"And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine:"(Gen.14.18-19)
What is the bread from heaven? Jesus Christ of course. "I am the living bread which came down from heaven."( Jn 6.48-51) In the Gospel of St Matthew we have a reference, "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham."(Mt.1.1)
"For it pleased the Father that in him (Jesus Christ) should all fulness dwell. The Spirit consequently sets heaven, earth and below on a single standard which is Person specific. Thus the book of Genesis opens with the everlasting covenant and all the blessings of the worlds on Jesus Christ who is the Word become flesh. So bread and wine shall have a bearing on him.
The covenant decreed by God establishes a Father relationship by which principle of Similitude bread is brought from heaven to earth. By principle of Association Abraham is blessed as the double for the Son since Jesus the Lord from heaven was sent to the world, as only begotten Son. For that matter. heart bears relation to heaven since God made us living soul each abounding in grace. Melchizedek validates Abraham as blessed of God in his Son. Symbolism of wine we see at the marriage of Cana. Jesus made change so water became wine. It is how blessings of God should abound in his Son and for everyone who is created 'in our image'. In the gospel we have the generation of Jesus where Jesus is the son of Abraham and it is after the manner of flesh. But in terms of the covenant Jesus says with emphasis,' Before Abraham was, I am."(Jn.8.58). Similitude of Jesus and Abraham is established so we can appreciate 'being seated in heavenly places. Jesus was in the bosom of his Father (Jn.1.18) similarly we have Abraham, 'and Lazarus in his bosom'. When God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, the same relationship between God and his Son has spiritual basis. Our lives on the earth must be patterned from the world of the Spirit .(Eph.1.3)
"And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine:"(Gen.14.18-19)
What is the bread from heaven? Jesus Christ of course. "I am the living bread which came down from heaven."( Jn 6.48-51) In the Gospel of St Matthew we have a reference, "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham."(Mt.1.1)
"For it pleased the Father that in him (Jesus Christ) should all fulness dwell. The Spirit consequently sets heaven, earth and below on a single standard which is Person specific. Thus the book of Genesis opens with the everlasting covenant and all the blessings of the worlds on Jesus Christ who is the Word become flesh. So bread and wine shall have a bearing on him.
The covenant decreed by God establishes a Father relationship by which principle of Similitude bread is brought from heaven to earth. By principle of Association Abraham is blessed as the double for the Son since Jesus the Lord from heaven was sent to the world, as only begotten Son. For that matter. heart bears relation to heaven since God made us living soul each abounding in grace. Melchizedek validates Abraham as blessed of God in his Son. Symbolism of wine we see at the marriage of Cana. Jesus made change so water became wine. It is how blessings of God should abound in his Son and for everyone who is created 'in our image'. In the gospel we have the generation of Jesus where Jesus is the son of Abraham and it is after the manner of flesh. But in terms of the covenant Jesus says with emphasis,' Before Abraham was, I am."(Jn.8.58). Similitude of Jesus and Abraham is established so we can appreciate 'being seated in heavenly places. Jesus was in the bosom of his Father (Jn.1.18) similarly we have Abraham, 'and Lazarus in his bosom'. When God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, the same relationship between God and his Son has spiritual basis. Our lives on the earth must be patterned from the world of the Spirit .(Eph.1.3)
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