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Paul, ask God "in Jesus ' name " for what you want and He will provide. Do not...not...rely on man!
  • Fran Jones on Genesis 5:24 - 9 years ago
    I have found this information to be most useful in the ministry of teaching, that God have given me. I would like more information regarding your online Seminary Classes. Thank you.
  • Kiadum Steve Barade on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    The Bible mentioned only people who were significant by the way of fearing God. God works with the record in Heaven, He remembered those whose names are in His Book of Life. God is the Father of the Living, not the Father of the death. In the beginning, it appears that the first sons were the ones that followed after the God of their fathers the most.
  • RNM 5-9 GEN on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    GEN 5-9...If you read the list of the genealogy you will see that only certain ones of the descendants from Adam down are mentioned by name all the rest are simply sons and daughters, I believe this was a sign God left for us in His defense, to show us that these were the only descendants of Adam that honored God as God and that loved and respected HIM and kept his laws, down to Noah, you see it was only Noah and his three sons and all the wives that entered the Ark, even Cain 's descendants perished in the flood. God is always justified in what he does HIS TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUNESS ARE INFINITE, HIS RIGHTEOUS JUDGE, GOD 'S LAMB, OUR KING OF KINGS, PRAISE THEM FOR THEY ARE DESERVING OF ALL PRAISE, IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH BY EVERY LIVING THING. AMEN!!
  • Chris Seamans on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Its giving you the genealogy of Jesus Christ thats why Cain and Abel are not mentioned.
  • Jimmie leeth on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    The geneology only list the aire, and since cain was exiled and able was dead, they were not listed.
  • RNM GEN --5-24 on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    GEN 5-24...Neither was Abel mentioned? So what does it mean?
  • Lilian on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    God has a plan for the universe and everything he have made, this is according to his purpose.
  • Word on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Don 't miss the fact that Cain isn 't in Adam 's generations.
  • Cherseraph on Genesis 5:24 - 10 years ago
    Listen,it 's is not of so much the fact that God "TOOK " him, but the fact that "GOD " took him. That 's what it says! GOD came to earth to take him away from here for some reason. God came personally.. for him.
  • RNM Gen on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    We all believe that GOD is infinitely powerful, intelligent, creative and logical, alpha and omega knowing all things. I think we can assume that He is also a God of infinite order, Adam and Eve were the first humans, a model to track throughout the ages the genecological history all the way to the Messiah, if God would have recorded every tit tat there wouldn 't be enough room on the earth to contain the books, there 's just some things we half to take on FAITH. PRAISE GOD AND HIS HOLY SON.
  • Jerry M. leonard on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    My though on where Cain may have gotten his wife. I can not find no where in the Bible the date when Cain killed Abel. It does say in Ch. 4, V. 25 that God appointed another son Seth to replace Abel. But we know that by reading Ch. 5 V. 3 when Seth was born of Adam he lived 135 years when Seth was born and that 's all we got to go on. So lets just say 40 years old when Cain killed Abel. Now my way of thinking Adam and Eve they started birthing kids, remember Eve was created a full grown women, in 40 years they could easy had 40 children. If you per them up at 16 years old then up that by 3 times in 42 years as time goes on you can lest have a 100 children. Then paring these at 50 in pars by times 40 you have 2000 people on earth in around in no time. I heard some preachers say back then they had 2 to 4 at birth. That could run up to 6000 people on earth then. To me Cain had to marry his great nieces because there not woman names listed except the word daughters in Ch. 5, of the generations. In closing they had to live in tribes of 40 to 50 people to hunt, fish and to live off the land back then. Let 's go in middle and just say 4000 people that 's around a 100 tribes of people. Now stop and think what if that was 100 years when Cain killed Abel.
  • Moraa on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Cain was murderer yet God allowed to live and Abel, a holy man suffered a premature death. After Cain repented, God put a seal on him which saved him from a premature death but the curse followed his generations. Let 's break generational curses, destroy evil altars, evil covenants, raise Godly altars in our lives
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Hello Noel Simply put, seeming on how there was only Adam and Eve in the beginning then we must deduce that Eve had girl children as well. She could have been a sister or a granddaughter. We do not know how old Cain was when he slew Abel. We do not know if Abel had any children before he died. We can only deduce that Abel did not have any children because his lineage is never mentioned anywhere in the Word of God. It is not stated but this is the conclusion. Now this is not saying that everyone can go out and marry their sister or closest relatives. God is the only one who can change the blood of anyone. Even though this was allowed under this time it is not allowed now, because in many cases the dangers of certain diseases and birth defects are just to great. We can deduce that after God saw enough of the world population he then laid down the law concerning marriage and family, Leviticus Chapter 18. Once again Cain is not Satan 's child.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Part 2 of 2 See if you count the fact that the scripture stated that he lived 500 years and begot his sons, the flood came when he was 600 years old. So this is 100 from the time of counting how old he was and the time the flood came. Somewhere within those 500 years God visited him and gave him instructions about the rain and the Ark. Because God cannot lie nor does the word lie we can deduce that Noah was about 480 years old when he received his instructions which would make it 120 years that all life had left except for the 8 people and the animals that God put into the Ark. So from age 480 to 600 when the flood waters came is 120 years.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Hello Alexander, Part 1 2 In Genesis 6 3 God is talking about the time that the people had left upon the Earth before the flood. During this time Noah built the Ark. If you read in the scriptures in Genesis Chapter 6 after God made this statement he went right into talking about Noah and giving him instructions on the building of the Ark. It does not say what age that God first spoke with Noah but what it does say is that Noah was 600 years old when the flood came Genesis 7 6. He lived 350 years after the flood, Genesis 9 28. He lived to be 950 years old, Genesis 9 29. Now during the first 600 years of his life, if I can say it like this, 120 years of that we can attribute to the building and preaching that it is going to rain from Noah. 2 Peter 2 5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly .
  • Alexander chess on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Who was God referring to when he said they would live no more than 120yrs
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Part 2 One more important piece of information, Because Adam and Eve had eaten off of the forbidden tree, they both now had the knowledge of good and evil. Therefore this was passed down to their children. This is the Dispensation of Conscience. This is when all of the people were to do all that is good and abstain from doing evil. Cain decided to do evil unto his brother. He killed Abel. This was the first recorded murder of a human.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    I sent this before it did not get printed. Part 1 The reason why Cain is not mentioned in the lineage of Adam here in Chapter 5 is because the focus was on Seth lineage and the fact that it was not until Seth begot Enos that men started calling on the name of the Lord. Cain was cursed at this time and had gone away from this part of his family and land. To say that Cain was not begotten by Adam is calling the Word of God a lie, especially when it clearly states in Genesis 4 1 that Adam knew his wife and she conceived and had Cain. Look at it this way, God had Moses write the first five books of the Old Testament, the Pentateud. Read Exodus Chapter 24 this tells about the writing of Moses. Therefore, since God had Moses write it I would like to believe that the account of Cain s birth is correct and that Adam begot him with Eve, not Satan.
  • Word on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Cain is not in Adams generations as you see because Cain was Satan 's child. I noticed a lot of the names that Cain used in Chapter 4 for his generations are near the same as Adams so when reading the scriptures you need to watch out. Keep track of which ones the wicked one sows to earth as Matthew 13 36 44 tells us.
  • Noel on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    we read in the bible that Adam and eve had two sons..Abel and Cain.but Cain was flee from the presence of his mother and father,,and he went as far as he could, then why his seed multiply ? were did he find woman to be meet.
  • Peter on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    For arguments sake, if a guy is 700 years old and he meets a nice girl who is only 500 ', would it be inappropriate to ask for a date?
  • Ange on Genesis 5:2 - 10 years ago
    God named both Adam in the day they were created. Both equal in the sight of God.
  • Mongo on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    I don 't question how long everyone lived. The information is too specific. What I find odd is that the Bible doesn 't include the ages of Cain 's lineage outlined in Chapter 4. Were both Lamech 's alive at the same time? I guess it will remain a mystery, as everybody on earth except for Noah and family died in the great flood. So I guess any knowledge Tubalcain shared was lost as well I don 't think Noah and family were metal workers .
  • Ossie on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    Refer my comments on previous chapters. Remember that Adam was made PERFECT with no genetic problems like humans today. There were no diseases then. It was nearest to perfection. The early family had to live long to populate. HOWEVER, they ALL died within the DAY. The Bible states that to God, 1 day is like a thousand years. And a thousand years like 1 day.
  • John ebejer on Genesis 5 - 10 years ago
    How can people live for 900 years when in modern times with modern medicine we only live 120 years tops.

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