Esther Chapter 4 Discussion Page 2

  • Therese on Esther 4 - 10 years ago
    Hatach was he Daniel, interpreter of dreams?
  • Reinarudo Watanabe on Esther 4 - 10 years ago
    ESTHER 4:13-14 COMMENTS 1 24 2015 11:45 Mordecai commanded Esther not to hold her peace but instead gave a strong advise that be happen unto her and household if the petition of Haman shall be grant by the king. As written in BOOK OF: PROVERBS 29:25 JEREMIAH 30:10. Praise the LORD. A-men.
  • Brother Saturday on Esther 4 - 10 years ago
    Yes,Esther was not afraid of the enemies. No wounder the Bible says, God has given us the spirit of boldness and of a sound mind.
  • WILSON on Esther 4 - 10 years ago
    she is beautiful humble and acceptable before GOD.her appointment to the kings palace was a sign 0f rescuing jews from a planned attack by haman so GOD should be gloryfied AMEN
  • Professional Driver Education on Esther 4 - 10 years ago
    Its my story!
  • Elias amorim on Esther 4:13 - 11 years ago
    the drama of ester is similar to ours daily fought against satan, I thik every bible student should read the book of ester.
  • Peter fai on Esther 4:16 - 11 years ago
    The way i see Esther 4;16 is incredible the way prayer and Fasting reversed the irreversible, to me when fasting and prayers are involved money has limitations.In conclusion Fasting and prayer causes power to change hands,what prayer alone can't do ,when fasting is added they must be a solution to that predicament.Thanks, for the opportunity to share my opinion
  • Azi on Esther 4 - 11 years ago
    When I read her story it really blessings in my life,I feel likes it my story.
  • Ellen on Esther 4 - 11 years ago
    Haman almost had a coronary when Mordecai wouldn't reverence or bow to down him. Some people lust after things that do not belong to them, in this case worship that only belongs to God. Haman wanted to be worshipped so bad he had to secure it by force, through a decree conjured up out of envy and hatred. When one cannot stand for something, they fall for anything/everything. I would like the spirit of Mordecai, to stand for what I believe no matter who is hiccuping. Our moral stance will always be tested at one point or another.
  • Pellucid on Esther 4 - 11 years ago
    Esther's level of concern to know what was the matter, and why it was thus, and in the event of being unable to get the report on such facts firsthand, to arrange for someone trustworthy to procure them, is one facet of noble-mindedness.
    When there is anyone in trouble or in need, sad, despondent, or needing to make some noise and to deplore an event, then we ought to care enough to take the time to acquaint ourselves with the goings-on.
  • Luwil on Esther 4 - 12 years ago
    Train up a child in the way he should go. Mordedai trained Esther; and when duty demands, she put the training into action. When we use our Christian training and position, when the time comes as Esther did, God would do the rest because; He is in charge. None else, no matter how powerful, connected or influential.
  • Babs on Esther 4 - 12 years ago
    Mordecai had a tremendous confidence in God. God will! God will! God will do what He promised He will do. He made a promise to Abraham, Isaac and to Jacob and no one will hinder that promise - not the Egyptians,no Hitler,not Iran - He will stand by His word. God said He will judge the world and He will.
  • QUEENNOIR on Esther 4 - 14 years ago

    Where ever we are our presence should change the atmosphere to a pleasing one. God does noty dwell on where we come from and how we came,God knows why He has placed us where we are. Ester tells of the rewards of submitting to God's will. Giving us grace to do what God wants us to do.

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