Exodus Chapter 20 Discussion Page 7

  • BSP on Exodus 20 - 7 years ago
    This is a divine commandment from God and if more would obey this commandment, they would receive his blessing.
  • Thomas Taylor SR on Exodus 20 - 7 years ago
    JOHN 1:1,3.----14.) In the beginning was the word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 14th verse and that work came down was made flesh and dwelled among us. The Old Testament scripture is a Schoolmaster to us. We should always be mindful to preach the whole counsel of God. Both the Old and the New Testament is of God. It is all truth. And if we come to know the truth? """Act's 16:31
  • Irene123 on Exodus 20 - 7 years ago
    Quote: The MAJORITY of 'christians' don't want to be thought of as fanatic; that's why they worship on Sunday. unquote. I worship on Sun., Mon., and Tues., but I'm not a MAJORITY Christian. We baptize in the NAME of Jesus Christ - Acts 2:38 - with the EVIDENCE of speaking in tongues - Acts 10:46, 19:6, 8:18 (and when Simon SAW ...) "saw" refers to something TANGIBLE; cont.
  • Irene123 on Exodus 20 - 7 years ago
    I will make this even - shorter; Matt. 4:4; "IT IS WRITTEN ..... "; Deut. 8:3.
  • Irene123 on Exodus 20 - 7 years ago
    The 'sabbath' has been researched - by Jesus Himself, no less - Mk. 2:27.
  • Deidre Lottering on Exodus 20 - 7 years ago
    I was preparing for a Sunday School lesson and doing the 10 commandments, i googled and came across your discussion:::::: wow! Its so easy to understand and really got me thinking of how we know the 10 commandments but how we can also teach the lesson on a primary level. Thank you so much that i can use your lessons
  • A disciple on Exodus 20 - 7 years ago
    We cannot come to God without His guidance and direction and protection; for we would perish instantly in His presence. From the beginning, the word of our redemption and salvation was uttered by God and it is all under His authority that we even be allowed to live. The commandments are for us to learn from Him, to seek His nature as our example, to become like Him; because that's why we are made.
  • Peter on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago

    to Jeanette
    I have been thinking of replying to your comment but i did't know why. Then later i though of it, your comment makes me feel good. Thank you. I like it, it just makes me feel good.
    Have a good day, keep up the good work.
  • Jamie on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    Jesus is our sabbath rest. For a Christian every day is a day of worship. Legalism doesn't help further the gospel. Colossians 2v16.
  • Peter on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    I think that I have it figured out. We should naturally know how to respect GOD; but unfortunately we do not know maybe and i even think that we do not know how to respect others and even our earthy father or Dads. God tells us he will hold us responsible for taking his name in vane because that surely shows disrespect; and He make sure that there is no mistake about this as He is telling you.
  • Jeanette on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    If the bible says it I believe it and live by it.
  • Seven Trumpets on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    Shabbat, or, Sabbath, is on the SEVENTH day of the week; ( Genesis 2:1-3). Constantine made the first day to be the day when Christians were to assemble; on SUN-day, to honor the god of the sun, which he continued to worship. The vast multitudes of Believers, either don't know, or don't care, or don't want to be thought of as fanatic; and so, Sunday continues to be the day for going to Church.
  • Joyce Cardoza on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    I will make this short, The bible is for all to read, all the verses are not for us, all the verse are not about us, we are in another dispensation, once we were gentiles now we are Christians, we never did or were told to do the things that the people of Israel do, when Christ died on the cross and roses again, this was for Christians read Eph.2:8, there will be remnet saved from Israel
  • Peter on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    Hi J R Botleng

    I don't know if it matters. I just try to keep the Sunday that i was brought up in.

    On another matter, I try to keep the commandments but there are few things I can not figure out.
    Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

    Why do people take the chance?

    I can not figure that out?
  • Johnny Ross Botleng on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    What sabbath is the law refer to? The seventh day of the weekly? is it continue to this days?
  • Irene123 on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    To Coral G. Brown - As to the 'words' in Ex. ch. 20 - It says 'kill'. Now you need to go to Num. ch. 35. It tells ALL about accidental and intentional 'killing' and 'murder'.
  • Karl on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    to Coral - it is confusing isn't it? Not just the question regarding the translation from Hebrew, but also that specific commandment. My take on it is they're both right, the KJV translation is reverentially accurate, not always perfectly literal but reverentially correct. The second part of your question, tough one, the answer can only be distilled from the entire text of the bible - any help?
  • Coral g. brown on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    Is it thou shall not kill or is it thou shall not murder. There is a very distinct difference. King James version says kill. Niv version says murder. Many people's lives were ended during the displacement of people occupying the land God had chosen for his people. Were they killed or murdered ?
  • Gichuru on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    to keep GOD "s law it is very good.also to the sabbath holy.
  • Barbara on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    I believe that as Christian's we all should keep the lord commandments,even the ones that are non Christian but till believe there a god,because that why he give Moses the law for his people's to follow,it a way of god's guidance to live for ever...just want to say I am new to the sabbath and am trying to learn more each day so if there any one out there that can give me guidance on it (I love it)
  • Marion on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    I don't understand. How is it that everyone agrees that we should keep all the Commandments
    and yet, make excuses, in my opinion, about the 7th day? "Remember the 7th day to keep it holy." On my calendar the 7th day is Saturday. Please explain how this one commandment is
    broken? When were the generations given permission, by our Father in heaven, to change this
    commandment? Please help!
  • Mike on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    The law points to Christ,man does not have the ability to be justified under the law.
  • Jesuslove on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    this is definetly going in my book. I'm writing for teenagers that want to get saved and learn more about god I'm in teen years myself and have been a christain almost all my life but I haven't started really growing in his word and feeling REAL joy till the previous year and I must say its one of the best feelings on earth I want other teens such as myself to feel the same joy I feel for god
  • Patricia on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    The Laws of God hold true to all generations ushering us into Grace and Mercy. Lord let me have nothing in my life lifted up as a god.
  • PETER on Exodus 20 - 8 years ago
    Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. I can not understand why anyone would do that, but think that some Christians do; and i think that they should be aware of the chance that they take. Ver 12 is also so important for the young people and anyone who wants to live long.
  • John Cyrus on Exodus 20 - 9 years ago
    Hello KJV Bible Authorities, I believe, your "Verse of the Day Inspirational Image" will be blessing to many. I would ask your permission to allow me to send this daily to my friends circle in WhatsApp. So that God may touch their hearts through His living Word!
  • Yogert on Exodus 20 - 9 years ago
    Sometimes we have to live with parents who are non believers so it makes this law challenging but honoring them does not mean we have to agree with them, it means honor their wishes and if you find you have broken this rule, repent.
  • Fernando M. on Exodus 20 - 9 years ago
    No matter how educated and wise we get as we age, we should always respect and have patience with our aging parents.
  • Tilda on Exodus 20 - 9 years ago
    Amen to reepect every elderly person but beginning from home,if you learn to love in your home then definitely your God you will love,and your neighbour you will love,its clear this commandment has a benefit,a blessing for obeying it hence him who does not obey perishes
  • Janette Nixon on Exodus 20 - 9 years ago
    I like studing the Bible.

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