Ezekiel Chapter 2 Discussion

  • T Levis - In Reply on Ezekiel 2 - 2 years ago
    Hi Judy,

    Ezekiel 2:9, it appears to be a messenger; "was sent", [ the word in researching is translated to " shalach" ] in Ezekiel 1:1 & Ezekiel 1:3, is GOD's hand, also similar to Revelation 10, that however is translated from greek.

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • JUDY ISAACS on Ezekiel 2 - 2 years ago
    In verse 9 was iy the hand of god?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Ezekiel 2 - 3 years ago
    Hello James Carlson, that's powerful. People suffer much from lies & much from believing lies. Your comment, speaks deeper into devastating "news" heard, effects from it. With wisdom you were shown this, insightful. I think it was a revelation to you personally & others that have been devastated by lies. The toll it can take on a person. However I agree with Chris, I think I would go further to say I think many loving parents would immediately run to their children to make sure the news was correct, to care for them even in death, cover them & give a proper burial, ect. Job was beyond average as a Parent in that: Job 1:5. He was very concerned for them to be right with GOD, that he would make sacrifice on their behalf. Like Earl, Gi Gi, mentioned, pointing to GOD's bigger picture of GOD's atonement for us through Jesus. That's probably why Job is sometimes called prophetic book. Interesting I hadn't seen that beforehand. Gi Gi, & Sacha have the most perfect point that it is most significant whoes report we believe, in that GOD says nothing shall harm you by any means. Luke 10:19. Knowing all things will work together for good._.._ Romans 8:28-29, Even in disaster & disastrous moments when we believe GOD, HIS WORD, HIS report we will be much better off in every way. Hebrews 12:26-29, we should not be as; Luke 21:26

    Didn't read all comments, hopefully this is encouraging. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts & intellectual insight.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Ezekiel 2 - 3 years ago
    Amen!! The resurrection of the body.

    God bless.
  • GiGi again - In Reply on Ezekiel 2 - 3 years ago

    I think so, too. One of my favorite verses is from Job where, in the midst of his losses, he state: For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth. And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God, Whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns

    within me!

    Job 19:25-27

    We in Christ share this same resurrection hope.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Ezekiel 2 - 3 years ago
    Hi James.

    I have heard it taught that his Job kids doubled as well. Apparently they were saved. you don't loose a love one if He/She is going to Heaven and so are you. as King David said about his baby " Someday I will go to Him! 2 Samuel 12:23.

    Those seven is still his kids along with the seven mentioned in Job 42:13.

    Giving him 14 in total, and he's probably with all 14 now.

    God bless.
  • English Sacha - In Reply on Ezekiel 2 - 3 years ago
    Job Ch 2 , V 10 also John Ch 19 , V 11 . Job knows who is in charge of His own creation .
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Ezekiel 2 - 3 years ago
    Brother James, If you STUDY the Book of Job as a prophecy of Christ and as a SHADOW of CHRIST it will began to make more sense.

    Christ lost all his children: the natural Israel, but received more children when he birthed the TRUE Israel. (new covenant).

    You will see the parallel with much STUDY, you can't just read and understand.
  • English Sacha - In Reply on Ezekiel 2 - 3 years ago
    Job knows exactly who his misfortune is from Job Ch 2 , V 10 . Also John Ch 19 , V 11 .
  • David - In Reply on Ezekiel 2 - 3 years ago
    James What I gather or understand from Job is an example of the goodness of God and steal kill and destroy satan's only purpose also God wasn't being tried or tempted [ James 1:13 God can't be tempted neither tempt he any man ].

    The word says in Job 3:25 for the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. In job 1:4+5 jobs children were feasting with each other all the time and job believed they were doing wrong to he point they were cursing God in their harts thus did jobcontinuously. His fear was so great from constantly believing that His children were doing wrong that it opened the door for the adversary to move. Fear is the exact opposite of believing because it putsus in a state of mental paralyses.
  • Chris - In Reply on Ezekiel 2 - 3 years ago
    That's an interesting theory, James. Is it conceivable that after Job lost his livestock & also his children, that it never occurred to him throughout the intervening period to check on whether he was lied to or whether it was factual? We're not told how long Job had suffered his great loss & the intervention of his 'friends' at his side, but it was at least 7 days to a more likely figure of a year or two. I would think he would have noticed some family & animals missing during that period. Do you not see that this is more probable?
  • JAMES CARLSON on Ezekiel 2 - 3 years ago
    Is it possible Jobs seven children were never killed but rather a lying messenger from Satan was sent to Job to cause him to believe they were killed bringing about the same results of the test between God and Satan. This would explain why Job has all seven children mentioned at the end of the story. Also how he had double the blessings as at first. One half would be from what people restored onto Job to replace what they believed he had lost and the other half would be the original blessings he never lost but was only lied to that he had. Also Satan is the father of lies so why should we believe his messengers are telling the truth. The truth for Job is what Job believed even if its a lie. He would have all the physical responses like the boils caused by a weakened immune system from heavy stress of all the bad news even if non of it was true. There is no reason Job would have to loose his children and livelihood to accomplish the same test results. Truth is what people believe more so than what is. The best liars stick closet to the truth.
  • Charlene Park - In Reply on Ezekiel 2 - 5 years ago
    Leke: I have been praying for basically the same courage for quite a while for my very large family of unsaved kids and siblings, but you say it with much more heart. I will make your prayer, my prayer. God bless you
  • Wesley Lawrence Curry II on Ezekiel 2 - 6 years ago
    Hello, The Scroll eaten by Ezekial is the same Little Book Eaten by John (on Patmos Island).
  • BSP on Ezekiel 2 - 7 years ago
    Verse 7: We have been commanded to preach God's message no matter what people's responses may be.
  • Stephen Wiggins on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    Hafford, yes, "Son of man, eat that thou findest" - that's you and I as we digest the true meaning of Ezekiel.
  • Nateram Roopchand on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    You are correct Mattew ch 28 mandate Go into ALL the world and TEACH.......
  • Dan on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    Ezekiel 2, in my opinion, is not only stressing the consequences for not obeying the word of GOD, but also stressing to those of us who profess ot be followers of the LORD to share his word with those that need to hear. whether they choose to listen is their choice. BUT, followers of the LORD GOD do not have a choice to be idle. For not sharing the word is not fulfilling the command to minister
  • Hafford E. Cook on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    God Almighty tells the prophet Ezekiel to eat a book. In Revelations the prophet (apostle) John is told by King Jesus to eat a book .Could it be a sign to each prophet that the words eaten by each prophet would be a reminder to only speak what they will be told and only that?
  • Joan Travick on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    Psalms 91:8, "Only with thine eyes shalt thou see the reward of the wicked and with thine ears shalt thou hear". The word also teaches that if the wicked increase, they increase for the slaughter. And, the FATHER tells us in Psalms 37 to fret not because of evildoers who prosper in their own way, for they shall soon be cut off. HE has already invited the great birds of air to the feast.
  • Trich on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    Yes, TRULY, the Israelites, are a peculiar/disobedient/trouble making people. That GOD has chosen for himself, to be called his people. Even though they rebelled.
    . PRAISE
    . THE
    . LORD
    . JESUS
    . CHRIST
    . AND
    . EVER
    . AMEN
  • Joyce evangelist Holt on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    The pastor spoke on this today, I needed to hear it, I'm in a apartment building, an the tenants in unit above mine, are very rebellious, it's been a year, that they've done very mean an evil vain vindictive things towards me, I pray, praise, give thanks, and been studying the word of god for twenty-two years,never seen nothing like it, it's just horrible and sad, I live alone, but god is with me.
  • Jennifer Isaacs on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    Right now am reading the book of Ezekiel , and it's so frightening these awful events that will take place if man do not give up sin . Then there is this awesome promise if we would turn from our wicked ways and serve God the He wants to God is going to bless us in ways imaginable .
  • Kim Alexander on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    It is almost time for the end, all the signs are upon us. The church is giving the last call, to come to Jesus. It is time for everyone to make their choice.
  • Leke Ekundayo on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    Lord make me another Ezekiel, let Your righteous hand bring the holy scriptures to me. Let your words dwell in me richly that I might be able to declare to the world around me Your word. Grant unto me the boldness like this prophet to speak your word only to the stiff neck people around me whether they will hear or they will forebear, in Jesus name. Amen.
  • Stephen F. Zielski on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    Your on top of it Pastor, in part. God be with you. Shalom yedda dim {beloved one}.
  • Pastor B . Hayford on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    Pastor B. Hayford, l believe that the LORD is calling the church into repentance which are His people in those days through servant Ezekiah and also us as well in our time. Because the book which was given to Ezekiah the prophet was within and without according verves 9-10 ,which simply means the people in his time (the Church) and our time as well.
  • Nancy on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    God is always giving each generation a chance of repentance,in the time of Ezequiel he used this young man to illustrate his will. In our time we have many Ezequiel but just like the old rebellious JERUSALEMN our nation and other nations choose to ignore his warnings and His infinite love for all men
  • Nancy on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    What a wonder Father we have ,He gives us the opportunity of repentance ,he gives us signs and human teachers to teach us and guide us ,but if the people do not heed his words there will be lamentations .He our Father gives his children many chances to come to His Kingdom, MANY will follow ,but many will not,He is a fair God Amen
  • Velma clemons on Ezekiel 2 - 8 years ago
    We are t always speak Gods word no matter what as long as we know God is with us,the world is in a lost condition the gospel is t only thing save. Rom. 1:16

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