In the context of the issue we face today, Ephesians 5:22-33, is positive proof that God NEVER intended for marriage to mean anything other than one man and one woman (Ephecians5:33). Anyone who thinks otherwise would be well counseled to read the whole of Ephesians 5. Praise be to God, for He is all and pure love.
In reference to verse 20; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. After prayerful thought, I see this as a statement of how we should think of GOD, lest we forget He is GOD, our Father AND also our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, a true statement of His Holy unity. As we read, from the Old Testament, we have GOD state that we have only have One Saviour, the LORD from Isaiah 43 who is revealed to us in the form of Jesus Christ in the New Testament as our Saviour. As a result, GOD is truly our Father, our Saviour, whom we can have a relationship with because of the perfect sacrifice offered by the grace of Love from the Father, GOD, through our LORD, Jesus Christ revealed to us with the gift of Understanding, a fruit of the presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. Amen.
This is the foundation of the Christian faith. In order for US to be submissive, WE must first be submissive to those that are in place by GOD. They are for OUR good, Romans 8:28 says that ALL things are working for OUR good.
I wrote a comment about the Lamb's Wife in Revelation 21:9... no so much a great mystery. If people read the Bible, found this verse, If you�re doing "Research" next time read the whole Bible.
All we need is to put our trust in HIM, know the word and do what it says, HE'll do the rest. Loving and submitting to one another will happen if we put HIM first. Be blessed.
This is one of God�s main commandments, this should be followed to the letter no ifs or buts; showing great love for one another and great respect even in bad times, live as one it�s not about oneself this pleases the Father Almighty who sits on high.
Sir if I may say NO to your question. IF you do go out of the marriage you commit adultery and you as well cause your lovely wife to as well commit adultery. Please don�t do that. If I may say if a husband loves his wife that way Christ loves the church the wife shouldn�t have any problem submitting unto her own husband. You have to remember Christ loves the church unconditionally and gave His life for the church (born again sons of God).He gave it all we are to work in our marriage and be selfless and give our all no matter the cost. Love your wife be good to her, open the word of God with her pray with her. Ask her first. Be an example to her and when she sees you are faithful unto God and love God the Father. Be faithful to God�s house Andrew. Then she will love you so much and want to follow her husband in serving our mighty God. Andrew is she saved if not share the plan of salvation with her, pray, pray, pray. Hope I was some help. It is all because of Him (OUR FATHER). God Bless you and yours.
The question is most about submitting ourselves to the word of GOD or opposing our choice to it.
But the word says, ''Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.''
Submission is loving obedience by proper arrangement.
The Bible continues:
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
And to husbands, not submit yourselves, but
''Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;''
In modern societies, this seems to be a difficult verse to swallow for many. And it certainly doesn't mean unequal rights or that one person is dominating or dictating. But it's acknowledging different roles are ideal and most healthy in a relationship.
the devil is tryin to destroy so many marriages thats why so have to keep you hands in gods hand pray fast get in a good bible teachin church stay there ur marriage will make it
Eph. 5:21 said (Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.) That means that we need to follow God's word 100% and fear what God can do to us or will let happen to us if we don't obey His word. Wives yes you must submit to your husbands in every way just like Christ did and dose to God. What you give to the one above you is what you get from the one below you.Always remember it's God Christ Husband Wife Children, then everyone else. Then means anyone outside of that, and yes even your Pastor, In-law's friends too.Submitting is God's way, so if you don't want to Truly Submit-Don't get married!! and Husbands read Vs 23 to 25 you have to submit to Christ and Love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it; That means you have to love your wife so so so much, you are willing to give your life for her!
Love your God like he would want you to an love your husband an wife with the love you give the lord an don't commit any sin's against your marriage an take your marriage very serious an be committed to it God is good all the time
Wine in itself is not bad, but taken in excess can lead to bad behaviour,like roiting, debauchery, use of bad language, etc.Afterall it is used during Mass. Being drunk in the in the Spirit benefits one with the fruits and gifts of the spirit which are peace,love ,joy,patience, etc.
Husbands love your wifes as God has loved the church by giving LOVE for us which is his ONLY begotten son JESUS. Wifes return that same love unto your husband. IN JESUS!!!!!!!!!AMEM!!!
My married life have never been the same after I devoted my whole life to Christ.
It gave me another level of love and happiness in our married life.
I love the Lord our GOD first by believing in Him and giving Him my whole life. All these things are added unto me. True happiness in our marriage life through Christ Jesus.
In Ephesians chapter 5 God is explaining to us how we must conduct ourselves as sons & daughters in His Kingdom. You have Kingdom resident's once you become a lamb of God.Uncleanness is associated with lust of the flesh, which is talked about in verse 3&4, as well as fornication which means having sex before your married.You defile yourself (temple)when you fornicate, it's unclean just like adultery.Walk in the fruits of the Spirit and you want fulfull lust of your mind and flesh which leads to death.
You have to love the layout. One of the major points in this chapter is of course the christian husband/wife relationship (verse 21 on). However, Paul first lets individual christians know how they should conduct themselves in order to be right with God (verses 1-20). This is of great importance because until one can conduct themselves as a christian should, they cannot expect to have a healthy and rewarding christian marriage.
As I have humbled myself before the Lord and chose
his love and guidance each and every day,
Lord help change me as I grown with all I do and say.
To thank you, lead guide me to be in GOD's way.
Sir if I may say NO to your question. IF you do go out of the marriage you commit adultery and you as well cause your lovely wife to as well commit adultery. Please don�t do that. If I may say if a husband loves his wife that way Christ loves the church the wife shouldn�t have any problem submitting unto her own husband. You have to remember Christ loves the church unconditionally and gave His life for the church (born again sons of God).He gave it all we are to work in our marriage and be selfless and give our all no matter the cost. Love your wife be good to her, open the word of God with her pray with her. Ask her first. Be an example to her and when she sees you are faithful unto God and love God the Father. Be faithful to God�s house Andrew. Then she will love you so much and want to follow her husband in serving our mighty God. Andrew is she saved if not share the plan of salvation with her, pray, pray, pray. Hope I was some help. It is all because of Him (OUR FATHER). God Bless you and yours.
The question is most about submitting ourselves to the word of GOD or opposing our choice to it.
But the word says, ''Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.''
Submission is loving obedience by proper arrangement.
The Bible continues:
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
And to husbands, not submit yourselves, but
''Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;''
So it is to us to take it or not.
GOD bless you.
May God Bless you and yours
It gave me another level of love and happiness in our married life.
I love the Lord our GOD first by believing in Him and giving Him my whole life. All these things are added unto me. True happiness in our marriage life through Christ Jesus.
his love and guidance each and every day,
Lord help change me as I grown with all I do and say.
To thank you, lead guide me to be in GOD's way.