(38-42) The consecration of the altar, which took place during the consecration of the priests, was to be followed immediately by the establishment of the daily sacrifice. Two lambs were to be offered every day, one in the morning, the other "between the evenings" (Exodus 29:39); partly in expiation of the daily sins of the nation, but mainly as a sign that the nation daily renewed its self-dedication to Jehovah, and offered itself afresh to be "a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice" to Him. Meat and drink offerings were to accompany the burnt sacrifice--signs of the gratitude due to God for His perpetual mercies, and acknowledgments of His protecting care and lovingkindness. At the same time incense was to be burnt upon the golden altar before the vail, as a figure of the perpetual prayer that it behoved the nation to send up to the Throne of Grace for a continuance of the Divine favour. (See Exodus 30:7-8.)
(38) Two lambs of the first year.--See Note on Exodus 12:5. The LXX. insert ???????, "without blemish;" but this general requirement (Leviticus 22:22; Leviticus 22:24-25), relaxed only in the case of free-will offerings (Leviticus 22:23), does not need to be perpetually repeated.
(39) At even.--Heb., between the two evenings. (On the meaning of the phrase, see Note 2 on Exodus 12:6.)
(40) A tenth deal.--Heb., a tenth. A tenth of what measure is not said, but we may presume an ephah to be intended. The tenth part of an ephah was an omer (Exodus 16:36). The omer is reckoned at rather less than half a gallon.
An hin.--The hin was, like the omer and the ephah, an Egyptian measure. It is estimated at about three-quarters of a gallon.
(41) The meat offering . . . the drink offering.--A "handful" of each meat offering was thrown upon the altar and burnt (Leviticus 2:2); the remainder belonged to the priests (Leviticus 2:3). Scripture says nothing of the disposal of the drink offering. According to Josephus (Ant. Jud. iii. 9, ? 4), it was poured out in libation upon the altar. According to others, a portion only was thus disposed of, while the rest was the priests'. The latter view seems the more probable.
(42) The tabernacle of the congregation.--Rather, the tent of meeting.
Where I will meet you.--This passage determines the meaning of the expression, "tent of meeting." It was not the place where the congregation met together, for the congregation were forbidden to enter it, but the place where God met His people through their mediator and representative, the high priest, who could there commune with God and obtain replies from Him on all practical matters that were of national importance. (See Exodus 25:22 and Note ad loc.) The fact that all communication was to be through the high priest is indicated by the change of person: "Where I will meet you, to speak there unto thee."
Verses 38-42. - THE DAILY SACRIFICE. The consecration of the altar, which is made a part of the consecration of the priests, is to be followed immediately by the establishment of the daily sacrifice. Two lambs are to be offered day by day to the Lord, one in the morning and the other in the evening, as "a continual burnt-offering" (ver. 42), in acknowledgment that the life of the people belonged to Jehovah (Cook), aria that they were bound to offer perpetually "themselves, their souls and bodies, to be a reasonable holy, and lively sacrifice" to him. The burnt-offerings were to be accompanied by appropriate "meat and drink-offerings" - i.e., by a certain quantity of flour mingled with olive oil for the one, and a certain quantity of wine for the other - indications of the debt of gratitude which the nation owed to God for his continual benefits Verse 38. - Lambs of the first year. Compare Exodus 12:5. The LXX. add "without blemish." But this is unnecessary, as all victims were to be without blemish (Leviticus 22:20: Deuteronomy 15:21, etc.)
29:38-46 A lamb was to be offered upon the altar every morning, and a lamb every evening. This typified the continual intercession which Christ ever lives to make for his church. Though he offered himself but once for all, that one offering thus becomes a continual offering. This also teaches us to offer to God the spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise every day, morning and evening. Our daily devotions are the most needful of our daily works, and the most pleasant of our daily comforts. Prayer-time must be kept up as duly as meal-time. Those starve their own souls, who keep not up constant attendance on the throne of grace; constancy in religion brings in the comfort of it.
Now this is that which thou shalt offer upon the altar,.... An altar being ordered to be built, and this sanctified and expiated, and priests being appointed and consecrated to the service of it; an account is given of the offerings that should be offered up upon it every day, besides those that should be offered occasionally, and at other set times:
two lambs of the first year day by day continually; typical of Christ the Lamb of God, who continually, through the efficacy of his blood, and the virtue of his sacrifice, which are ever the same, takes away day by day the sins of his people. A lamb is a proper emblem of him for innocence and harmlessness, for meekness and humility, for patience, for usefulness for food and clothing, and especially for sacrifice; and these being of the
first year, may denote the tenderness of Christ, who as he grew up as a tender plant, so as a tender lamb, encompassed with infirmities, being in all things like unto his people, excepting sin; and as these were to be
without spot, Numbers 28:3 and so here, in the Septuagint version, it may point at the purity of Christ, who is the Lamb of God, without spot and blemish, and who offered himself without spot to God, and was a fit sacrifice to be offered up for the taking away of the sins of men.
(38-42) The consecration of the altar, which took place during the consecration of the priests, was to be followed immediately by the establishment of the daily sacrifice. Two lambs were to be offered every day, one in the morning, the other "between the evenings" (Exodus 29:39); partly in expiation of the daily sins of the nation, but mainly as a sign that the nation daily renewed its self-dedication to Jehovah, and offered itself afresh to be "a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice" to Him. Meat and drink offerings were to accompany the burnt sacrifice--signs of the gratitude due to God for His perpetual mercies, and acknowledgments of His protecting care and lovingkindness. At the same time incense was to be burnt upon the golden altar before the vail, as a figure of the perpetual prayer that it behoved the nation to send up to the Throne of Grace for a continuance of the Divine favour. (See Exodus 30:7-8.)
(38) Two lambs of the first year.--See Note on Exodus 12:5. The LXX. insert ???????, "without blemish;" but this general requirement (Leviticus 22:22; Leviticus 22:24-25), relaxed only in the case of free-will offerings (Leviticus 22:23), does not need to be perpetually repeated.
(39) At even.--Heb., between the two evenings. (On the meaning of the phrase, see Note 2 on Exodus 12:6.)
(40) A tenth deal.--Heb., a tenth. A tenth of what measure is not said, but we may presume an ephah to be intended. The tenth part of an ephah was an omer (Exodus 16:36). The omer is reckoned at rather less than half a gallon.
An hin.--The hin was, like the omer and the ephah, an Egyptian measure. It is estimated at about three-quarters of a gallon.
Beaten oil.--See Note 1 on Exodus 27:20.
(41) The meat offering . . . the drink offering.--A "handful" of each meat offering was thrown upon the altar and burnt (Leviticus 2:2); the remainder belonged to the priests (Leviticus 2:3). Scripture says nothing of the disposal of the drink offering. According to Josephus (Ant. Jud. iii. 9, ? 4), it was poured out in libation upon the altar. According to others, a portion only was thus disposed of, while the rest was the priests'. The latter view seems the more probable.
(42) The tabernacle of the congregation.--Rather, the tent of meeting.
Where I will meet you.--This passage determines the meaning of the expression, "tent of meeting." It was not the place where the congregation met together, for the congregation were forbidden to enter it, but the place where God met His people through their mediator and representative, the high priest, who could there commune with God and obtain replies from Him on all practical matters that were of national importance. (See Exodus 25:22 and Note ad loc.) The fact that all communication was to be through the high priest is indicated by the change of person: "Where I will meet you, to speak there unto thee."
two lambs of the first year day by day continually; typical of Christ the Lamb of God, who continually, through the efficacy of his blood, and the virtue of his sacrifice, which are ever the same, takes away day by day the sins of his people. A lamb is a proper emblem of him for innocence and harmlessness, for meekness and humility, for patience, for usefulness for food and clothing, and especially for sacrifice; and these being of the
first year, may denote the tenderness of Christ, who as he grew up as a tender plant, so as a tender lamb, encompassed with infirmities, being in all things like unto his people, excepting sin; and as these were to be
without spot, Numbers 28:3 and so here, in the Septuagint version, it may point at the purity of Christ, who is the Lamb of God, without spot and blemish, and who offered himself without spot to God, and was a fit sacrifice to be offered up for the taking away of the sins of men.