Genesis Chapter 5 Discussion Page 5

  • Stan jett on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died. 777 Better numbers than 666.
  • Linda Daniel on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    In ref. to chapter 6 verse 2, who are the sons of God that took the daughters of men?
  • JP on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    Alex, I never stated that Christ came from any mans seed or the biological seed of man.
  • Alex on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    Jesus asked the Pharisees what think ye of Christ whose seed is he ( what is his posterity ) they replied Davids seed then jesus answered IF DAVID CALLS HIM LORD HOW CAN HE BE HIS SON JESUS PREDATED THE JEWS B/F ABRAHAM WAS I AM GBU
  • I am that Michael Isaac Dale on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    Being evil, ye say, Actually Christ was not from any mans seed. But it is written, (Hath not the scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was? and, Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the FLESH; and, I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.) REPENT.
  • Dinone on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    Jesus does NOT belong to the lineage of David. It is JOSEPH husband of Mary who is [ Matt. 1:12 - xxx Jotam, Acaz, Ezequias, Manases, Ammon, Josias, Jeconias, xxx 1:16 - Azores, Zadoc, Aquim, Eliud, Eleazar, Matab, Jacob, AT SI JOSE NA ASAWA NI MARIA, ANG INA NI JESUS.] Strictly speaking therefore, so far as BLOODLINE is concerned, Jesus is not in anyway related to David.
  • Alex on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    JP actually Christ was not from any mans seed but he was promised to many men not the biological seed, had Christ been from mans seed he wd carried the stain and the spot of Adam thus cd not be the lamb of God with out spot.He cd not come from mans seed thats y it had to be a virgin birth.Outta of the hearts of man proceeds all manner of evil. 2 nd MAN/ADAM IS THE LORD FROM HEAVEN HE TOLD THE JEWS
  • JP on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. (GOD SAID) that's settles it. no flaws here.
    Genesis 3:20 Adam called his wife Eve. no flaws here.
    Genesis 2:23-24 God made woman from man and they shall be one flesh. no flaws here .
    I love the KJV.
  • JP on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    Brenda, This is the family line of the promised Christ child. From Adam to Noah then Noah to Shem (Genesis chapter 5) , then Shem to Abraham (Genesis chapter 11), then Abraham to David then David to Jesus Christ (Matthew chapter 1).
  • Brenda on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    So for me, this is the most difficult chapter in Genesis, there's a lot of begatin' going around and very difficult to follow. I will surely need to find a bible study group to help me out here.
  • Lynnie on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    This is the old testament. Before Christ. When the rapture comes the righteous ones that are alive will not die. They will be caught up in the air after the dead in Christ rise up and meet the Lord in the air. No one is going to be like Enoch or Elijah until the rapture, because Christ came and died in the cross. New testament.
  • Shane on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago

    1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;

    Chapter 5 2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. Created man and a woman an called their name ADAM. Every book of the KJV Bible is flawed how's that possible when they say it's the word of God
  • Stella emery on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
  • Stanjett on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    Methuselh did live the longest (969 years)at that time but who was the next to live longest? It was Methuselhs granddaddy, Jared who only live 7 years less than his grandson.(962 years) Man, they lived a long time back then. I think if my math is right Methuselh was alive at the time of the flood or died in the same year of the flood right before it.
  • June lacey on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    What I think is the Lord and all living all knowing God and I also think that that was the beginning of how we live today with Disobedience and it started with Eve disobeying the Lord but through it all the Lord is no Respect a person I love him so much not because of what he has but because of who he his in my life
  • Bruce on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    Sounds good But You Can't Walk that Far. Neither Did Enoch,He was Taken Verse 24. To Walk with The LORD, You have to be in Prayer, Read His WORD ONLY No Other Books, No Commentaries, No TV, No Internet, No Games, Tell Others The Way of Salvation by The Blood of The Lamb: do All 24-7. If Married Love HER as Christ Loved The Church( Ephesians 5:25) If Not Married, Don't Get Married. It's Not Hard
  • Sammy fowlerEnoch and Elijah never died. God is no respector of persons. What on Genesis 5 - 5 years ago
    Enoch and Elijah went to Heaven without dying, and since God is no respector of persons, he doesn't play favorites, I plan to walk with God as Enoch did, and walk into Heaven fully alive!Care to join me?
  • BSP on Genesis 5 - 6 years ago
    Verse 22~Enoch walked with Jehovah God for some 300 years. This shows that Enoch was faithful and consistent in his worship of God.
  • Glenmore Brown on Genesis 5 - 6 years ago
    Angel's are the ones that took Enoch to be with our savior Lord Jesus God Almighty. This is the greatest testimony anyone can have.if we praise, pray, rejoice every day in your mind and spirit you will never see death.
  • BSP on Genesis 5 - 6 years ago
    Verse 27~Methuselah is the longest living human recorded in the Bible.
  • Kimberly on Genesis 5 - 6 years ago
    Please turn the verse highlighter back on. I really like and need it. Thank You!
  • Ren on Genesis 5 - 6 years ago
    Jimmy if you read farther down in 1 John 5:7 it says For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
  • Ally smith on Genesis 5 - 7 years ago
    i like the bible
  • A disciple on Genesis 5 - 7 years ago
    Jimmy; the things that are too much for us to bear just now, God will reveal to us in due time; and certainly when we see Him face to face! The are plenty of Scriptures that declare plainly that GOD IS ONE! But ONE doesn't just refer to quantity; although we know that there is no other God but our God. The Father sent the Son in the flesh to save the world from sin and undo the works of the devil.
  • Bruce on Genesis 5 - 7 years ago
    Jim: Genesis 1:26:Did God say let us,or let me make man? 1John 5:7:Does it say there are not 3 in Heaven. Genesis,Elohim is God's Name. It's plural. Husband and Wife (man and woman) 2=1. Thousands in The Body, The Church:1000's=1. your theory on the theory of The Trinity is, well just that. Salvation is Free. Foolishness is costly. John 6:44. Ask, you will be Changed: 2Corinthians 5:17
  • Jimmy on Genesis 5 - 7 years ago
    Donna Cromb their is only one God. Read 1 John 5:2, 1 John 5:20-22 confirms that the theory of trinity is wrong. God is one.
  • Donna Cromb on Genesis 5 - 7 years ago
    Taylor, its three in one because 1) Jesus said if u have seen me then u have seen the Father, 2) because verse 2 says "the Spirit" of God moved on the face of the waters, 3) Matthew 19:26 with God all things r possible, including understanding, 4) remember when Jesus talked about the end and only the Father knows when that will come and it shows they r distinct, and I believe they r 3.
  • Taylor on Genesis 5 - 7 years ago
    if 1=1 than how is father son holysprit =1
    1 1 1 = 1
  • Donna Cromb on Genesis 5 - 7 years ago
    It reads God is a Spirit, so in His image is the Spiritual side of mankind. God breathed His Spirit into Adam, made from the dust of the Earth. It never says that God is a man.
  • A disciple on Genesis 5 - 7 years ago
    Christine; "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." There was nothing made out of something that already was; but He spoke by His Divine Power and Understanding, and they BECAME! If God wills that anyone live a thousand years, what is that to us? Sin also has had a huge part in shortening men's lives, as well all the evil imagined against the LORD, and the hostility toward Jesus!

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