"And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart; for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her." There is a difference between walking in darkness and ignorance of facts. Walking in darkness suggests an evil will against receiving the truth; but one can be good and walk in integrity although ignorant.
Once again Abraham sinned by trusting the flesh and lying about Sarah his wife to another man. It is a demonstration to us all that we tend to return to the sinful ways of the flesh that are familiar and not trust the God that has proved Himself in these areas in the past.
It seems that Abraham was using his wife's beauty to get through difficult situations but God had a plan for Sarah's life to fulfill His promise to Abraham and therefore protected her.
Verse 6 "for I also withheld thee from sinning against Me" Is it possible that adultery is a direct sin against God? If I think about it, it probably is because our bodies are God's temple. Oh, we can only but thank God for being so merciful with us.
how old was Sarah and Abimelech wanted to be with her? IF she was old then God made her look ageless, youon? He preserved her beauty he could do the same for all of us
God is full of mercy He refused To Let Abimelech To fall into sin spoke To him before he touched Sarah though she and Abraham were ignorant enough in so much that the lied out of fear because there was lack of faith but God showed up faithful
it pays off to be God 's servant child, Abimelech took only the wife of Abraham but Abraham did not get only his wife back but the livestock also.And also God saw it fit to address Abraham as Prophet.You will never meet God and remains the same.
I just found out it was before the law ,this is the way of life at that time,then the ten commandments came with the time of moses which brought awareness of how much sin was needed to be forgiven.
I think genesis is a wonderful book, its image links the reader, in which a way, for as to understand the nature of god. it is like looking at god in a painting ,allowing you to step back to be amazed by wonder and love at the same time.
There is no doubt that our unfaithfulness will never change God's faithfulness. To be saved and anointed is man's guarantee for a blessed life , no matter who is against you. Abraham enjoyed grace though he lived in the old testament;that's the benefit of salvation. Are you saved? Genesis 20 is an explicit new testament revelation.
The more I understand or think I do Genesis, I do not. Why was it so exceptable to have so many wives and be an adultor with maid servants, sleep with your father, allow your wife to be had by another man, etc. etc.?
Indeed God is ever faithful despite of our unfaithfulness to Him..Nevertheless, everyday is a chance He gave for us to be faithful to Him & to trust in Him. In this chapter, I have seen how God has been faithful to Abraham. God's favor to Abraham is such an inspiration. To God be the glory!
This, along with an earlier chapter when Sarai tried to take matters into her own hands so Abram could have a son, really brings me back to the first chapter of 1 Corinthians, the wisdom of man vs. the wisdom of God. What an example of what can happen when you lean on your own understanding instead of just trusting in the Lord. It is so easy to get caught up in trying to figure out worldly ways to fix worldly problems. But how much easier is it to simply release your problems, give them to God through prayer and supplication. How much easier is it to simply make the most of the life God has given you, through both pitfalls and opportunities, and let Him lead you to your divine destiny. See...This is why it is so important to stay in the word. Had I not read this tonight, I would not have even thought to turn away from my own desire to take so many of my own matters into my own hands, as I have already been doing. The word always seems to have the answers we need the most right when we need them. Isn't that just like God?!