4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
One thing I've been thinking about today is that God doesn't expect us to be anything, he places in us a conscience and Godly desires {note not all desires are Godly which is why we should be in the word on a daily basis, to sift out all the evil and wicked desires}. In Ephesians 1:4 He said "that we should be holy and without blame in love:". He doesn't "expect" us to be anything, he speaks to us and tells us thru the holy spirit and our conscience what we should do and shouldn't do, he wants us to obey him and be perfect and without blame in him.
There was a missionary I met a couple years back that said somethign like, "when you go into something, don't expect anything, don't expect it to turn out well and then also don't expect it to turn out badly, b/c if you do, you may very well get let now and Satan uses that as a weak spot for his fiery arrows". God doesn't expect us to do good and nor does he expect us to do evil, he calls us for his purpose and guides us along the way.
In Him is the reality of the new birth, having absolved us of that was against us and future accusations too, H�s precious blood washed and wiped it away forever. Hallelujah!
Ephesians chapter one opens our eyes to the redemptive work of our Lord, it brings us to the knowledge that we have an inheritance in Christ which is guaranteed by the gift of the Holy Ghost.We are destined to be blameless and Holy in Christ, even before the foundation of the earth was led.Its full of revelations, ephesians is a book of blessing
It's beautiful.In the gift of Christ ,God gave up all Heaven. For Christ is the outshining of God's Glory(Goodness).All things were created by Him(Christ).The very blood which became our ransom is the blood of the creator Himself.The price tag on my soul is the price of Heaven . With all this in mind-surely I am blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How wonderful is this MYSTERY revealed to us through our dear brother Paul. Christ in you the hope of glory. How blessed we are!
Regarding 'adoption. are we not BORN of God? do we not have God's life and nature as shown elsewhere?
I want to comment on Dante's comment sbout Ephesians Chapter 1 about verse 7 on 10/02/2013, 3:57am... Dante said "{---that is by grace through faith". To which I agree BUT--scripturally you MUST OBEY the Word of God correctly. You must DO as it says. There is much more to salvation than JUST believing. You MUST OBEY what the WORD say to DO.
In the beginning God wanted to have MAN to himself but sin brought separation that is why HE send his son( predestination) both Jews and gentiles GOD loves every body and wants all to know but it has to be his own way and not the way man thinks (There is a way that seem right unto man but the end is death)JESUS CHRIST is the way.
Ephesians 1:4 "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love." Christians understand that we can't be a holy people without the indwelling presence of the Holy Ghost nor can we be a loving people without God's Spirit because it's He who sheds His love abroad within our hearts ( Romans 5:5). God chose to have a holy people for the good pleaure of His will. The Godhead determined before the foundation of the world that the people of God would be holy and without blame before Him in love to show forth His grace to the world. The criteria for being His chosen is "To Have Faith In His word" according to John 1:14. Only believers will be partakers of the Son-ship ( Philippians 2:15)( Matthew 5:10). The plan for salvation was also established before the foundation of the world that whosoever repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to make them into the image and likeness of Christ and endure unto death in His truth and righteousness, shall be partakers of the heavenly calling and receive adoption as the Sons of God. Ephesians 1:4 is most effective when we incorporate verses 5-14. (I have a book coming soon please subscribe).
I think that will not go to haven by the things we do or how good we memorized the Bible but how much we trust in Jesus and believe in him and that we follow his word and trust in his directions. In Jesus name we pray.
I know the lord is real I've had so many trails & tribulations in my life that I know it was no one eles but Jesus Christ himself to pull me threw thoses painful loses deep depressions suicidal moments not feeling loved by the ones we love so much called family! Just learn to trust in God & not man& always always keep him first cause he is the head of my life & stay prayerful cause he does answer prayers &
& the more prayers go up the mote blessings
Having my sight being enlightened, I now know and understand. after that I believed the gospel of my salvation,I was sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise
Timothy Wayne George on Ephesians 1 - 11 years ago
We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, where Christ is at the right hand of God the Father. We have an inheritance that will not fade away, because we have been sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. It is like buying a house, you put down earnest money, and that guarantees you that no other buyers will get that house until you close the loan. The Holy Spirit guarantees our inheritance, until the redemption of our bodies. So we are chosen in Christ to be holy, and blameless in Him in love before the foundation of the world. We have been filled with the mystery of His will for us, and all wisdom, revelation, with understanding that we are accepted in the beloved, by the blood of Jesus that He shed at the cross for our sins. We have eternal security by what Christ has done for us, and when He comes in glory, we will receive the reward of the inheritance. Praise God!!!
this verse has put me in a place of advantage to no that all things are under jesus feets, am not supose to be worried any more about any thing he has blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ jesus i have everything i need in jesus christ
The Word of God is the will of God, and where there is a will there is a way. This letter of Paul to the Ephesians has always been a great blessing to me, and that has been through several times. In this commencement of Ephesians 1, Paul affirms that God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings, in the heavenly places. And that connotes that as Christians, we should not fight one another. And that is because godliness does not fight godliness, neither does righteousness fight righteousness. As a matter of fact, looking at it very well, they are meant to complement one another. And If you don�t know what God has been doing, or that he has done, in and through another, then you can�t fall into assumption and think that is appropriate. And that is one of the reason why Paul wrote the way he did, to remind us, as saints and believers, that we are already blessed. And if we are blessed, then what is the fight with others that are in in the things of the Holy Spirit? Honestly, if we know who we are as individuals, in the LORD, based on the covenant we won�t get into any fight with one another. What we have been called into is to fight the good fight of faith. He did not say that we should end the good fight of faith. Some of us perhaps, instead of reflecting on the Word of God, are reflecting on the letters of the Word, and that is not right. As matter of fact, you can�t talk about others carelessly or anyhow, that is because righteousness has it�s semblance from the Holy Spirit and does not do whatever he likes. And hence the import of true discernment. The truth is God does not reveal His secrets to His enemies, therefore the carnal nature is an enemy of His creature. If we are truly saints, then sanctity and uprightness have been imputed in us through the Holy Spirit. I thank the LORD, that I know who I�m, in Christ Jesus. and that is through the grace of God that has been bestowed upon me. And that is what stirs me up, into rejoicing, in the Holy Spirit; for it is not by power nor by might but by the Spirit of God. You see, where there is no true fellowship, there can�t be genuine relationship. And hence you can�t expect real friendship, in that type of situation. I believe that is worthy of note. And that is because, every relationship that must stand the test of time, must be first based on love and truth. On a personal note, I love the Word of God and that is the reason for this; and truthfully in all genuineness, I have never seen anything like the things of the Holy Spirit before in all my entire life. God is good and He is forever faithful. Therefore it is imperative we have total dependency on Him and His dictates.
5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
One thing I've been thinking about today is that God doesn't expect us to be anything, he places in us a conscience and Godly desires {note not all desires are Godly which is why we should be in the word on a daily basis, to sift out all the evil and wicked desires}. In Ephesians 1:4 He said "that we should be holy and without blame in love:". He doesn't "expect" us to be anything, he speaks to us and tells us thru the holy spirit and our conscience what we should do and shouldn't do, he wants us to obey him and be perfect and without blame in him.
There was a missionary I met a couple years back that said somethign like, "when you go into something, don't expect anything, don't expect it to turn out well and then also don't expect it to turn out badly, b/c if you do, you may very well get let now and Satan uses that as a weak spot for his fiery arrows". God doesn't expect us to do good and nor does he expect us to do evil, he calls us for his purpose and guides us along the way.
Regarding 'adoption. are we not BORN of God? do we not have God's life and nature as shown elsewhere?
& the more prayers go up the mote blessings