King Solomon doesn 't beat around the bush. In his wisdom, he tells you exactly what life is: Everything passes away both good and bad and hence everything is vanity meaningless to hold onto. Solomon talks about the meaninglessness of being attached to anything in life or putting your hope on a person or thing. He is realistic, the most realistic piece of work I come across in the Bible, next to the book of Job. He reaches to the conclusion that we are not in charge of our destinies. God has a time for everything. He has determined everything chaper3 , a time under the sun for everything. But still having the freedom to choose, we are expected to live life righteously despite God 's absolute control of all things. After chapter 3 solomon mention things in life that are good and bad to avoid. Speaks about how to enjoy life fully single or with a good woman, but to live and enjoy life with wisdom. And lastly that he has learnt that God will bring everyone into judgement for what they do. So his last words, is to fear meaning reverence God and keep his commandments. What are his commandements? Looking at Solomon 's moral code found in the book one can easily surmise it has to do with love, charity, and human dignity for others. In sum live to the fullest, do good, and knowing their is such thing like a karma for what you do. My two cent :
Thank God for the book of Ecclesiastes and Solomon, its Author. I consider this book of the Bible one of the most important of all books because it tells us in words, short, simple and meaningful, what God expects of us and that all others things we do are emptyness. "Fear God and keep His commandments " simplifies our duties to Him more than the other 65 books of the Bible combined. If we fear God and obey Him we will keep the ten commandments, all the statutes in Leviticus and other books of the Bible if we fear and obey Him, we will love our neighbours as ourselves, etc. ' The importance of Ecclesiastes 12:13 among all scriptures of the Bible can never be overemphasized.
The fact that we didn 't create ourselves tells us there is a creator who created all the things that man cannot create and that is is a one came with anything and no one will go with anything.if we understand this then there will be no need for envy.also if we understand that we have a creator who has laid out rules which aren 't even evil to begin with then we will be free as we will be walking in truth.and His commands are summed up in one word "Love " cos love will never hurt.and we ought to love God by keeping his commands John 14:15 and giving him worship of which loving Our neighbor is also one of his command.and where will the wars come from if we live in love? I learnt something from all the comments above.
This chapter speaks of the times before the end of days yet the end of days war is referenced to happen in the future starting in verse 3. Verse 4, people hide in their homes afraid to go out into the streets for fear of being shot or missiles from the air. Verse 5, I think grasshoppers are symbolic of fighter jets or helicopters. Verse 6, Man going to his long home may be navy men entering a submarine and represents sea battle, the silver cord could be referencing the cord that is attached to a missile fired from an attack submarine in modern day warfare.
This is actually an allegory for death, and all the things that happen to the body as it ages. The Masons use verses 1 7 at Masonic funeral services. According to the Masons, the silver cord is a reference to the brain stem, the golden bowl is the skull, and the wheel and pitcher are the major arteries and veins surrounding the heart. Damage to any of these causes death. The keepers of the house that tremble refers to someone 's limbs shaking due to Parkinson 's or general weakness, the grinders ceasing because they are few refers to teeth falling out, the strong men who bow themselves refers to how the elderly have crooked spines, those that look out of the windows being darkened refers to blindness, and all the daughters of music being brought low refers to deafness. It 's amazing how even in biblical times, before anyone knew the anatomy of the body, that these words could be put into text in order to refer to these then unknown body organs. This is a beautiful allegory about death, and it impresses on the mind the fleetingness of life, and teaches us to love and fear God, as well as to enjoy our youthful days while they are here. God bless.
Jehovah God is the grand judge. The justice systems on the earth are a joke! They pervert justice. However, in his due time every act will come to judgement before God. He can judge the visible acts. But he can also do what may fails to do, and that is judge the secret things. The atrocities that happen behind closed doors. Also, the evil thoughts and intentions that the human eye can not see. He will also judge the righteous acts too. We never have to feel our righteous course goes unnoticed.
Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. This verse is directly relating to how Jesus, between the time of His crucifixion and resurrection descended into the lower parts of the earth, Ephesians 4 9 where the faithful from Adam up to Jesus 's crucifixion were being held captive by the evil powers and proceeded with is mentioned in Ecclesiastes 12 6. And, from there, spirits of the deceased were no longer taken captive by the evil powers but returned to God as mentioned in the next verse.
I believe it pretty much mean, there so much to read it will tire you out trying to read it all. So, just fear God, believe in him, and keep his commandments and we pretty much got it made..
It 's a way God tells us that no matter what we do somewhere are heart desires unprofitable works that seem to have no consequences but come with quick conviction by judgement
To fear God is to have a reverential trust in Him not to be afraid of Him but to have a fear of displeasing Him !! We do not get rewarded for our duty 's, although it is a Joy to do our duty unto our Lord . The Lord 's commandments are not grievious. God did not leave us alone we have Holy Spirit within guiding and directing our every step.
I heard people make up excuses for Not believing in GOD YET they don 't read the bible. They don 't pray they don 't worship GOD. THEY really don 't want to hear the conclusion of thewhole matter. Because if they did they BELIEVE.
God gives breath too all.. HE gives Spirit too some,who have Christ Jesus An HE takes back what is HIS when man dies.. His Breath an His Spirit... Those without Christ JEsus Son OF God die, Dust to dust ases to ashes. Those who saved in the LAmb JEsus, they may rest in dust an ashes for the moment, but will be raised back to life,re given Gods Breath an life to live with GODhead. Evil men have just enough breath in them to live, to try to get see God.. Unless they with their will choose Jesus as Lord an Son of God. THEn they will not see heaven. God bless You
When the spirit, or life force, leaves the body, the body dies and returns to where it came from the earth. Comparably, the life force returns to where it came from God. This does not mean that the life force actually travels to heaven. Rather, it means that for someone who dies, any hope of future life rests with Jehovah God. His life is in God s hands, so to speak. Only by God s power can the spirit, or life force, be given back so that a person may live again.
I have often thought of this Scripture and have even quoted it, when someone mentions the subject of "departed spirits ". I always believed that this refutes any truth of their being any such thing! But, recently, I read a comment one made about dying and they said that we don 't go to be with our Lord until He returns, based on the Scriptures in 1 Thessalonians 4 16, 17. It was, somewhat, disturbing, as I had always thought...based on the Word...that when a person who believes, passes from this life, they are transported into the Kingdom of God in Heaven. I would, very much, like to have some thoughts, or understanding on this subject. Thank you God Bless!
duty or another translations put it as obligation.I think it is good to understand the meaning of the word Something you are bound to due out of a sense of duty. With that in mind, I think we have to admit that Jehovah God gives us alot of freedom in life. The one thing he requires of is too keep his commandments, and maintain a healthy fear of displeasing him. That is the whole duty of men. We were still created to enjoy life, raise a family if you choose to, pursue goals etc. etc. However, we must never forget we also have a duty to our Creator.