Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday - 1 month ago
    Further thoughts about the body and blood of Christ.

    Romans 1:20 and no doubt scores of other scriptures speak of Christ's eternal Godhead. It was known due to the council of the Godhead beyond our understanding ( Deut. 29:29) that God the Son was to come to die to atone for the sins of men; and was first found in Genesis 3:16 (or thereabouts) to finally crush Satan's seed. It is impossible for Christ's sufferings to occur outside His appointed time when He came in the form of a man and had limitations brought about so that He could be overcome through death as the rest of us are to make the sacrifice legitimate. Clearly even glorified men are no longer subject to death; certainly more so for the Son of God! No one can say that in His eternal state now seated at the right hand of God the Father that He is still suffering. This is seen also in the Transfiguration; God indeed is beyond time and perhaps this can be seen as looking forward or beyond the limitations of time and space during His earthly ministry. All in all; of course Christ was involved with the Creation and surely is not subject to repeatedly suffering especially since the sacrifice is once for all ( Heb. 10:10). Satan is defeated and cannot cause Him any more grief; neither can the enemy affect those who are walking in the Spirit now; albeit they can be a thorn in the flesh and if we allow sin to give an opening he loves to torment our souls.

    In general many seem to obsess with the fact that God is beyond time and make the overriding assumption that heaven is totally like that today. God Himself chose to allow the rules of time and space so clearly He desires to have times and seasons; and that will be apparent during a literal 1000 year Millennial reign on earth and there is no reason to expect it will be totally obliterated once the new Heaven and earth is created. Finally whatever the Spirit does because of His sacrifice it is available toall; a human Priest isn't in charge.

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