Ezekiel Chapter 36 Discussion

  • Tunney on Ezekiel 36 - 1 year ago
    May we honor our LORD and SAVIOR by understanding our relationship with HIM. If you are saved, then search the scriptures to find out what it means to be saved. Continue to read and study to know what the mind of CHRIST is with regards to our Christian world view pertaining to different issues confronting and plaguing our society.

    Memorize HIS word and walk in HIS Spirit that we not fall to the lust of the flesh.

    GOD to shine HIS face on the brethren and gloriously bless us as we worship and praise HIS name.

    May we be strong and faithful to be praying for the peace in Jerusalem; and for those in leadership positions.

    January 8, 2024
  • Tim legarie on Ezekiel 36 - 3 years ago
    Ezekiel 36:9 For behold,I am for you,and I will turn unto you,and you shall be tilled and sown: 36:18 Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land ,and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it. Matthew Henry 1710 The sin of the people defiles the land,renders it abominable to God ,and uncomfortable to themselves.Water is an emblem of the clensing of our polluted souls from sin. (TL) there is another word the world uses to divert people from the pollution of sin. God almighty will clense and heal our land by repentance ,and turning back to him only he can heal the land not man.
  • Randall Permann on Ezekiel 36:3 - 3 years ago
    I sure enjoy this place and hope to stay here for my life. KJV is the best bible there is and I stand on it and use it always!
  • Ernest Arnold on Ezekiel 36:27 - 4 years ago
    Yes. Jesus says to Nikodemus that in order to enter the kingdom you MUST be reborn of water and SPIRIT.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Ezekiel 36 - 4 years ago
    King Tut,

    Your comment seems rather offensive!
  • KING TEE - In Reply on Ezekiel 36 - 4 years ago
    WRONG Interpretation my friend, Most high God as not casted away "true Israel" , He has a remnant of an actual people, and not who you think they are! Paul speaks of the true natural vine, and those grafted in. That is New Testament, by grace of Yeshua, those that believe are grafted in with the real Hebrews. You know, those casted to the four corners of the earth, by way of ships. That's only one group of people on this planet. The so called " Negro" The awakening has begun!!!!!!

    Romans CH 11 1:3

    I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

    2 God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying,

    3 Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life.
  • Alex on Ezekiel 36 - 5 years ago
    "HERE WE GO " PLZ LET ME GIVE YA MY SLANT On ISRAEL. Abraham,s Seed initiated natural Israel but Abrahams seed was not the Seed of Promise God found fault with natural Israel. None righteous no not one ( ye do always go a whoring after strange Gods etc )but Jesus tells Israel that they must be bornagain of an incorrruptible seed which is H.G. THE ISRAEL OF GOD THAT SEED OF PROMISE SPRITUAL ISRAEL
  • Alex on Ezekiel 36 - 5 years ago
    HERE WE GO. Sure there is a SPRITUAL ISRAEL which is the PROMISE Seed th H.G. OUR NEW INNERMAN that has to be born in us via his Seed the WORD.There is only 1 PROMISE SEED WHICH IS THE H.G. HE NEVA REFERS TO ANYMAN AS THE PROMISE BUT THE H.G. WHICH IS TH ISRAEL OF GOD, Thats y he tells Israel they had to be bornagain of the spirit which is the ISRAEL OF GOD OUR NEW HEART N NEW SPIRIT TH NEW BIRTH.
  • HERE WE GO on Ezekiel 36 - 5 years ago
    See all those people were doing "MANY WONDERFUL WORKS". They were all so called "Christians" doing good things in HIS name. But he told them I never knew you you doers of evil. THEY THOUGHT they were being Christians. But it aint about CHRISTIANS. ITS ABOUT THE ISRAELITES.
  • HERE WE GO on Ezekiel 36 - 5 years ago
    Its talking about the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. There is no such thing as spiritual Israel. This is refereeing to the ISRAELITES not about "Christians". MATT 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me..
  • Obbie Beal on Ezekiel 36 - 6 years ago
    VERSE 21 But I had pity for mine holy name,.. verse 22 I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake... (Jehovah / GOD know we are undeserving, never-the-less FOR HIS HOLY NAME SAKE... WOW! WOW! WOW!
  • Bruce on Ezekiel 36 - 6 years ago
    The Heart is Deceitful above all Things and Desperately Wicked---( Jeremiah 17:9) Man does not Start with a Good Heart.---The Imagination of Man's Heart is Evil from His Youth---( Genesis 8:21) No Man can come to me Except The Father which Sent Me Draw him.( John 6:44) He will Wash Us in His Blood( Revelation 1:5)Baptize us with The Holy Ghost( Mark 1:8)---He will be a New Creature--- 2Corinthians5:17
  • Takeeton Green on Ezekiel 36 - 6 years ago
    This here is speaking of the new birth. We all need needed a heart transplant and the Lord is the one who can do it.
  • Jones on Ezekiel 36 - 6 years ago
    A man is born with a Good heart. As he grows. He becomes hardened by evil deeds and this deeds is likened unto a stone and is discribed as a stony heart .self centeredness. Not longer able to do God's will . God's then giving every man an opportunity to repent from all evil deeds . at your acceptance stage then God will remove a stony heart and then He then gives you a new heart with His spirit in it that will assist you to obey and do God's will again .therefore repent from all evil deeds and then follow acts 3 19..st Mark 16:16.then get baptism on acts 2 :38 be filled with power of the Holy Ghost at acts 1 versr 8 .become a witness to God's word . Remain obedient to His Word . Stay blessed. Amen
  • Alex on Ezekiel 36 - 6 years ago
  • Cheryl on Ezekiel 36 - 7 years ago
    Verses 25 through 29 what does it mean according to end to times ?
  • A disciple on Ezekiel 36 - 7 years ago
    Steve Patten; All the years are recorded by Moses: from the Creation to the cataclysm was 1656 years;The dividing of the lands (The Tower of Babel?) was 101 years after the flood. The LORD rained fire and burning sulfur upon Sodom and Gomorrah when Abraham was 99 years old, 2048 after Creation, 391 years after the flood. Noah lived till Abraham was 58 years old. Shem outlived Abraham by 35 years.
  • Lu2677 on Ezekiel 36 - 7 years ago
    SteveP. 3 men(that he called Lord) appeared before Abraham when they where there to destroy Sodom and Gammorah this is told to us in Gen.18.Noah was born; is told to us in Gen.5. Abraham was not alive at the time of the flood.So,I guess you could figure it out by the ages of the men at the time of these events.Am not saying you are wrong for asking;I am curious as to why you asked the question.
  • Librarygal143 on Ezekiel 36 - 7 years ago
    For my family.
  • Steve patten on Ezekiel 36 - 7 years ago
    How long was it from the time of the flood of Noah,to the time of Sodom and Gorromia
  • Jacqueline House Green on Ezekiel 36 - 8 years ago
    I agree with a change of heart we can serve the Lord more serious when our heart's and minds are cleanse thats the only way to come to the lord.
  • Anne on Ezekiel 36 - 8 years ago
  • Marites maniego on Ezekiel 36 - 9 years ago
    Im so bless for inspirational message from the Book of Ezekiel not only this book all the message ive read but im sad i cant save it please help me i want to keep it save in my desktop thanks
  • Lilian on Ezekiel 36 - 9 years ago
    What a promising God. Thanks to Jesus for his blood that shed for us. He is the only Jehovah the Provider, Our Savior and our Peace. No other above name is only Jesus. I love you Jesus and i trust your word and your prophecy for you alone are faithful to your words and promises. I will praised you Jesus forever and love your word forever until rapture. I will keep your commandments for i love you.
  • Raymond Kporha on Ezekiel 36 - 9 years ago
    I love king James version and is one of the best bible.well Ezekiel 36:26 is a great blessings of the Lord to give me a new heart and put new spirit also in me. And am happy to receive them to be a better christian. Coz I need a right heart and right spirit to serve God better.
  • Rolanda nichols on Ezekiel 36 - 9 years ago
    I say everything jesus say in his words are true.everyone need clean heart in do rite by others
  • Mary on Ezekiel 36 - 9 years ago
    For me this message is were im at in my life. I have been only halfhearted as far as my dedication to my God. Ive been praying for him to help me to have a better understanding an a better relationship with him. In order for me to do that i need my hardened heart to be replaced with a new one. Also with a more clear understanding of his word an his love for me. This passage was placed here just for me today. In Jesus name Amen
  • Sam on Ezekiel 36 - 9 years ago
    Love it so much
  • MockingBird on Ezekiel 36 - 9 years ago
    I also as others on here have experienced a new heart and a new spirit !!! I Praise God that I am not who I use to be. When I first became born again : The first change I noticed was that I felt so VERY CLEAN !!!! I was totally cleansed from all the old nature I had within. As the years have progressed I have had to repent of a sin I did and was cleansed : So this is a perpetual newness on a day to day basis. I also Praise God for where He has brought me to : and to where He is taking me !!!
  • Santrise Scott on Ezekiel 36 - 9 years ago
    THANK YOU JESUS!! I LOVE YOU LORD!! Because of who YOU are I give YOU Glory, Because of who YOU are I give YOU Praise Honor because so much more that I can't give give is give issue unto you oh LORD of host. YOU can use anything LORD, us me!! I love YOU, I thank YOU I Praise YOU in JESUS MAGNIFICENT HOLY NAME...AMEN Thank you " Christians Aren't Perfect, Just 4given"

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