Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 1 month ago

    Pt. 2

    As far as our relation to God and His holiness and righteousness, man is wholly depraved. He is comprehensibly and entirely affected by Adam's fall. This term speaks of lacking the perfection in holiness and righteousness that God is, not just by a little bit. Rather, Adam's sin produced in every human a corruption of the good, sinless, and God centered life Adam was created with in such a way that no human can return to this state Adam had in the beginning in their sinful state of deadness.

    It also means that with Adam's sin, death (the penalty for sin) comes to all humans. Death is at work in a human being even from conception. David says that he was sinful from his mother's womb and conceived in sin.

    Ps. 51:5

    "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me."

    This does not mean that David committed sin while in the womb nor that it was sinful for his parents to have relations that led to his conception. David is testifying to his awareness of his corruption by sin in his entire being from the moment his life began and that the sinful nature was at work in him from his conception onward.

    It means that in Adam, because of his first sin, all humans are conceived as sinful beings.

    "Augustine explained Adam's transmission of his sin to us with a theory known as "federal headship." Augustine taught the concept of "inherited guilt," that we all sinned "in Adam": when Adam "voted" for sin, he acted as our representative. His sin was thus imputed or credited to the entire human race-we were all declared "guilty" for Adam's one sin.

    See Pt. 3

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