Bible Discussion Thread

  • Tony Brown on Ecclesiasticus 32:12 - 2 weeks ago
    Ecclesiaticus 32: 1-4, Speaks of a feast that is tacking place. Since you are the master of the feast, don't lift yourself over others. Be as calmly as everyone else for all know who you are and respect will follow you. but don't make others feel belittled. Notice it says take diligent care of the people by sitting down as the rest. When it becomes your time to speak , do so with sound judgement (wisdom), speak not long when there are musicians present, because it is a time to eat, drink, dance, and be merry. The wine is to lift the spirit of laughter, if not over consuming, therefore don't hinder the joy of the feast with your long speech. The feast is not the place for Preaching or a Lecture of learning. If it were wine wouldn't be present. This is not speaking that a minister should not speak with musicians in the church. This is a feast. Preaching and Lecturing has it's place, if you don't believe me listen to ( Deliverance Is Available by Vicki Yohe ) and tell me this song has no place in the Church. However if you believe that music should not be played in your church, it is a sin to you.
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