<< | THE WISDOME OF Iesus the sonne of Sirach, Or Ecclesiasticus. Chapter 37(Original 1611 KJV Book of Ecclesiasticus) |
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Viewing the 1611 King James Version of Ecclesiasticus (Ecclesiasticus) Chapter 37, also known as: THE WISDOME OF Iesus the sonne of Sirach, Or Ecclesiasticus. Sirach,Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach, , Ecclesiasticus, Sirach, Sir, Ecclus, Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach,.
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1 How to know friends and counsellers. 12 The discretion and wisedome of a godly man blesseth him. 27 Learne to refraine thine appetite.
1Euery friend saieth, I am his friend also: but there is a friend which is onely a friend in name.
2Is it not a griefe vnto death, when a companion and friend is turned to an enemie?
3O wicked imagination, whence camest thou in to couer the earth with deceit?
5There is a companion which helpeth his friend for the belly, and taketh vp the buckler against the enemie.5
6Forget not thy friend in thy minde, and be not vnmindfull of him in thy riches.
7Euery counseller extolleth counsell; but there is some that counselleth for himselfe.
8Beware of a counseller, and know before what neede he hath (for he will counsell for himselfe) lest hee cast the lot vpon thee:8
10Consult not with one that suspecteth thee: and hide thy counsell from such as enuie thee.
15And aboue all this pray to the most high, that he will direct thy way in trueth.
16Let reason goe before euery enterprise, & counsell before euery action.
17The countenance is a signe of changing of the heart.
19There is one that is wise and teacheth many, and yet is vnprofitable to himselfe.
20There is one that sheweth wisedome in words, and is hated: he shall be destitute of all foode.20
21For grace is not giuen him from the Lord: because he is depriued of all wisedome.
22Another is wise to himselfe: and the fruits of vnderstanding are commendable in his mouth.
23A wise man instructeth his people, and the fruits of his vnderstanding faile not.
24A wise man shall be filled with blessing, and all they that see him, shall count him happy.
25The daies of the life of man may be numbred: but the daies of Israel are innumerable.
26A wise man shall inherite glory among his people, and his name shalbe perpetuall.26
27My sonne prooue thy soule in thy life, and see what is euill for it, and giue not that vnto it.
28For all things are not profitable for all men, neither hath euery soule pleasure in euery thing.
29Be not vnsatiable in any dainty thing: nor too greedy vpon meates.
30For excesse of meates, bringeth sicknesse, and surfetting will turne into choler.30
31By surfetting haue many perished, but hee that taketh heed, prolongeth his life.
Original 1611 KJV Sidenote References for Ecclesiasticus Chapter 37
5 Or, in presence of the enemie.
8 Or, what vse there is of him.
20 Or, wisedome.
26 Or, credit.
30 Or, varietie of meates.
* Some content courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
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