46 And thou, Asia, that art partaker of the hope of Babylon, and art the glory of her person:
47 Woe be unto thee, thou wretch, because thou hast made thyself like unto her; and hast decked thy daughters in whoredom, that they might please and glory in thy lovers, which have always desired to commit whoredom with thee.
48 Thou hast followed her that is hated in all her works and inventions:
The above happened when the Ottoman Turks overthrew Constantinople. The name of the city was then changed to Istanbul (Modern day Turkey). This was the advent of gunpowder and modern weapons.
Prior to verse 46 above is the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus the Great.
Starting at verse 46, it speaks about the Ottoman conquest of the Roman city of Constantinople.
2 Esdras 16 goes on to talk about the 4th end-time Kingdom, spoken of in Daniel, which is Rome (Holy SEE; see wickepedia.) overseeing the United Nations today and it's spiritual wickedness in doing so. Rome went through 3 initial transitional phases, before coming to what it is today. Starting; First, as a Monarchy, Next, to a Republic, Then to an Empire. Under the third phase, Rome as an Empire, was split into East and West. The Western region was eventually overthrown by conflicts and waring tribes, leaving only the Eastern portion intact. The fall of Constantinople ended the Empire. (Deadly head wound) Which was healed when Papel Rome sprang back up in Italy as it is now today and now uses it's position to exert influence over the entire world via the United Nations Agenda.
Just as Babel was confounded, Babylon was conquered by Cyrus the great, but the roots of Babylon and what it stood for and represented, persisted.
Then came Mystery Babylon after the same spirit of wickedness as (Babel and Ancient Babylon).
This was the founding of the Roman City of Constantinople.
2 Esdras 15 (Which corresponds to; Revelation 17:5)
46 And thou, Asia, that art partaker of the hope of Babylon, and art the glory of her person:
47 Woe be unto thee, thou wretch, because thou hast made thyself like unto her; and hast decked thy daughters in whoredom, that they might please and glory in thy lovers, which have always desired to commit whoredom with thee.
48 Thou hast followed her that is hated in all her works and inventions:
The above happened when the Ottoman Turks overthrew Constantinople. The name of the city was then changed to Istanbul (Modern day Turkey). This was the advent of gunpowder and modern weapons.
Prior to verse 46 above is the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus the Great.
Starting at verse 46, it speaks about the Ottoman conquest of the Roman city of Constantinople.
2 Esdras 16 goes on to talk about the 4th end-time Kingdom, spoken of in Daniel, which is Rome (Holy SEE; see wickepedia.) overseeing the United Nations today and it's spiritual wickedness in doing so. Rome went through 3 initial transitional phases, before coming to what it is today. Starting; First, as a Monarchy, Next, to a Republic, Then to an Empire. Under the third phase, Rome as an Empire, was split into East and West. The Western region was eventually overthrown by conflicts and waring tribes, leaving only the Eastern portion intact. The fall of Constantinople ended the Empire. (Deadly head wound) Which was healed when Papel Rome sprang back up in Italy as it is now today and now uses it's position to exert influence over the entire world via the United Nations Agenda.
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