Greetings, brothers and sisters in Christ. I have recently received the Lord Jesus into my life after not putting all my faith in Him. Yet now I have made the conscious decision to devote my life to Him and strive to live a holy life. I would really appreciate any prayers for me to be sanctified by the Word of God and His Spirit and to be able to grow as a Christian. Thank you all and hallelujah!
That was very encouraging to read brother Marcus. The LORD will surely be with you & bless you for your earnestness to grow in love for Him & striving to live a life pleasing to Him. Continually wait on His Spirit within you to help you, guide you, & strengthen you - for that is why He is given by the Father to those who love Him. And always hide God's Word in your heart, reading & meditating on those words from Heaven, that will truly be 'a lamp unto your feet, a light to your path' in life & in times of testing & trouble. His Word is truly 'alive & powerful, even sharper than any double-edged sword, able to even slice between soul & spirit'. He has already sanctified (set apart) you unto Himself as His child - now that ongoing work of sanctification by His Spirit will always continue in you as you abide in Him, keeping Him uppermost in your thoughts, plans, & affections. I can see that you mean real business with the Lord this time; I pray nothing will cause you to lose your focus & divert you from your most precious heavenly blessings right from God's Throne.
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