Eric When God ask solomon what do you want he didn't ask for riches or glory he ask for wisdom to Lead Gods people the Book of Ecclesiastes is his observation after having wealth honor riches and glory solomon boils life down to Ecclesiastes 12: 13 + 14.
It's as if Solomon knows the meaning of life and what indeed makes us happy. That which we already have. Rich or poor will not make a difference. Treasure what you have and make the most of it is the message I got.
The question that James E. asks is a wonderful question. When I viewed his question, i immediately went to Romans 1:18-19. I reference Old Testament (The Book of Deuteronomy), when It comes to how God's free will gives us the ability to recognize HIM as KING, yet when we allow ignorance in, and become puffed up, HE turns us over to our self will, for a time. I believe when people ARE NOT in the Word of God, they can make up false statements.
As Christians,we follow Christ Jesus, to him even those filled with Leprosy were precious souls, so please make sure your heart is right with Jesus and the father before you set examples, keep in mind there is only one righteous judge and that is Christ King and high Priest to the Father. If I have mistaken your phrase, I will humbly ask the the Father to forgive me, you also.
Do you have a Scripture verse that says this? I realize that some people might say it, but there are many people that say that some don't have it. So, just wondering what you are referring to specifically.
Most guys may not tell about their weaknesses for women or admit their true feelings for them...but Solomon had a real weakness for those beautiful unsaved foreign women. Over time he had nearly 300 concubines...that's a lot of women to be intimate with...and he let his desires over take his mind and his emotions. He was a king so he felt powerful enuf to live on levels others could only dream of.
Truly wise people who happen to be rich - are very seldom - joyful. To keep their wealth they have lots of 'concerns', and it's HARD to trust people with their business, embezzlers, bad advice, etc. Oh, they can laugh at a party, but it's not in their eyes. Earthly riches does not bring happiness. Many of their children die from drugs, and other bad judgment.
Delores - Solomon began good, but because he was blessed of God, above all men, in wisdom 'n riches - he gradually turned from God. He was lifted up in pride. His many women turned him to idol worship; he sacrificed children (pass through the fire) to the idols of Chemosh, Molech, etc - in the 'high places'. 1 Kgs. 3:3; 11:10; Deut.17:14-20. No, he never repented or God's word would say so.
The best interpretation I can put on this verse is that if a man works hard and overcomes adversity to create benefits for himself and his successors, what he creates, including monetary wealth, should be available to him to enjoy, not to some other person who has done nothing towards the creation of the benefits, e.g., immigrants ('strangers').
This book in the Bible teaches one how to live, think, speak, God's perfect wisdom, not human errored and sin-filled way of living. Praise almighty Jesus.
Solomon has got to be the most depressing author in the scriptures. With all his riches, his wisdom and a united kingdom laid at his by his father David, he seems to lack any joy.
From the book of Ecclesiates I gathered that un guided life is calamity and destructive ,things should be done with God,s directive and guide line, He created the earth and knows how you can savely live on it without blame.
Praise the Lord,through Christ our Saviour . Ecclesiastes is a wonderful chapter, as it teaches to be seeking the spiritual part of out life on earth for the soul to prosper for life hereafter, But To seek material wealth and filled with all its glory is never satisfied or contend. Seek thee the kingdom of God.
I think that Solomon is trying to explain how wealth,and richness can lead us to condamnation if we do not make use of it wisely.Making us understand that being under the sun,where the supposed "good life " is known to be "swell ",will make us lose reason the purpose of our creation which is to bless the Lord with what he gives to us , making us realize that in the end Wealth,glory power are materialist things vanities we should be focusing on our relationship with Christ,rather than trying to become rich instantly.
Ecclesiastes teaches us how to be patient and wait on the lord. In his word he said he will give us our heart desire and that more. Let's not always look for the blessing but seek the blesser--- from which the blessings come from.
Its gud 2 serve him with our wealth. He is the Jehovah jireh; our provider. Why do we want blessings and not the blesser? I will serve him with all my wealth!
God gives you everything we desire but he lets us to decide what to do with it wheather we want to serve him with ourwealth or we spend in acorvous way but it is wise and accepting to serve God with our wealth
Dear Kabarie,,
The best interpretation I can put on this verse is that if a man works hard and overcomes adversity to create benefits for himself and his successors, what he creates, including monetary wealth, should be available to him to enjoy, not to some other person who has done nothing towards the creation of the benefits, e.g., immigrants ('strangers').
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