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  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 118 - 11 years ago
    (Verse 22) "The stone rejected by the builders has now become the cornerstone. This is the Lord's doing and it is marverlous to see."

    This is Jesus as God speaking about what would happen to him when he appeared on earth as a human: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God's messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you would let me. And now look, your house if left to you empty and desolate. For I tell you this, you will never see me again until you say, 'Bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord." This can be translated: "Bless the one who is God coming to save us."

    The church builders today have rejected Jesus just as much as the Jews did. Just as the Jews did, today's church builders say openly that Jesus is not God, but some lesser figure God sent in his place. They forget that the Psalms teach that only God himself is able to save us. This means that they themselves have no salvation, and will not allow their people to be saved. But Jesus told us this would happen, so we should not be suprised.

    Verses 25-28 says, "Please, Lord, (Hosanna), save us. Please, Lord, please give us success. Bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord." This is what the people said to Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. This proved that many of them believed he was the Christ, God coming to save them from their enemies.

    Thank you for reading!

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