Simply put; sin is our actions that break God's law. It can be divided into sins of COMMISSION and OMMISSION-the latter behavior often not considered as much as the first.
When studying to Word we can start with Christ and fewer laws; or go to the Old Testament with the 600 give or take Commandments to see how the Lord operates. Christ came to seek and save the lost and had a ministry of reconciliation with God and came to die as a servant of all when He was the Master and Creator of man and the rest of the universe. If we choose the New Testament as a guideline because of fewer laws we make two mistakes. The first being the fact that the thoughts and intents of the heart are the most important factor so the Pharisees would recieve GREATER condemnation for obeying the Law as well as adding through their own traditions and the predecessor writings for the Talmud further rules. Christ excoriated them for their hypocrisy. Going back to the subject at hand the deeper meaning of not committing murder or adultery examines the state of the heart; hence Matthew 15:19 and surrounding verses don't necessarily excuse outward behavior that appears rightous. It is true following the Old Testament laws that ceremonial ones have been eliminated as evidenced by Peter's stay with the Gentile believer Cornelius in the Book of Acts (chapter 9 I believe). Saturday Sabbath also is trumped or overtaken by Christ in the example of Him doing "work" on the Sabbath as well as His being Lord o the Sabbath as I see it.
At the core of the matter is the fact that we are all conceived in sin. This doesn't mean the act of procreation but the sin nature that is transferred; hence the Son of God had to be born of the Spirit rather than the seed of man (hence the "seed of woman" as Genesis 3 makes clear). Questions as to why evil exists also could in like manner involve an investigation of why sin exists as well as the sin nature with Adam's descendants.
Most of the 613 Law and Statutes apply to widows, orphans, priests, the High Priest, and those that serve in the Temple.
The guarding of the Sabbath, avoiding sexual sin and not eating unclean animals is the foundation for new believers. Those things, and avoiding the pollutions of idols are what allowed people who used to be Gentiles to join Israel in the worship of the Elohim of Israel.
The Eurocentric Theological Model has greatly polluted and twisted the message of the Bible.
The Law is:
"Observe these days, not those days.
Eat these things, not those things.
Have sex with this person, not those persons.
Be honest and kind to everyone, including the heathen."
Simply put; sin is our actions that break God's law. It can be divided into sins of COMMISSION and OMMISSION-the latter behavior often not considered as much as the first.
When studying to Word we can start with Christ and fewer laws; or go to the Old Testament with the 600 give or take Commandments to see how the Lord operates. Christ came to seek and save the lost and had a ministry of reconciliation with God and came to die as a servant of all when He was the Master and Creator of man and the rest of the universe. If we choose the New Testament as a guideline because of fewer laws we make two mistakes. The first being the fact that the thoughts and intents of the heart are the most important factor so the Pharisees would recieve GREATER condemnation for obeying the Law as well as adding through their own traditions and the predecessor writings for the Talmud further rules. Christ excoriated them for their hypocrisy. Going back to the subject at hand the deeper meaning of not committing murder or adultery examines the state of the heart; hence Matthew 15:19 and surrounding verses don't necessarily excuse outward behavior that appears rightous. It is true following the Old Testament laws that ceremonial ones have been eliminated as evidenced by Peter's stay with the Gentile believer Cornelius in the Book of Acts (chapter 9 I believe). Saturday Sabbath also is trumped or overtaken by Christ in the example of Him doing "work" on the Sabbath as well as His being Lord o the Sabbath as I see it.
At the core of the matter is the fact that we are all conceived in sin. This doesn't mean the act of procreation but the sin nature that is transferred; hence the Son of God had to be born of the Spirit rather than the seed of man (hence the "seed of woman" as Genesis 3 makes clear). Questions as to why evil exists also could in like manner involve an investigation of why sin exists as well as the sin nature with Adam's descendants.
He went to the synagogue and healed people on the Sabbath.
That is not "servile" work.
He did not "triumph over the Sabbath."
He guarded it as the only day of the week His Father set aside.
He did nothing except what His Father told him.
Changing times and laws is one of the identifying characteristics of YHVH's chief enemy. Daniel 7:25
The guarding of the Sabbath, avoiding sexual sin and not eating unclean animals is the foundation for new believers. Those things, and avoiding the pollutions of idols are what allowed people who used to be Gentiles to join Israel in the worship of the Elohim of Israel.
The Eurocentric Theological Model has greatly polluted and twisted the message of the Bible.
The Law is:
"Observe these days, not those days.
Eat these things, not those things.
Have sex with this person, not those persons.
Be honest and kind to everyone, including the heathen."
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