An Ohio Primitive Baptist on Ephesians 1 - 9 years ago
"Chosen before the foundation of the world" ... "Having predestinated us unto the adoption..." Doesn't get plainer than that. God saves, God decides, God chooses. Love that doctrine that gives God all the glory!
This one chapter to me says it all about Jesus Christ and us the people of God. If you love the Jesus and God his Father, then we understand this chapter is for all that love Jesus and those seeking to know Jesus, and God
God is Good all the time. Before the foundation of this earth HE Great Mighty God has "already " chosen us ...Lord you 're Awesome...Words can not be describe how great you are...Amen Amen Amen......
God is faithful to his promises that he will never leave us nor forsake us. It is very important to meditate his words day and night for his words are powerful like a sword. Jesus himself is the word of God and his leading us to the living water. God is good all the time. We must love him and open our door for him whom who keep knocking our door for our salvation. Thank you Jesus for your precious blood that shed for us, your goodness and mercy is always following us. Amen
This book is very special, specially 5:8,5:10,5:14, walking in the Light. Along with Romans 13:12, take off the work of darkness, and put on the Armer of Light.
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, savior, friend, helper, Eternal, best wisdom for Peace not War, for all you suffered so the devil would not be able to steal our souls thru mindless perpetual wars, and so many other vices. Thank You, please help me all you can, AMEN
Jesus, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you now and forever. I can 't wait to be with you and all heavenly creatures and family singing praises to our Father. What a glorious awesome wonderful day. Beyond earthly words.
You say: " God can work them out thru me or for when in his will for my life ". Did you mean: help me work them out? He WILL help you, that is a promise! But you must repent and have faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pray honestly with your heart from the secret place, and He will answer you openly! God bless you
Tracey, our Heavenly Father tells us what our purpose is and unless you are CALLED to do something specific which you will definately know when it happens , then our purpose is simple: "...What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God?... Micah 6:8 "
I want to know my purpose and so I can do it now, at age 57 so I can have a satisfactory in my life, with all my problems, so God can work them out thru me or for when in his will for my life.
I love this chapter in that it sets forth who we are in Christ Jesus and gives knowledge as to how very much we humans are loved. With Jesus ' having risen and now abiding in the heavenly sanctuary ever making intercession for us via our prayers and with the Holy Spirit still enduring the woes of this difficult world, we have access to the omnipotent Father as any child would have access to a loving father. Knowing who we are "in Christ " and what we can do "in Christ " and "accepting " the will of our Heavenly Father for us gives strength to win whatever battles that come before us while here on earth.
Have faith in Christ now and know at this point u are who u are created to be now. The spiritual gifts of the heavens dwell in you because God can't lie. Nothing this world has to offer can compare to what God has for u in this temporary realm or the eternal. For Christ Jesus is all in all and your purpose in Him brings u the power to overcome and the joy and satisfaction of being one with your Creator, while fulfilling the will you was created for. Having the peace of knowing if the rapture comes or your heart stops beating, you are going home to heaven . Ephesians from a God that can not lie garanteing who we are in the Father through Christ Jesus. Victory is ours, no matter what. Jesus died to make it so and lives again to see it carried out. If you dont believe me read Ephesians one. We are living in a day, u better start believing and applying Gods Word because forever is a long time and your going somewhere! God is His Word.
Jesus is the only way the truth and the life no man comes to the father except thru Jesus. He who believes in him will love him and keep his word. Praying to Jesus is the key and a gateway to reach our Father as Jesus prayed to the Father on behalf of us... What a loving Jesus a perfect obedience to the Father... I love you Jesus
God in Christ are in one accord as Jesus and his children are in one accord. As Jesus asked in prayer for himself, and he asked in prayer for us, Jesus is our way into heaven, God was the way into heaven for Jesus.
I think we all should know about the inheritance that GOD has. It is not just monetary. JESUS defeated death. Think about it the mystery of eternal life. JESUS IN GOD JESUS IN US US IN JESUS US IN GOD.
Spiritual blessings are Love , Joy , Peace ,Goodness , Faith , Meekness ,Temperance ,Longsuffering , Gentleness and more read your Bible and you will find. Hath is to have a thing Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for those spiritual blessings the child of God is enjoying now. Praise God forever more !!!!! I am richly blessed !!!