Bible Discussion Thread

  • Fuji - 4 weeks ago
    Can anyone shed some light on John chapter 12 verse 34 ? Where specifically in the law of Moses , does it state that the Christ / Messiah , shall live forever ? I could probably find it easy in the prophets but can't think where it would be in the books of Moses .
  • Chris - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Hello Fuji. That's a good question, because if we try to find reference to what the people said in John 12:34 in the Mosaic Law, even in the Pentateuch, then we will be disappointed. Sometimes, reference to the Law doesn't imply the Mosaic Law, but the Laws & all of the Word of God that is the body of the Old Testament. An example of this would be when Jesus answered the Jews in John 10:34, "Is it not written in your LAW, I said, Ye are gods?" It was never written in the Mosaic Law, but in Psalm 82:6, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." And "gods" here is the other meaning of Elohim, and that is 'judges or rulers'. Another example is in John 15:25 (cf Psalm 35:19 & Psalm 69:4) or 1 Corinthians 14:21 (cf Isaiah 28:11,12).

    So, the reference you gave won't be found in the Mosaic Law, but derived from the references elsewhere to Christ's eternal existence. And my Bible cross references the following to John 12:34: Psalm 110:4, Isaiah 9:7, and Daniel 7:13,14. Hope this helps a little.
  • Fuji - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Yes thank you Chris , it does .

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