We are hopeless without God's direct intervention of regeneration. Only as new creatures in Christ are me made able to respond to God's call and will to believe because the grace that regenerates us also implants faith in us to believe the gospel and desire fellowship with God.
Our depravity stays with us throughout our earthly life and, even as believers, it continues to affect us. As believers, we battle against our own sinfulness continuously and only have victory over sin due to the Person, work and power of the Holy Spirit in us. Though we have been born again and have a new nature in Christ that we did not have prior to regeneration, we still retain our sinful nature in this present earthly life.
Every human will sin because each of us are sinful. Our human nature is sinfully oriented to evil because of Adam's sin. Only a new holy nature is able to overcome the sinful nature day by day. Without this new nature, we could not desire to war against our sinful nature (the flesh, as Paul calls it).
Unregenerate humans choose to commit sin because they believe they will be happy if they choose it. They believe that the happiness of sin is better than being in Christ Jesus who is the best, richest, most profound, and most satisfying treasure and pleasure any human can have. But sinful humans do not want the treasure and pleasure of God in Christ. Sinful humans do not wish to spend eternity in heaven with God.
Sinful humans love their freedom to sin at will and enjoy being hostile to God. Sinful humans want to be autonomous, self-determined creatures and the only authority they need to have is themselves. Believing and accepting that God is sovereign and the determiner of one's eternal destiny is not what they will accept.
Pt. 6
We are hopeless without God's direct intervention of regeneration. Only as new creatures in Christ are me made able to respond to God's call and will to believe because the grace that regenerates us also implants faith in us to believe the gospel and desire fellowship with God.
Our depravity stays with us throughout our earthly life and, even as believers, it continues to affect us. As believers, we battle against our own sinfulness continuously and only have victory over sin due to the Person, work and power of the Holy Spirit in us. Though we have been born again and have a new nature in Christ that we did not have prior to regeneration, we still retain our sinful nature in this present earthly life.
Every human will sin because each of us are sinful. Our human nature is sinfully oriented to evil because of Adam's sin. Only a new holy nature is able to overcome the sinful nature day by day. Without this new nature, we could not desire to war against our sinful nature (the flesh, as Paul calls it).
Unregenerate humans choose to commit sin because they believe they will be happy if they choose it. They believe that the happiness of sin is better than being in Christ Jesus who is the best, richest, most profound, and most satisfying treasure and pleasure any human can have. But sinful humans do not want the treasure and pleasure of God in Christ. Sinful humans do not wish to spend eternity in heaven with God.
Sinful humans love their freedom to sin at will and enjoy being hostile to God. Sinful humans want to be autonomous, self-determined creatures and the only authority they need to have is themselves. Believing and accepting that God is sovereign and the determiner of one's eternal destiny is not what they will accept.
See Pt. 7
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