GOD is praised in us when we are set to glorify HIM as HE directs us. In the things we do in HIM and how we direct our material wealth and use it to worship the LORD CHRIST.
May our walk in HIM be precious as the tabernacle is shown to be. The outer covering not much to look at; but the inside is beautiful beyond compare. Our life be as Philip in Acts 8: 26 able to tell others of the gospel of the LORD JESUS.
Thank YOU FATHER for this day of worship and time of celebration
Luke 2:10 - 18
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Isaiah 9
6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
Many are saying we as believers should not be involved in this "pagan" ritual; however, we should use this as an opening to declare our SAVIOR GOD JESUS CHRIST who is no longer a babe.
Titus 2:
13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
Praying for the peace in Jerusalem and the Godly wisdom needed in DC and all levels and areas of our nation.
Ephesians 6:10-18 may we recognize..
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Merry Christmas everyone, and a prosperous New Year in 2024.
So about the "Rapture". I know of the couple verses people use to back up this claim. Though as in Matthew 24:30-31 Christ states the Son of Man will come in the clouds and gather His elect after the tribulation.
Like I stated in another post about the "Rapture". If it is God's Will to snatch up His saints before the great tribulation, wonderful! If God want's His saints to go through the great tribulation to let their light shine to others, or some other reason, wonderful! It is God's Will that shall be done not ours.
You state that if "people don't believe there is a catching away of the saints" then "Paul made a horrific mistake". Just to be clear are you speaking of a pre-trib Rapture?. Maybe the mistake was made by man trying to discern the Word of God by the minds of men.
Again my feeling is to hope for the best(a pre-trib Rapture where we are snatched away from this evil world before the worst times) but be ready for the worst(make sure our faith in the Lord is solid and sure that we are ready to give our lives for Him).
I don't think any of us knows exactly what is going to happen. As long as we are with the Lord nothing in this life should scare us.
To say Jesus Christ "did not know all things" I cannot say that. I believe our Lord Jesus Christ is one with God. Can I explain everything, no.
Weather we have some differences on how we perceive certain things in Scripture is normal. No one knows everything except God. Like I stated in another post. As long as what we take from Scripture is in line with the Will of God then it's good. As the Word of God is living, very deep, and sharper than any two edge sword. Hebrews 4:12.
The important thing is we are both with Christ, of His body, and He is our Lord. Staying faithful and true, with a pure heart, to our Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of God our Father is key. Living for His Will.
As you noted in another post that John was taken up to heaven for the visions in Revelation. I believe Jesus Christ is there with God now. In Revelation 5:3-5 it speaks about "a man being worthy to open the seals" then speaks of the Lion of the tribe of Juda and Root of David being worthy to open the book and loose the seven seals. I see Jesus Christ opening the book just as it says. If you perceive it differently that's ok.
To believe in the three in ONE view is simply put by this: when we are Blessed to be converted, called or chosen, to be born of the Spirit from above, the Spirit of God the Father, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost all dwell in us. In one Spirit. This is truth and in Scripture.
Let us retain God in our thinking, trust Him, and He will direct our paths. Proverbs 3:5-6.
There is no reference to what is now called, the Rapture, which, one suggests relates to 1Thes.4:15-16, where, "The dead in Christ shall rise and we which are alive shall be caught up with them, to meet the LORD in the air."
Note, Jesus, at that time, does not come to the earth, He meets His children, in the air, whilst satan and his mob are loosed, on the earth, and the tribulation has set in.
It is sad my thoughts have caused your suggestion Scriptures used are contrary to your 'religious' understandings, and, as I stated early in the piece, my writing is not to cause angst, but to stimulate brothers to search the WORD, and search out what our GOD is doing, here today.
If people don't believe there is a catching away of the saints, which some have called the rapture, then bro. Paul, made an horrific mistake, has misled possibly millions, down through the ages, which one suggests GOD would not have allowed.
Just as a matter of interest, WHO is it that comes down and opens the Seven Seals?
Note also, that John was taken up, into another dimension, time, where he was shown the opening of the Seals, and, though he described what he saw, there has never been any true revelation, from GOD, of what they mean.
How and when is that resolved?
Without that taking place, there can be no termination of GOD'S plan for HIS children, destruction of this world of sin, the new earth promised for HIS children to dwell in for eternity?
Please explain to me Who does that, if Jesus, the Man, does not return until Rev.19?
Thank you, Richard, for your response, and you are correct.
No man can comprehend GOD, but as our LORD reveals HIMSELF, and, that many cannot differentiate betwixt GOD, our Lord's Father, WHO indwelt Jesus, from the time of His baptism, and Jesus, the last Adam, the Spoken Word creation of GOD, through Whom GOD, manifested, in perfect, sinless flesh, to pay for sin, is a constant reality of Scripture since the Garden of Eden.
This is where and how our enemy incorporated 'trinitarian' doctrine, One GOD in three pieces, contrary to GOD'S statment "I AM the LORD, thy GOD, though shalt have no other gods before ME!"
Israel still regard Christians as heathens, because they too cannot make that distinction, though, when they get their two prophets, Moses and Elijah, after the Gentile dispensation is finished, they will realize they murdered their own Messiah.
Yes, Jesus, the Man, did not know all things, according to Scripture, but totally subjected Himself to His Father's will, which tells us that Jesus, the Man, was not GOD, though, after His baptism, the Spirit of GOD entered HIM, and He then became the fullness of the GODHEAD, bodily.Yes, the Angel of the LORD is, in another form, Jesus, Who, physically, did not manifest until His virgin birth.
We note, also, the SPIRIT of GOD left Jesus, the Man, in the garden of Gethsemane, otherwise Jesus could never have died on the cross.
'The Angel of the LORD' can denote GOD, though we need remember, the word 'angel' is interpreted messenger, and, one suggests, GOD uses assorted 'messengers' over the time of Israel, the Seven Church ages of the Gentiles, through whom HE, GOD, communicates with HIS people.
It was GOD WHO came down, in the Garden, to confront Adam after the fall, wasn't it?
Moses was. "as GOD" to the people, wasn't he, though he surely wasn't GOD.
It is GOD Who comes down, opens the seven seals, as HE alone could do that, Jesus, the Man, does not return to earth until He comes, with the saints.
Just seeing this now. I myself am not confused, it is just some of your statements are confusing. You posted this " instead of Jesus Christ, the One True GOD,". Stating Jesus Christ is the One True God?
I know Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the image of the invisible God as in Scripture. Also that He is ONE with God as in Scripture. I haven't separated Jesus Christ from the Father who indwelt Him? When did I say the Father and the Son were the same? I never said that and don't believe that. Though they are ONE as with the Holy Spirit. 1 John 5:7.
I believe it's pretty safe to say that everyone who comes here knows there is ONE GOD.
You also have the freedom to believe whatever you want. I don't know what "fake Christian teachings" since 325 AD you are talking about. The Holy Bible along with the Holy Spirit is my teacher.
If you think you have all of God's mind & ways understood, I'll just say be ready to find out it's much more than anyone can comprehend. If you think you are smarter than everyone else good job. The most important thing to me is to follow the footsteps of Christ and live for the Will of our Father.
It seems there is no reason for us to go any further. As you didn't answer the question about Revelation 5&6 where it is the Lamb(Christ) who takes the book and opens the seals. Though you say the Father does this. Also about what Spirit indwells in us after being saved or your thoughts on the "rapture" with Scripture.
Jesus Christ our Lord died for our sins. I strive to live for our Fathers will and am His for eternity. Galatians 2:20, 1 John 5:10-11, Revelation 21:22-23.
No need to reply if you don't feel comfortable. Thank you for all your time.
Sorry to confuse you, Richard, and, by this response, one determines, as many others, you have not received a true revelation of the GODHEAD.
There is ONE GOD!
Jesus, the Christ, was that One GOD expressed in perfect flesh, to settle the sin question forever, and, thus it seems you haven't separated Jesus, the MAN, from GOD WHO indwelt Him, to pay for your and my sins.
The Lord Jesus had a GOD, to Whom He prayed, worshiped, served, and, from the time of His baptism, He became the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily, but, GOD can't die, so GOD, SPIRIT, had to leave His, Jesus, body,(Garden of Gethsemane), or He could never die.
Jesus prayed to His Father, asking if He could avoid the cross, but then, He, Jesus, subjected Himself, to His Father will, as the means by and through which GOD, payed the price of sin.
This will probably, create angst amongst many.
It was GOD'S Blood which was shed, as IT alone could finalize satan's claim over the human race.
GOD could not die, so, HE died, en morphe, through HIS Son, which teaching was perverted, through fake Christian teachings, ever since 325. a.d..
Don't wish to offend anyone, but Jesus was not GOD, He was GOD'S SON, through whom HE, GOD, paid our price of redemption.
I can hear the teeth snarling from here, but it is exactly how GOD fulfilled HIS Will, paid for our sins, and I ask you, any other reader, to search the Scriptures, as they alone can reveal this.
We need you in here, so keep coming back. Mostly we are answering questions. There are subjects that are regularly threshed.
Whatever is on your heart to preach or teach is welcomed. We are all hitting the Bible, studying it.
May we all be obedient to pray to THE LORD OF THE HARVEST to bring people here that we can help; and also contribute their comments or input. May we submit to each other, with Teachable spirits.
If Jesus is humble and kind, so should we be.
You might enjoy the Prayer Request Room sometimes. The numbers of people requesting prayer is very great.
You state it is God the Father who comes down to open the seals. I only see what it says in Scripture: Revelation 5:1-7. This says the Lamb took the book, from Him that sat upon the throne, to open the seals. Revelation 6:1 begins to denote the Lamb beginning to open the seals. I don't know where you get the "Father opens the seals"? Where does it say this?
Yes there is only ONE God. The Creator of all. I worship Jesus Christ just as I worship the Father. I was saved by praying to Jesus Christ not just "God". Which I did, only praying to God, for twenty years feeling my prayers were not heard. Even the elders around the throne of God fell down before the Lamb.
So all power, authority, honor, and glory has been given to the Son. He is sitting on the Throne of God the Father. Many people fell at His feet when He walked the earth and He never told them not to as we see other angels do. The only way to the Father is through the Son. John 5:21-23, 1 John 5:11.
One question I would like to ask: Who is our Savior God or Jesus Christ? Titus 1:3-4, Titus 2:10, Titus 2:13, Titus 3:4, Titus 3:6.
"Trinity" is only a man made word meaning three in ONE pertaining to 1 John 5:7. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Another question if I may ask: What Spirit do we receive from above? The Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, or the Holy Spirit? The vatican has much more against it than just the "trinity" which is in Scripture. The devil is the father of lies and knows the best way to lie is mix lies with truth. Making it even harder to denote one from the other.
I follow what it says in Scripture not what any "man" teaches.
I have been tempted by the devil right after the Lord coming to me. It actually has made me stronger.
It seems you believe in a "rapture". Can you explain you thoughts on that with Scripture?
I appreciate your reply and look forward to your answers to the couple questions.
Praise our LORD, and, it seems, there is again, confusion on Scriptural issues.
It is GOD, the Father, Who comes down, to open the Seals, reveal all mysteries, as it is Jesus, the Christ, Who comes down in Rev.19, with His children, not for them.
Comprehension of the GODHEAD is one of, if not, the most relevant, important mystery in Scripture, and, without that 'revelation', many will be found worshiping satan, believing they are worshiping GOD. Rev.13:4
Contrary to most denominational, 'religious teachings', there is only ONE GOD, Who had a Son, through Whom HE expressed Himself. Heb.1:3
Unfortunately, anti-Christ teachings, still ingrained in most Christians, through the Vatican's demonic perversions of Scripture, with their 'trinity', welded into Baptist, Anglican, now, especially Pentecostal, etc. doctrines, have maintained this trinitarian concept of GOD, in spite of Scripture which continuously stress there is only ONE GOD!
Our Lord, Jesus, the Christ, is the Son of GOD, Who worshiped GOD, and, as the last Adam, submitted Himself totally to GOD, His Father's will.
The Angel of the LORD is Christ, Who manifested in flesh, at His appointed time, to fulfill His Father's will, which is another matter altogether.
It is the Angel of the LORD, with the covenant rainbow, (now perverted by satan's false homosexual rainbow,) Who came down to redeem, buy back, claim HIS children, in preparation for the 'rapture', to redeem, which means we were already in HIM, and, today, are expressing HIM, through our words, which must be HIS Words, not those of man.
Prayerfully our communication will encourage us both to ensure we are hearing HIM, not him!
There are many deceptions in the world. Like you said regardless of what we will face we must be ready and hold to our faith with all our might and prayer and be led by the Holy Spirit and trust what Jesus said. The first thing Jesus said to the four disciples when they asked Him about the end of the age was "take heed that no man deceive you".
There is an hour coming and we that are still here will be tempted with death or the mark, and if we hold fast by faith, to the promise we who are His, have been given in Jesus, eternal life with Him, He will give us the strength to face it. But I fear if the faith is the hope of being spared tribulation, many will be overtaken by the temptation, may God forbid.
Revelation 3:10-11 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Revelation 14:12-13 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
I have always had an interest to that angel and the glory of him "clothed with a cloud, a rainbow upon his head, his face as it were the sun, and feet as pillars of fire". Which really are numerous details we have about God and His countenance also the Glory of Christ. I like how you perceive this to be God as I have never heard that but I like it. As stated the Glory of God is with this "angel".
Next I will put my view of the Rapture. Which I have heard people preach with numerous perspectives of "when" this will be. My feeling is this. If the will of God is for those in Christ to be "raptured" before the great tribulation, wonderful! If the will of God is for those in Christ to have to go through the great tribulation, maybe to weed out those whom are weak in faith and let the true children of God shine (those who will endure till the end), wonderful!
As the thought of us in the Lord not having to go through the worst of times is nice. I believe we should be preparing for the worst. Hoping for a pre trib rapture though being ready to endure anything. As it is written no servant is greater than his Master. Christ had to suffer unto being put to death, all His apostles(except John) were martyred or put to death. We also know Christian persecution has never stopped.
I believe we are living is very historic times as it seems you do also. Also as it seems you and I agree that the most important thing is to get right with the Lord NOW! Not tomorrow. As long as we have our full faith and trust in the Lord with a pure heart. We have nothing to fear. As the evil powers that run this world have their agenda and plan and we should be sober and vigilant perceiving what is happening. Draw nigh to God through Jesus Christ in His Word and serve Him. To do His Will and please Him. Not the world. As we are becoming enemies, to the world, more and more everyday.
Praise the Lord as He told us we are not of this world. We are His and nothing will separate us.
I enjoyed reading your reply and if I can't fit everything in this post I will make another to go along with it.
I'll start with this "Is it not GOD Who comes down, to open the Seals, as HE alone can do that, to call out HIS children for 1Thes.4:15-16?
How does GOD communicate with HIS children?
Deut.18:18; Amos 3:7 explain that, prophets, through whom HE, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, communicates.
As we're told that Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Lamb of God, is the only one worthy to take, from God, and open, or even look upon, the book with the seven seals.
I believe I understand your perception of how God communicates with His children. Through the Spirit of His Son, or the Holy Ghost, with whom we have been blessed to receive when we gave our lives to the Lord. Him knowing our hearts and who is ready to receive the Spirit of Christ. Receiving the Spirit of Truth that shall help guide, and teach, us in all things to live for the will of our Father. If you meant anything else please correct me.
Before I get to the angel in Revelation 10 I would like to post something I perceive. As I have spent some time reading through the Scriptures, and others with views to this, I would like to bring up the Angel of the LORD in the OT. He is first spoken of in Genesis 16:7-13. As He is the one who stopped Abraham from slaying Isaac. Also as He is stated to be the one in the burning bush who spoke to Moses. As most of these accounts with Him also indicate Him as the LORD our God.
An account of an Angel that God warns them to obey because "my name is in Him". Exodus 23:21. My perception is that this may be(I say may as only God knows the Truth of this and is only my perception) the pre incarnate Jesus Christ.
Sorry about that, I just thought I'd put that in here. So back to the angel in Revelation 10.
Thanks for your response, and, yes, all answers must come from GOD.
We need assure we are not personally interpreting HIS Word, adding to, taking from or leveraging IT to fit any denominational teachings. Rev.22:18-19
Is it not GOD Who comes down, to open the Seals, as HE alone can do that, to call out HIS children for 1Thes.4:15-16?
How does GOD communicate with HIS children?
Deut.18:18; Amos 3:7 explain that, prophets, through whom HE, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, communicates.
There is only ONE GOD, and HE must stick with HIS WORD!
GOD included the seals, in our Bible, but they are still in mystery form, so HE, GOD comes down, again, Rev.10:1-7, to speak through a Biblically vindicated prophet, revealing what the meaning of the Seals is, getting HIS children ready for the rapture.
'Strait is the gate and narrow is the Way and few there be that enter therein'; and few will accept what GOD has done, is doing, here, today, repeating that horrific mistake Israel made, in their past, with the Gentiles fulfilling Heb. 6:6.
GOD is bound, by HIS WORD, to reveal all mysteries.
Israel again became a nation, in 1948, and are now looking for their Messiah, thus time must be exceedingly short.
Who comes down, in Rev.10:1-7, with a covenant rainbow on HIS head?
Scripture explains that, once that takes place, 'time shall be no more, (no more delay)' Rev.10:6
Jesus, our prophet Son of God, comes down in Rev.19, with the saints, not for them, which implies there is much misunderstanding about the Second coming, and those who are seeking HIM need turn to HIM, not dogma and interpretation of man, to comprehend what is taking place, for HIS children, today.
Praise our LORD GOD!
Might be a bit of a challenge, Richard, and may our LORD bless you as you research what is said thus.
I guess I would say many of your questions are for God. The one who comes down in Revelation 10 is noted as "another mighty angel". Are you looking for a name?
So what meat would you like to converse about? Just trying to decipher Revelation or what's going on in the world now, etc?
As I shall happily wait for your reply. To me the most important thing is to be right with the Lord. Not knowing exactly what is going to happen and when. Obviously this world is getting pretty bad and I have my own perception of certain things that are coming. Though again the most important thing is to keep our faith and trust diligently in Jesus Christ and be ready for anything. Following the ways of Christ serving God with a pure heart.
As we watch this evil world heading for self destruction, at satan's hands, it seems most people professing Christianity are more concerned about arguing various points, but one sees little about end time Scripture, "Christ in you, the hope of glory.' Col.1:27, 'In the days of the of the Voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound,the mystery of GOD should be finished, as HE hath declared to HIS servants, the prophets', Rev.10:7; where the Gentiles "crucify to themselves the Son of GOD afresh, Heb.6:6, and 1Thes.4:15-16, which expresses the 'Coming of the LORD, in preparation for the catching away of the Very elect of Mat.24:24, one asks if, somehow, many have missed the point!
One, as a new comer to this site, ponders why there is so little excitement, that many are still chatting about bubble and squeak issues rather than the strong meat of Jesus Christ, here, today?
The LORD has to return, GOD, not Jesus, the MAN, to open the Seven Seals, reveal all mysteries of the GODHEAD, whilst Jesus, the Christ, returns in Rev.19, with the saints, not for them.
Why, still, is there such confusion amongst believers?
Why do we witness so many denominations, all claiming they alone have Truth, and yet, none of them can agree on Scripture, beside most fundamental doctrines, some not even that?
WHO is it that comes down in Rev.10:1-7?
Scripture tells us that satan is now sitting on his throne, in the city of seven hills, claiming to be GOD, to receive worship, instead of Jesus Christ, the One True GOD, which suggests he, satan, has again pulled the wool over the eyes of many of those believing to be Christians.
Our responsibility, as Christians, is to point those seeking Truth back to the unadulterated WORD of GOD, as HE is the WORD, not man's doctrines and dogma, which trapped Eve, back at the beginning.
It is not my desire to push any religion, any denomination, but to stick exactly with HIS WORD!
Artimus Pyle ? Hes a fortunate man ,survived a plane crash and being shot at by an angry farmer . Im suprised hes visiting this site ,maybe i have read him all wrong .
Joshua 7, the "accursed thing" was the disobedience of God's commandment and the plunder stolen by Achan. Achan had taken plunder for himself which had been forbidden when the Israelites conquered Jericho. He had taken a beautiful cloak, silver and gold for himself and buried it in his tent. This was in direct opposition to God's commandment. "The city shall be under the ban, it and all that is in it belongs to the LORD " Joshua 6:17. God demands total obedience to his commands.
Hello all. It hurts me having seen a Jesus likeness figure portrayed in a casket by the altar in two very old Churches, one of which is here in the US. I have also witnessed a non-believing Indian man needing to get baptized by a priest so that he could get an equivalent of a US social security number so that he could get a bank account. Also, my wife and I were another time passing out gospel tracts in No Mexico across the street from vendors selling trinkets to visitors of the accompanying Church. We saw with our own eyes a priest come out talk to one of the vendors and the go back in. A few minutes later two men came over and advised us to leave the area.
Question.... Is there any type of Godly growth... or nature of knowledge of the Lord in a detailed studying... or memorization of the "details" of the building of the "Ark"??
Chris, I really appreciate your quick reply to my confusion. I didn't expect to get a reply. I was multitasking on steroids most of yesterday and running errands. I couldn't find the definition of taches. Thank you again and have a blessed day.
May our walk in HIM be precious as the tabernacle is shown to be. The outer covering not much to look at; but the inside is beautiful beyond compare. Our life be as Philip in Acts 8: 26 able to tell others of the gospel of the LORD JESUS.
Thank YOU FATHER for this day of worship and time of celebration
Luke 2:10 - 18
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Isaiah 9
6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
Many are saying we as believers should not be involved in this "pagan" ritual; however, we should use this as an opening to declare our SAVIOR GOD JESUS CHRIST who is no longer a babe.
Titus 2:
13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
Praying for the peace in Jerusalem and the Godly wisdom needed in DC and all levels and areas of our nation.
Ephesians 6:10-18 may we recognize..
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Merry Christmas everyone, and a prosperous New Year in 2024.
December 25, 2023
Like I stated in another post about the "Rapture". If it is God's Will to snatch up His saints before the great tribulation, wonderful! If God want's His saints to go through the great tribulation to let their light shine to others, or some other reason, wonderful! It is God's Will that shall be done not ours.
You state that if "people don't believe there is a catching away of the saints" then "Paul made a horrific mistake". Just to be clear are you speaking of a pre-trib Rapture?. Maybe the mistake was made by man trying to discern the Word of God by the minds of men.
Again my feeling is to hope for the best(a pre-trib Rapture where we are snatched away from this evil world before the worst times) but be ready for the worst(make sure our faith in the Lord is solid and sure that we are ready to give our lives for Him).
I don't think any of us knows exactly what is going to happen. As long as we are with the Lord nothing in this life should scare us.
God Bless.
To say Jesus Christ "did not know all things" I cannot say that. I believe our Lord Jesus Christ is one with God. Can I explain everything, no.
Weather we have some differences on how we perceive certain things in Scripture is normal. No one knows everything except God. Like I stated in another post. As long as what we take from Scripture is in line with the Will of God then it's good. As the Word of God is living, very deep, and sharper than any two edge sword. Hebrews 4:12.
The important thing is we are both with Christ, of His body, and He is our Lord. Staying faithful and true, with a pure heart, to our Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of God our Father is key. Living for His Will.
As you noted in another post that John was taken up to heaven for the visions in Revelation. I believe Jesus Christ is there with God now. In Revelation 5:3-5 it speaks about "a man being worthy to open the seals" then speaks of the Lion of the tribe of Juda and Root of David being worthy to open the book and loose the seven seals. I see Jesus Christ opening the book just as it says. If you perceive it differently that's ok.
To believe in the three in ONE view is simply put by this: when we are Blessed to be converted, called or chosen, to be born of the Spirit from above, the Spirit of God the Father, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost all dwell in us. In one Spirit. This is truth and in Scripture.
Let us retain God in our thinking, trust Him, and He will direct our paths. Proverbs 3:5-6.
Have a wonderful day. God Bless.
Note, Jesus, at that time, does not come to the earth, He meets His children, in the air, whilst satan and his mob are loosed, on the earth, and the tribulation has set in.
It is sad my thoughts have caused your suggestion Scriptures used are contrary to your 'religious' understandings, and, as I stated early in the piece, my writing is not to cause angst, but to stimulate brothers to search the WORD, and search out what our GOD is doing, here today.
If people don't believe there is a catching away of the saints, which some have called the rapture, then bro. Paul, made an horrific mistake, has misled possibly millions, down through the ages, which one suggests GOD would not have allowed.
Just as a matter of interest, WHO is it that comes down and opens the Seven Seals?
Note also, that John was taken up, into another dimension, time, where he was shown the opening of the Seals, and, though he described what he saw, there has never been any true revelation, from GOD, of what they mean.
How and when is that resolved?
Without that taking place, there can be no termination of GOD'S plan for HIS children, destruction of this world of sin, the new earth promised for HIS children to dwell in for eternity?
Please explain to me Who does that, if Jesus, the Man, does not return until Rev.19?
No man can comprehend GOD, but as our LORD reveals HIMSELF, and, that many cannot differentiate betwixt GOD, our Lord's Father, WHO indwelt Jesus, from the time of His baptism, and Jesus, the last Adam, the Spoken Word creation of GOD, through Whom GOD, manifested, in perfect, sinless flesh, to pay for sin, is a constant reality of Scripture since the Garden of Eden.
This is where and how our enemy incorporated 'trinitarian' doctrine, One GOD in three pieces, contrary to GOD'S statment "I AM the LORD, thy GOD, though shalt have no other gods before ME!"
Israel still regard Christians as heathens, because they too cannot make that distinction, though, when they get their two prophets, Moses and Elijah, after the Gentile dispensation is finished, they will realize they murdered their own Messiah.
Yes, Jesus, the Man, did not know all things, according to Scripture, but totally subjected Himself to His Father's will, which tells us that Jesus, the Man, was not GOD, though, after His baptism, the Spirit of GOD entered HIM, and He then became the fullness of the GODHEAD, bodily.Yes, the Angel of the LORD is, in another form, Jesus, Who, physically, did not manifest until His virgin birth.
We note, also, the SPIRIT of GOD left Jesus, the Man, in the garden of Gethsemane, otherwise Jesus could never have died on the cross.
'The Angel of the LORD' can denote GOD, though we need remember, the word 'angel' is interpreted messenger, and, one suggests, GOD uses assorted 'messengers' over the time of Israel, the Seven Church ages of the Gentiles, through whom HE, GOD, communicates with HIS people.
It was GOD WHO came down, in the Garden, to confront Adam after the fall, wasn't it?
Moses was. "as GOD" to the people, wasn't he, though he surely wasn't GOD.
It is GOD Who comes down, opens the seven seals, as HE alone could do that, Jesus, the Man, does not return to earth until He comes, with the saints.
I know Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the image of the invisible God as in Scripture. Also that He is ONE with God as in Scripture. I haven't separated Jesus Christ from the Father who indwelt Him? When did I say the Father and the Son were the same? I never said that and don't believe that. Though they are ONE as with the Holy Spirit. 1 John 5:7.
I believe it's pretty safe to say that everyone who comes here knows there is ONE GOD.
You also have the freedom to believe whatever you want. I don't know what "fake Christian teachings" since 325 AD you are talking about. The Holy Bible along with the Holy Spirit is my teacher.
If you think you have all of God's mind & ways understood, I'll just say be ready to find out it's much more than anyone can comprehend. If you think you are smarter than everyone else good job. The most important thing to me is to follow the footsteps of Christ and live for the Will of our Father.
It seems there is no reason for us to go any further. As you didn't answer the question about Revelation 5&6 where it is the Lamb(Christ) who takes the book and opens the seals. Though you say the Father does this. Also about what Spirit indwells in us after being saved or your thoughts on the "rapture" with Scripture.
Jesus Christ our Lord died for our sins. I strive to live for our Fathers will and am His for eternity. Galatians 2:20, 1 John 5:10-11, Revelation 21:22-23.
No need to reply if you don't feel comfortable. Thank you for all your time.
God Bless you John.
There is ONE GOD!
Jesus, the Christ, was that One GOD expressed in perfect flesh, to settle the sin question forever, and, thus it seems you haven't separated Jesus, the MAN, from GOD WHO indwelt Him, to pay for your and my sins.
The Lord Jesus had a GOD, to Whom He prayed, worshiped, served, and, from the time of His baptism, He became the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily, but, GOD can't die, so GOD, SPIRIT, had to leave His, Jesus, body,(Garden of Gethsemane), or He could never die.
Jesus prayed to His Father, asking if He could avoid the cross, but then, He, Jesus, subjected Himself, to His Father will, as the means by and through which GOD, payed the price of sin.
This will probably, create angst amongst many.
It was GOD'S Blood which was shed, as IT alone could finalize satan's claim over the human race.
GOD could not die, so, HE died, en morphe, through HIS Son, which teaching was perverted, through fake Christian teachings, ever since 325. a.d..
Don't wish to offend anyone, but Jesus was not GOD, He was GOD'S SON, through whom HE, GOD, paid our price of redemption.
I can hear the teeth snarling from here, but it is exactly how GOD fulfilled HIS Will, paid for our sins, and I ask you, any other reader, to search the Scriptures, as they alone can reveal this.
Whatever is on your heart to preach or teach is welcomed. We are all hitting the Bible, studying it.
May we all be obedient to pray to THE LORD OF THE HARVEST to bring people here that we can help; and also contribute their comments or input. May we submit to each other, with Teachable spirits.
If Jesus is humble and kind, so should we be.
You might enjoy the Prayer Request Room sometimes. The numbers of people requesting prayer is very great.
Then you state this "The Angel of the LORD is Christ, Who manifested in flesh, at His appointed time, to fulfill His Father's will"
How is the Angel of the LORD Christ in the OT though you state the Angel of the Lord is God in Revelation?
To me this would mean they are ONE. As God is in Christ and Christ in God.
Thank you.
God Bless.
You state it is God the Father who comes down to open the seals. I only see what it says in Scripture: Revelation 5:1-7. This says the Lamb took the book, from Him that sat upon the throne, to open the seals. Revelation 6:1 begins to denote the Lamb beginning to open the seals. I don't know where you get the "Father opens the seals"? Where does it say this?
Yes there is only ONE God. The Creator of all. I worship Jesus Christ just as I worship the Father. I was saved by praying to Jesus Christ not just "God". Which I did, only praying to God, for twenty years feeling my prayers were not heard. Even the elders around the throne of God fell down before the Lamb.
So all power, authority, honor, and glory has been given to the Son. He is sitting on the Throne of God the Father. Many people fell at His feet when He walked the earth and He never told them not to as we see other angels do. The only way to the Father is through the Son. John 5:21-23, 1 John 5:11.
One question I would like to ask: Who is our Savior God or Jesus Christ? Titus 1:3-4, Titus 2:10, Titus 2:13, Titus 3:4, Titus 3:6.
"Trinity" is only a man made word meaning three in ONE pertaining to 1 John 5:7. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Another question if I may ask: What Spirit do we receive from above? The Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, or the Holy Spirit? The vatican has much more against it than just the "trinity" which is in Scripture. The devil is the father of lies and knows the best way to lie is mix lies with truth. Making it even harder to denote one from the other.
I follow what it says in Scripture not what any "man" teaches.
I have been tempted by the devil right after the Lord coming to me. It actually has made me stronger.
It seems you believe in a "rapture". Can you explain you thoughts on that with Scripture?
I appreciate your reply and look forward to your answers to the couple questions.
God Bless.
God Bless.
Praise our LORD, and, it seems, there is again, confusion on Scriptural issues.
It is GOD, the Father, Who comes down, to open the Seals, reveal all mysteries, as it is Jesus, the Christ, Who comes down in Rev.19, with His children, not for them.
Comprehension of the GODHEAD is one of, if not, the most relevant, important mystery in Scripture, and, without that 'revelation', many will be found worshiping satan, believing they are worshiping GOD. Rev.13:4
Contrary to most denominational, 'religious teachings', there is only ONE GOD, Who had a Son, through Whom HE expressed Himself. Heb.1:3
Unfortunately, anti-Christ teachings, still ingrained in most Christians, through the Vatican's demonic perversions of Scripture, with their 'trinity', welded into Baptist, Anglican, now, especially Pentecostal, etc. doctrines, have maintained this trinitarian concept of GOD, in spite of Scripture which continuously stress there is only ONE GOD!
Our Lord, Jesus, the Christ, is the Son of GOD, Who worshiped GOD, and, as the last Adam, submitted Himself totally to GOD, His Father's will.
The Angel of the LORD is Christ, Who manifested in flesh, at His appointed time, to fulfill His Father's will, which is another matter altogether.
It is the Angel of the LORD, with the covenant rainbow, (now perverted by satan's false homosexual rainbow,) Who came down to redeem, buy back, claim HIS children, in preparation for the 'rapture', to redeem, which means we were already in HIM, and, today, are expressing HIM, through our words, which must be HIS Words, not those of man.
Prayerfully our communication will encourage us both to ensure we are hearing HIM, not him!
There are many deceptions in the world. Like you said regardless of what we will face we must be ready and hold to our faith with all our might and prayer and be led by the Holy Spirit and trust what Jesus said. The first thing Jesus said to the four disciples when they asked Him about the end of the age was "take heed that no man deceive you".
There is an hour coming and we that are still here will be tempted with death or the mark, and if we hold fast by faith, to the promise we who are His, have been given in Jesus, eternal life with Him, He will give us the strength to face it. But I fear if the faith is the hope of being spared tribulation, many will be overtaken by the temptation, may God forbid.
Revelation 3:10-11 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Revelation 14:12-13 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
Thank you Richard.
I have always had an interest to that angel and the glory of him "clothed with a cloud, a rainbow upon his head, his face as it were the sun, and feet as pillars of fire". Which really are numerous details we have about God and His countenance also the Glory of Christ. I like how you perceive this to be God as I have never heard that but I like it. As stated the Glory of God is with this "angel".
Next I will put my view of the Rapture. Which I have heard people preach with numerous perspectives of "when" this will be. My feeling is this. If the will of God is for those in Christ to be "raptured" before the great tribulation, wonderful! If the will of God is for those in Christ to have to go through the great tribulation, maybe to weed out those whom are weak in faith and let the true children of God shine (those who will endure till the end), wonderful!
As the thought of us in the Lord not having to go through the worst of times is nice. I believe we should be preparing for the worst. Hoping for a pre trib rapture though being ready to endure anything. As it is written no servant is greater than his Master. Christ had to suffer unto being put to death, all His apostles(except John) were martyred or put to death. We also know Christian persecution has never stopped.
I believe we are living is very historic times as it seems you do also. Also as it seems you and I agree that the most important thing is to get right with the Lord NOW! Not tomorrow. As long as we have our full faith and trust in the Lord with a pure heart. We have nothing to fear. As the evil powers that run this world have their agenda and plan and we should be sober and vigilant perceiving what is happening. Draw nigh to God through Jesus Christ in His Word and serve Him. To do His Will and please Him. Not the world. As we are becoming enemies, to the world, more and more everyday.
Praise the Lord as He told us we are not of this world. We are His and nothing will separate us.
I enjoyed reading your reply and if I can't fit everything in this post I will make another to go along with it.
I'll start with this "Is it not GOD Who comes down, to open the Seals, as HE alone can do that, to call out HIS children for 1Thes.4:15-16?
How does GOD communicate with HIS children?
Deut.18:18; Amos 3:7 explain that, prophets, through whom HE, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, communicates.
As we're told that Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Lamb of God, is the only one worthy to take, from God, and open, or even look upon, the book with the seven seals.
I believe I understand your perception of how God communicates with His children. Through the Spirit of His Son, or the Holy Ghost, with whom we have been blessed to receive when we gave our lives to the Lord. Him knowing our hearts and who is ready to receive the Spirit of Christ. Receiving the Spirit of Truth that shall help guide, and teach, us in all things to live for the will of our Father. If you meant anything else please correct me.
Before I get to the angel in Revelation 10 I would like to post something I perceive. As I have spent some time reading through the Scriptures, and others with views to this, I would like to bring up the Angel of the LORD in the OT. He is first spoken of in Genesis 16:7-13. As He is the one who stopped Abraham from slaying Isaac. Also as He is stated to be the one in the burning bush who spoke to Moses. As most of these accounts with Him also indicate Him as the LORD our God.
An account of an Angel that God warns them to obey because "my name is in Him". Exodus 23:21. My perception is that this may be(I say may as only God knows the Truth of this and is only my perception) the pre incarnate Jesus Christ.
Sorry about that, I just thought I'd put that in here. So back to the angel in Revelation 10.
Will continue in next post:
Thanks for your response, and, yes, all answers must come from GOD.
We need assure we are not personally interpreting HIS Word, adding to, taking from or leveraging IT to fit any denominational teachings. Rev.22:18-19
Is it not GOD Who comes down, to open the Seals, as HE alone can do that, to call out HIS children for 1Thes.4:15-16?
How does GOD communicate with HIS children?
Deut.18:18; Amos 3:7 explain that, prophets, through whom HE, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, communicates.
There is only ONE GOD, and HE must stick with HIS WORD!
GOD included the seals, in our Bible, but they are still in mystery form, so HE, GOD comes down, again, Rev.10:1-7, to speak through a Biblically vindicated prophet, revealing what the meaning of the Seals is, getting HIS children ready for the rapture.
'Strait is the gate and narrow is the Way and few there be that enter therein'; and few will accept what GOD has done, is doing, here, today, repeating that horrific mistake Israel made, in their past, with the Gentiles fulfilling Heb. 6:6.
GOD is bound, by HIS WORD, to reveal all mysteries.
Israel again became a nation, in 1948, and are now looking for their Messiah, thus time must be exceedingly short.
Who comes down, in Rev.10:1-7, with a covenant rainbow on HIS head?
Scripture explains that, once that takes place, 'time shall be no more, (no more delay)' Rev.10:6
Jesus, our prophet Son of God, comes down in Rev.19, with the saints, not for them, which implies there is much misunderstanding about the Second coming, and those who are seeking HIM need turn to HIM, not dogma and interpretation of man, to comprehend what is taking place, for HIS children, today.
Praise our LORD GOD!
Might be a bit of a challenge, Richard, and may our LORD bless you as you research what is said thus.
bro. John
I guess I would say many of your questions are for God. The one who comes down in Revelation 10 is noted as "another mighty angel". Are you looking for a name?
So what meat would you like to converse about? Just trying to decipher Revelation or what's going on in the world now, etc?
As I shall happily wait for your reply. To me the most important thing is to be right with the Lord. Not knowing exactly what is going to happen and when. Obviously this world is getting pretty bad and I have my own perception of certain things that are coming. Though again the most important thing is to keep our faith and trust diligently in Jesus Christ and be ready for anything. Following the ways of Christ serving God with a pure heart.
God Bless.
One, as a new comer to this site, ponders why there is so little excitement, that many are still chatting about bubble and squeak issues rather than the strong meat of Jesus Christ, here, today?
The LORD has to return, GOD, not Jesus, the MAN, to open the Seven Seals, reveal all mysteries of the GODHEAD, whilst Jesus, the Christ, returns in Rev.19, with the saints, not for them.
Why, still, is there such confusion amongst believers?
Why do we witness so many denominations, all claiming they alone have Truth, and yet, none of them can agree on Scripture, beside most fundamental doctrines, some not even that?
WHO is it that comes down in Rev.10:1-7?
Scripture tells us that satan is now sitting on his throne, in the city of seven hills, claiming to be GOD, to receive worship, instead of Jesus Christ, the One True GOD, which suggests he, satan, has again pulled the wool over the eyes of many of those believing to be Christians.
Our responsibility, as Christians, is to point those seeking Truth back to the unadulterated WORD of GOD, as HE is the WORD, not man's doctrines and dogma, which trapped Eve, back at the beginning.
It is not my desire to push any religion, any denomination, but to stick exactly with HIS WORD!
Joshua 7, the "accursed thing" was the disobedience of God's commandment and the plunder stolen by Achan. Achan had taken plunder for himself which had been forbidden when the Israelites conquered Jericho. He had taken a beautiful cloak, silver and gold for himself and buried it in his tent. This was in direct opposition to God's commandment. "The city shall be under the ban, it and all that is in it belongs to the LORD " Joshua 6:17. God demands total obedience to his commands.
That's the short of it.
For our meditation in peace and love.
Here's another possibility.
Genesis 22:14. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, IN THE MOUNT OF THE LORD IT SHALL BE SEEN.
Jesus was crucified on the same mountain Abraham offered Issac. "His only begotten Son. And you also see faith in the resurrection as well.
Hebrews 11:17-19. By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,
Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.
God bless.
John 8:56 "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad".
Psalm 110:4 "...Thou (Jesus) art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek".
Abraham saw Jesus through Melchizedek, Genesis 14.
Thank you