Bible Discussion Thread

  • Johnny - 1 week ago
    need prayer for healing stage 4 colen cancer. fighting it for 3 years.
  • Bronco wildtrak 1 - In Reply - 6 days ago
    Johnny, I'm sorry to hear you have cancer. I do pray that God will heal you. My father-in-law had cancer and told me that he will fight to the end with God's help.

    I always wanted to share what I know about the gospel of grace to him, but it was to late.

    Johnny, I want to share the gospel of grace to you. We all know that the Bible has 66 books in it. But where's the gospel of grace located. It's located in Apostle Paul's epistle. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 .

    In the book of Acts starts the story of Saul of Tarsus inwhich we call him today Apostle Paul. God chosen Apostle Paul to spread the Gospel of Grace to the world. All we do is believe only the gospel of grace.

    Please read Romans through Philemon for doctrine and pray continually everyday for God to speak to you.

    May God Almighty in the third Heaven bless you and you're family in Christ.

    Ray. In Christ 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 may this gospel heal your heart in Christ.
  • Bibleman72 - In Reply - 6 days ago
    Johnny,i just now prayed about your colon cancer.i pray God will remove every cell from your body.Lord bless you my Brother.

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