Genesis Chapter 5 Discussion Page 7

  • P on Genesis 5 - 8 years ago
    To Irene123, thanks for the "explanation". Not sure what you mean by the word "dispensation". Are you saying that the earth took less time to rotate around the sun in Noah's time ?

  • Irene123 on Genesis 5 - 8 years ago
    To 'p' on Gen. 6 - Noah lived in a different dispensation. The length of lives then isn't pertinent to us in this dispensation - the church age. The O.T. ages had to do with populating the earth and the lineage of God's people. The years had begun to shorten by the time of Abraham. Psalms 90: 10 tells that by David's time the years were in line with what they are today.
  • P on Genesis 5 - 8 years ago
    Noah had children when he was 500 years old? That's incredible. If it wasn't in the Bible I would think it was a made up story.
  • Ahuwa Chiamaka Jecinta on Genesis 5 - 8 years ago
    The Lord has commanded us to be fruitful
  • Bren on Genesis 5 - 8 years ago
    This verse says Cain knew his wife and she bore Enoch. It doesn't say Adam's wife nor Eve.
    Chapter 5: 3 And Adam......begat....Seth. Verse 7 tells that Seth begat Enos
    Verse 9 says Enos begat Cainan
    verse 12 Says Cainan begat Mahalaleel
    verse 16 says Mahalaleel begat Jared
    verse 18 Says Jared begat Enoch
    These are two different Enochs
  • Lorenzo on Genesis 5 - 8 years ago
    This was about the time transition from Adam to Noah according to the number of years of life they lived.
  • Tricia Wright on Genesis 5 - 8 years ago
    There are two men named Enoch. Eve didn't give birth to either of them. One was the son of Cain. The other was the son of Jared. Hope that helps :)
  • Charlie on Genesis 5 - 8 years ago
    In Genesis chapter 4 verse 17, Eve gave birth to Enoch. So in Genesis Chapter 5 verse 18 says Jared lived one hundred sixty two years and became the father of Enoch. I am a little confused here. Can you shed some light on this? Thank you .
  • Nene on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
  • NeNe on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    In the land of NOD. Gen4:16
  • Evans Bezika on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Who was the second son of Adam

  • Clayton on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    If you look at chapte 3 verse 16 when God was giving punishment for eating the apple. He told Eve He would greatly multiply her giving order to multiply one must have already experienced it. Adam and Eve where not alone in the Garden of Eden. what was birthed in the Garden of Eden was pure and Holy. look at Adams Geneology. Seth is first The first born out of the Garden.Not Cain Or Able
  • Arthur on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    An answer to where Cain got his wife: In Genesis it says that Eve is the mother of all living.
  • Jimmy Gichohi on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Hi Simon kariithi muthee.
    The wife to Cain is not expressly stated in the Bible. He must have married a sister or niece or something like that.
  • Jimmy Gichohi on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Hi Mis,
    I believe that he must have married his sister. And because, many times the bible does not talk ladies in genealogies, I believe Adam had daughters born to Adam. It's the simplest way I can explain it. What do think?
  • Jay jay on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    I thought the Bible doesn't give Cains geaneology as he was not in the bloodline is David - he was not Adam's offspring. Only Able was truest blood. Cain was of the evil seed.
  • Mishondl on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Hard to follow
  • Mis on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Hard to follow. How did Cain find a wife were they siblings
  • Lucinda Palestrant on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    OOPS. Gina; about Sarah. I meant to say she was Abraham's father's, daughter.
  • Lucinda Palestrant on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Gina, Genesis 20:12 tells us that Sarah was Abraham's half sister. She was Abraham's daughter but not the daughter of Abraham's mother.
  • Lucinda Palestrant on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Gina, Genesis 4:16-17; It does not say that Cain found his wife after he was exiled. He took his wife with him. His wife was also his sister. There was no other people that existed at the time besides Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel and Adams many other children.
  • Simom kariithi muthee on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Is there anywhere in the binble where cains wiife's name is mentioned?
  • Gina on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    If Adam an eve were the first two humans an had Cain an able how did Cain find a wife after being exiled
  • Sonja on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    In all the generations the bible mentioned , it only mentioned, Enoch walked with God and Noah found favour in the Lord's eyes, Noah was a righteous man. Amazing for him and his family and everything they must've gone through while building the ark, and his persistance, faith in all the years it took to build the ark and obedience.
  • Johnhowell on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    I thought I had a fairly fair understanding of The Bible, but after some research I learned that there is a eternal amount of knowledge in these 32 verses and that just let me know I'm not spending enough time in Bible study and research....Lord Please Help me to be a better Soldier for you....
  • John on Genesis 5:29 - 9 years ago
    Also concerning the fact that Noah built the ArK at the Lord's command to provide generations of the human race after the flood.
  • D. R. on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    I believe they lived longer due to being created perfect. Also, just maybe as time passed the nature of earth started dying as well and sicknesses started shortening lives a little over time.
  • Erasmus aey on Genesis 5:24 - 9 years ago
    God rewarded Enoch for his absolute faithfulness by walking with God in truth and in integrity and honesty. In short he pleased God all of the times he lived. He was not corrupted! So God took him away whole Body, Soul and Spirit
  • Rick on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Interesting math work: Adam was around to see Methuselah 's day, but not Lamech 's and 1656 years from Adam 's day until the great flood started... On that note: Methuselah was 969 years old his death age in the year of the flood--I wonder if he died with the flood? He would have been the only one mentioned in here old enough to have possibly seen the flood, with the notable exceptions of Noah and his children.
  • Tommy parsons on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    It does not say they didnt die, flesh and blood can not enter Heaven. I think they went to Paradice, Why?because Jesus had to be the first. He ha Preminance over every one, also his blood had to be sprinkled on the mercy seat. What do you think? God Bless Tommy P

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