Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday - 2 weeks ago
    Cut off again

    Holiness Part 2

    Ok it is late; I will make this an outline.

    Holiness is something that can only be present in a truly saved individual; of course that means fruits worthy of repentance. ( Matt. 3:8; Acts 26:20). It shows the reflection of the inner man through the authority of Christ; and also the outer actions which also are a reflection of what is truly within. Working on our salvation with fear and trembling ( Philippians 2:12) certainly is a good reference to how our work to grow in maturity corresponds to initial fear of the Lord which should continue as we mature out of our love and reverence to a Holy God. Many tend to seem to be numbed after their original conversion; while those who wish to grow in faith realize more and more their own hopeless state when struggling with the old nature along with Satan's endless accusations of the brethren.

    Clearly we don't want titles that promote some man made heirarchy or even use Biblical terms such as Bishop or Pastor to make ourselves seem superior; ministry of men is to be in authority over women but doesn't make them more important; that is another illustration related to this concept. The best way I see it as I have said before is that someone who is truly shining as someone bringing in 100 fold results or shining like the sun stands out as unnerving; when I'm around people like that I want to run and hide. Again that is the same reaction we will have when being in the Lord's presence. I mentioned Daniel; Isaiah and John the Revelator before; we can't forget Saul of Tarsus and his conversion as well as Job's two rebukes from God after the long section showing "brotherly love" (not) from his so called friends. Job blamed God for what was Satan but we could argue he didn't know better; nonetheless the bargain Satan made in the beginning chapters ended up in a humiliating loss and Job was exalted even more after his trial as a righteous man albeit before the Atoning sacrifice of Christ.

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