Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday - 2 weeks ago
    The Godly life

    Continuing on the theme of the narrow; difficult path we of course can look at much of today's so called Gospel and we see what is drawing most of the crowds. I have said before that the testimony of those in the great revivals of yesteryear have mentioned tearful wailing and contrition as the biggest evidence of the Spirit's convictions on people. If we are to have a true move of the Spirit the reaction of any real experience with God is contrasted with our own state. This is bolstered by Isaiah; Daniel and John in their experiences in the Lord's presence; as Isaiah stated "Woe is me" ( Isaiah 6 if I have the right chapter or 9). The fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding as numerous scriptures indicate. How often to we hear people talking about these topics?

    Sadly; especially today as Revelation 2 and 3 indicate the churches often consist of a few faithful among a crowd of unfaithful proclaimers of faith. The challenge is to continue in fellowship especially as we see the end approaching; while knowing when to walk away and when to run as the famous Kenny Rodgers tune suggests. Leaving a fellowshp should be done after much prayer and attempting necessary discipline according to scripture through elders after dealing with individuals in terms of excommunication of a wayward parishioner; but when the leadership is amiss often things are too far gone to be rectified where apostasy is concerned. This is why proper discipleship is important; of ten it seems people overlook that in the Great Commission and simply focus on evangelism. This results in surface level commitments to the Lord when follow up isn't consistent and more interest in a numbers game to fill the seats rather than patient development through discipleship training.

    Those in Reformed circles often have a proper concept of their own depravity to avoid some of these errors; nonetheless pride comes before a fall so even true doctrine can make us feel superior.

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