Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 4 weeks ago

    Pt. 3

    Because God is sovereign, He must at the very least, God "permits" all events and happenings. Within God's sovereign will, He chooses to allow many things to occur that do not bring Him pleasure. Referring again to the example of Joseph and his brothers, God decided, through an act of His decretive will, to permit the kidnapping and enslavement of Joseph. God's permissive will allowed the sins of Joseph's brothers to bring about a greater good (see Genesis 50:20). Despite every instance of mistreatment towards Joseph, God had the power to intervene, but He "allowed" the evil to take place, and in that limited sense, He sovereignly "willed" it to happen.

    God's revealed or preceptive will is not concealed from us. This aspect of God's will encompasses what God has chosen to disclose to us in the Bible-His precepts are clearly stated. "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God" ( Micah 6:8).

    The preceptive will of God is what He desires us to do (or not do). For instance, we understand that it is God's will for us to speak the truth in love ( Ephesians 4:15), to repent, and turn to God ( Acts 3:19). It is God's revealed will that we refrain from committing adultery.

    Obeying God's revealed will is crucial. As stated in ( 1 Corinthians 6:18), we should avoid sexual immorality. Similarly, ( Ephesians 5:18) advises against drunkenness. God's revealed will, as mentioned in ( Psalm 19:7), serves to guide and enlighten us.

    We are bound to follow God's revealed or preceptive will, although we retain the ability to disobey. Adam and Eve, for instance, were instructed to be fruitful, tend the garden, and avoid a specific tree ( Genesis 1-2). Regrettably, they defied God's instructions ( Genesis 3) and faced the consequences of their actions. We cannot justify our sins by claiming they fulfill God's sovereign will.

    See Pt. 4

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