@R. D. Mattock,
In the Old Testament we have the Covenant of Law. In the New Testament we have the Covenant of Grace. The Covenant of Grace is far better than the Law. Some hearing this may be thinking, you�re teaching that we Christians are not supposed to keep the Law. We are not under the Law, but yes we do keep it. As a Christians, I don�t break the Law. I walk after the Spirit and according to Paul, those who walk after the Spirit fulfil the Law ( Romans 8:1). If you think the 10 Commandments are so important, name them. We usually can�t, we might get a few, but very seldom all of them, and almost never in order. The Ten Commandments are not all of the Jewish law. There are 615 separate commandments contained in those five books. To keep 614 of those is not enough. So anyone who thinks he can attain righteousness by keeping the Law has his work cut out for him. Get to work and start memorizing all 615. I'll stay with what John says, if we walk in the light as he is the light the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. I came out of one of those churches where men sit on one side of the church and the women sat on the other side. Could not ware make up, had to cover your head, and the Pastor decide who you could or could not marry. No I choose Grace, if it be of grace, it cannot be of works, if it be of works it cannot be of grace.
On verse 16, It breaks my heart when I hear people repeat like �broken records�, texts or ideas from the Bible without making the slightest effort to understand what the author is saying. The myopic approach to certain issues of the Holy Writ is dangerous and can lead to destruction. Now, I realize that most of them are sincere and they mean well; however they are still mislead. Here is the case in point: In the letter (all six chapters = one letter) to the churches in Galatia, Apostle Paul is dealing with the controversial issue of circumcision. Methodically, he is explaining to the new believers why they don�t need to be circumcised in order to be saved. In verse 16 he declares: �KNOWING THAT A MAN IS NOT JUSTIFIED BY THE WORKS OF THE LAW, BUT BY THE FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST, EVEN WE HAVE BELIEVED IN JESUS CHRIST, THAT WE MIGHT BE JUSTIFIED BY THE FAITH OF CHRIST, AND NOT BY THE WORKS OF THE LAW: FOR BY THE WORKS OF THE LAW SHALL NO FLESH BE JUSTIFIED.� This is a true and very important statement: Salvation is God�s gift to anyone who accepts it. It is free and based on Christ�s sacrifice and merits only. So, what does that statement mean? First, it means that no matter how strict or faithful toward keeping any law, IT WILL NOT get you into the Kingdom of God. Secondly, within the context of Paul�s letter, it means that circumcision (in the flesh), which was part of the �Ceremonial Law� (fulfilled by Christ, and no longer required to be observed), is not a prerequisite to be saved, nor to become part of �the chosen people� or spiritual Israel. Galatians 3, states: �26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 AND IF YE BE CHRIST'S, THEN ARE YE ABRAHAM'S SEED, AND HEIRS ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE.� Thirdly, and just as important, that statement does not give us a free pass to sin, just because Christ died, and we are under GRACE. In other words: We have no right to trample the Moral Law or �the Ten Commandments� under our feet, under the pretext that we don�t want to be �under the curse of the Law�. Most Christians have no problem admitting that keeping at least nine of the Ten, it is OK� So they say: �not stealing from me it�s desirable, you should keep that commandment; and no, I wouldn�t want you to fool-around with my wife: that seventh commandment it�s very important!� Or, �Do you want to kill me? Oh no, that�s breaking the sixth one: don�t even think of that!� And so on, with commandment number 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. So far you are safe: if you keep just those nine you are not under �the curse of the Law�! But the moment you mention the fourth commandment they cry: �LEGALISM�, down with that Jewish Sabbath! You are under the curse� So they take away the only commandment that says �Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy� and tell everyone to �Forget it!� or they say: �Oh no, we keep Sunday (the Day of the Sun) instead!� So, why do we need to keep the Ten Commandments? No, we don�t keep them in order to be saved, but rather, because we are saved. We do it out of respect for God, not to score �salvation points�. And every time we break one of them, we repent and ask God�s forgiveness, and, as Jesus bids us, we �go and sin no more�. But even if we do, as often as it happens, we go again through the same exercise: repent and ask God�s forgiveness �until seventy times seven� if needed ( Matthew 18:22), and ��He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness� 1 John 1:9, until we are victorious over that sin. THIS IS GRACE: No condemnation (as the Law requires) but unmerited forgiveness! The Law is not abolished, but it facilitates GRACE. And so, we grow and mature as followers of Christ. But, if there is no Law, then there is no need for forgiveness, no need for repentance, no need for grace, and ultimately no need of Christ� Suppose now, just suppose that Apostle Paul is teaching here that we don�t need to keep The Commandments, any of them: Would you listen to him or to Jesus?! Here is what Jesus, our Savior is asking you and me: �IF YE LOVE ME, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS�, John 14:15. But no, Apostle Paul would not dare to contradict his Savior and Master� as he had in the past. Not convinced yet? Here is another message from Jesus: �Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called THE LEAST in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven� Matthew 5:19. Yes, they�ll be called �the least� but they won�t be found within. Choose eternal life today: and be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven!
Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. By Grace we are saved, through faith, NOT OF WORKS least any man boast. There are churches out there that will try to put you back under the law. Legalism. Leave them. The law was our school master, in that it pointed to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Man realizing that he was unable to keep the law needs a savior. It is amazing grace, saving grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wrench like me. How come if works cannot save us, do we let bad works unsave us?
I feel that the Apostle Peter is getting a bad rap; and that�s not fair! While I appreciate Paul and his writings and recognize him as a great teacher and prophet, I cannot help but notice that even after his conversion, God �was not finished� with him. He appears to be both, boastful (in chapter 1), and angry. Maybe, that�s what they call �righteous indignation�? The transition from Old Testament to New Testament after Christ�s ascension was a work in progress: it did not happen overnight, but lasted quite a few years. As the Holy Spirit instructed the apostles, they, in turn presented the revelations to the believers, either orally or in the written form, �growing in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ� ( 2 Peter 3:18). Not all apostles were �enlightened� of the same subject, or at the same time. So, we have �gaps� in time and teachings. And in the case of �circumcision� issue, (which Paul is dealing with in Galatians), the apostles had to have a �congress� at Jerusalem in order to decide what to do, as shows Acts 15. Even Paul�s speech was a work in progress� The language used in Galatians 1:8 �But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that, which we have preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED,� and Galatians 2:12 �I would they were EVEN CUT OFF which trouble you�, leaves something to be desired. Jesus says in Luke 6: �Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you�, verse 28 �BLESS THEM THAT CURSE YOU, and pray for them which despitefully use you�. Even Apostle Paul agrees with that in Romans 12:14: �Bless them which persecute you: bless, and CURSE NOT.� His statements about �James, Cephas (Peter), and John, WHO SEEMED to be pillars� in the church ( Galatians 2:9), borders on arrogance. I feel like telling him: �Paul, get a life; THEY WERE THE PILLARS OF THE CHURCH while you were persecuting it!� True, they were simple fishermen, not trained at the feet of Gamaliel like you, but they had spent three and a half years at the feet of Jesus: The Greatest Teacher of all times. And, not only that, on the Day of Pentecost they received the power of the Holy Spirit: to preach, to teach and heal. Yes, Paul was a great apostle, but Apostle John was a giant: he was not only trained by Jesus and wrote the Gospel and the Epistles that bear his name, but he received countless visions from Him and wrote the Book of Revelation. And Apostle Peter, he was entrusted with �taking care of His sheep� by Jesus Himself. Also, Paul�s boldness expressed towards Apostle Peter, was uncalled for: �But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed� ( Galatians 2:11). Basically he was blaming Peter for the troubles in Galatia. Too bad Peter had no chance to defend himself. I�m wondering how much did Paul�s criticism of Peter, help those churches� But what really takes the cake, is his advice (good advice though) in Galatians 5:13 �For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; �Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.� 15 But IF YE BITE AND DEVOUR ONE ANOTHER, take heed that ye are not consumed one of another.� Sometimes it�s good to take seriously our own advice...
To Terry: All is needed is faith in Jesus Christ. As you read and meditate upon his word daily, He will produce the work in you by His Holy Spirit. Now rest in Him and watch Him work through you. He is the author and finisher of your faith. He gives you peace and the mind to follow and obey Him. Don't worry. All of His paths are peace. It is so sweet and easy when He does the work. It's a burden you try to do it. God bless you. Enjoy your walk with the Lord as you live by Him.
Today the law does not justify a person's existence, nor does it give justification of a person's birth into this world. Christ, who died for us, however, is the justification why we exist in this world today possessing all the rights to reach salvation. For in order for us humans to be justified by the law, we must either be equal to it or above it. Example: Adam and Eve, before they sinned, were living above the law, therefore justified that their existence was righteous. But when they sinned, became under the law having to live up to it with no hope of salvation unless they were justified. Thus, something or someone greater (WILLING to pay the price) must had to either be made equal or inferior to them/us so they/we may yet again have a justified reason to live above the law and be restored to their/our first nature. While Adam and Eve's/our sinful, limited, and preoccupied mind could not even come close to think up a reason to justify their/our existence, God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, had already placed in action the plan that would permanently justify Adam and Eve's/our existence fully restoring once and for all their/our rights to live eternally. Now, definition of "justified" as specified by Merriam Webster Online dictionary is: 1. To prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable 2. To qualify (oneself) as a surety by taking oath to the ownership of sufficient property. 3. To judge, regard, or treat as righteous and worthy of salvation. 4. To qualify as bail or surety. That said, which of these definitions does Christ not fit?... Not only did Christ didn't consider leaving His throne, but also was concious of the humiliation He was put through as He was made inferior than humankind becoming the ultimate sacrifice to restore salvation to us all.
In this chapter I believe is the splitting off of the church from the Jewish religion. All of the Apostles were Jewish for Jesus was of that religion. Paul through revelation formulated these new ideas, that there was no salvation possible except through Faith or belief in the resurrection as a realized condition in which we become present with the Lord, on earth by gravity but spiritually in heaven with the Father. Before the resurrection their was only the righteousness of arc of the convenant. But the Jews were stiffnecked and always erred in their heart. So God in his mercy sent his Son, or himself in human form, as a living proof that God is alive in humans and to serve God is the way to please God. To please God is to receive his mercy. To be in that state with certainty is God realization , heaven, peace, fulness, bliss, happiness, and Rest.
To Terri's comment on verse 16:
To properly understand to what Paul is referring here, you don't need to know the greek. The answer itself lies in his rebuke of Peter. Peter thought it okay to eat with the Gentiles at first, but when "certain came from James", (which refers to the Jewish Christians sent by James from the Jerusalem church), Peter withdrew himself from eating with the Gentiles because to eat with the Gentiles violated the Jews' kosher standards. The scripture says that Peter dissimulated from the Gentiles because he feared them which "were of the circumcision". (the Jews from Jerusalem)
However, Paul rebuked him for this because God had brought through Peter and Paul both the gospel to the Gentiles, and while Peter believed that the Gentiles were saved, he was hypocritical when the Jews showed up. Paul admonishes that the Gentiles were saved by faith in Jesus Christ, not by the works of circumcision, which was a part of the old mosaic tradition. This in no way infers that he was saying that we should not exemplify good works in our life, but that we are not justified by becoming Jews after the old traditions of Mosaic law. Hope that helps!
Have been a believer for 8+ years and am just now beginning to understand the freedom from guilt and bondage that these words yruly represent. Thank you Father God.
I think the gift of God, is so awesome,The Grace he has for us is so unconditional, if we just repent and believe his words,I myself know i was born a sinner,but by Gods grace his son the Lord Jesus Christ paid for my sins on the Cross. There is nothing i could possibly do to earn that," amen"
There are so many ways humans attempt to frustrate
: to make ineffectual : bring to nothing the grace of God by false doctrine. We can do nothing to earn salvation. It is God who saves us and keeps us saved. Otherwise grace is not grace. If someone gives you a gift and afterwards throws in terms and conditions then it ceases to become a gift anymore. How often does someone get their paycheck and say thank you for this wonderful gift? It works both ways. If it's without strings it's a gift and anything else added to it makes it wages. Our righteousness is like filthy dirty disgusting rags. Christ did not die for us so we can say thanks but I got this. How offended would you be if you gave someone a gift and they pulled out their wallet and attempted to pay you for it.
Now imagine to purchase that gift you had traded your only child for it. Now they want to pay you and what they hand you is a a tissue they blew their nose on. Is it any wonder that someone attempting to get into Heaven by their own merits hears to depart into the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Those on the outside were not able to stand such a concept and therefore just had to throw stuff on top of grace to bring people into bondage. Today you hear, "oh that's easy believism" How hard do you want God to make it? The door is wide open and if you don't take it, don't blame God. He did everything he could and gave everything he had to pay your debt. He is the only one that can. Let Him, and take your hands off the wheel.
In the Old Testament we have the Covenant of Law. In the New Testament we have the Covenant of Grace. The Covenant of Grace is far better than the Law. Some hearing this may be thinking, you�re teaching that we Christians are not supposed to keep the Law. We are not under the Law, but yes we do keep it. As a Christians, I don�t break the Law. I walk after the Spirit and according to Paul, those who walk after the Spirit fulfil the Law ( Romans 8:1). If you think the 10 Commandments are so important, name them. We usually can�t, we might get a few, but very seldom all of them, and almost never in order. The Ten Commandments are not all of the Jewish law. There are 615 separate commandments contained in those five books. To keep 614 of those is not enough. So anyone who thinks he can attain righteousness by keeping the Law has his work cut out for him. Get to work and start memorizing all 615. I'll stay with what John says, if we walk in the light as he is the light the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. I came out of one of those churches where men sit on one side of the church and the women sat on the other side. Could not ware make up, had to cover your head, and the Pastor decide who you could or could not marry. No I choose Grace, if it be of grace, it cannot be of works, if it be of works it cannot be of grace.
To properly understand to what Paul is referring here, you don't need to know the greek. The answer itself lies in his rebuke of Peter. Peter thought it okay to eat with the Gentiles at first, but when "certain came from James", (which refers to the Jewish Christians sent by James from the Jerusalem church), Peter withdrew himself from eating with the Gentiles because to eat with the Gentiles violated the Jews' kosher standards. The scripture says that Peter dissimulated from the Gentiles because he feared them which "were of the circumcision". (the Jews from Jerusalem)
However, Paul rebuked him for this because God had brought through Peter and Paul both the gospel to the Gentiles, and while Peter believed that the Gentiles were saved, he was hypocritical when the Jews showed up. Paul admonishes that the Gentiles were saved by faith in Jesus Christ, not by the works of circumcision, which was a part of the old mosaic tradition. This in no way infers that he was saying that we should not exemplify good works in our life, but that we are not justified by becoming Jews after the old traditions of Mosaic law. Hope that helps!
: to make ineffectual : bring to nothing the grace of God by false doctrine. We can do nothing to earn salvation. It is God who saves us and keeps us saved. Otherwise grace is not grace. If someone gives you a gift and afterwards throws in terms and conditions then it ceases to become a gift anymore. How often does someone get their paycheck and say thank you for this wonderful gift? It works both ways. If it's without strings it's a gift and anything else added to it makes it wages. Our righteousness is like filthy dirty disgusting rags. Christ did not die for us so we can say thanks but I got this. How offended would you be if you gave someone a gift and they pulled out their wallet and attempted to pay you for it.
Now imagine to purchase that gift you had traded your only child for it. Now they want to pay you and what they hand you is a a tissue they blew their nose on. Is it any wonder that someone attempting to get into Heaven by their own merits hears to depart into the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Those on the outside were not able to stand such a concept and therefore just had to throw stuff on top of grace to bring people into bondage. Today you hear, "oh that's easy believism" How hard do you want God to make it? The door is wide open and if you don't take it, don't blame God. He did everything he could and gave everything he had to pay your debt. He is the only one that can. Let Him, and take your hands off the wheel.