Bible Discussion Thread

  • America needs Repentance - 4 weeks ago
    Hello all, I am requesting prayer for Donald Trump, that he will do the work of our Father and be protected from Satan's minions. I am asking as a believer of our risen savior Christ Jesus. May God almighty bless America and America will worship God almighty continually forever, ever more.
  • RicoUS - In Reply - 3 weeks ago
    Lord Jesus please help in accordance with your perfect will Father. Thank you.
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    " American " , I will pray for our President of America and all our government workers . May God clean up the house and make America strong and mighty in the Lord Jesus Christ .

    In respect to other religions, we are the land of the free.

    Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the true gospel of Salvation today
  • GiGi - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Dear America Needs Repentance,

    Scripture instructs us to pray for those who are appointed to govern, so I do so whomever is in that position. I am praying for President Trump in these times. May God direct His path, leading him to govern well, in justice, mercy, and wisdom. I pray for the U.S.A. and its people, that God will bring many to repentance and faith, that God will turn the tide of what has done so much harm to our country and citizens, and that He will replace evil policies and restore what are good policies. May our government act with integrity and humility, seeking the true good of the citizens living here, working lawfully and honestly according to the constitution and code of law in place, removing laws that are corrupt, and initiating legislation that upholds our freedoms and allows citizens to prosper from the hard work one does daily. I pray that lawlessness is no longer rewarded as well as sloth, that those who can work will be incentivized to work instead of taking welfare, may those who are in true need of assistance be given what they need. May God have mercy on our country and bless us as He has in the past since start. It is my hope that many believers in our country will set themselves to pray and live up to the calling of God in their lives to be imitators of Christ and live godly lives in a wicked world.
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    GiGi, I will pray with you on your written statement for Trump and our government . We all need God to cleanse the house and to make it better. I hope and pray that others will come on board and pray .

    Only if more people knew the word ?

    John 1:1-4

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    2The same was in the beginning with God.

    3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

    Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the resurrection of Jesus Christ
  • GiGi - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Bronco wildtrak

    You are so welcome to join us in such prayers. We never know how God will work in the lives of anyone let alone those He has given a position of governing. Let's not underestimate Him in such things, but instead believe that "with man, things are impossible, but with God all things are possible" (paraphrased, of course). We can believe for God to work in ways that bring him honor and glory as well as help those who call upon Him and even those that do not (yet)!
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 3 weeks ago
    I've been going to different churches all my life. First Catholic, second Baptist, third Jehovah's Witnesses and Last Mormon. What was I searching? I didn't understand the Bible, but kept reading and reading. I realized I was lost at the age 50 and knew in my heart that I had UNBELIEF because I had no change in my life.

    Then I was in my basement one day working on my project. I wanted to just listen to any preacher on YouTube. The thing that opened my understand was Saul of Tarsus in the book of Acts. Here's a man persecuting the Jews for believing Jesus Christ was risen, then after after having stoned Stephen I truly believe that God struck Saul of Tarsus down in Damascus with a power light for Unbelief of who He was. Now Apostle Paul, who Jesus Christ chosen to go out to the world to spread the Gospel of Grace to all. Once I understood how to Rightly divide the Word of Truth, I started to grow every day and now my whole house are believers too. Praise God Almighty for the longsuffering and mercy to be in the Body of Christ Jesus . I know that I have alot of work, but God knows how much I can handle day by day. I am very very slow to learn, by God gives the fruits.

    Thank you so much for the warm welcome . I am pleased to be a help in the ministry of God. I know we all may have different views on Biblical stuff, but the fundamental of Jesus Christ should be simple enough for anyone to understand.

    Ray, in Christ Jesus , may God bless this ministry and that others may know the truth of Salvation 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

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