Bible Discussion Thread

  • C.N.C. - 5 days ago
    Hello Brethren, God bless you all and thank you to everyone that prayed for me back in December.

    I have a question. In 2 Chronicles 3:17, why did Solomon name the pillars of the temple Jachin and Boaz? I'm praying about this now, and I'm looking through the scriptures. I find Boaz from The Book of Ruth and I find Jachin as a priest and as an original son of Simeon. Any ideas? Ruckman's commentary points out the original "pillars" are found in Exodus 13:21-22. I thought that was a really great observation.
  • Chris - In Reply - 5 days ago
    Hello C.N.C. Thanks for your question. Whenever I consider proper names in the Old Testament, I understand that names given to children are usually given for a particular reason. In other words, those parents don't simply look at how the name sounds, appeals, or its popularity (as might be done today), rather, what special trait might it represent or maybe a name taken from an important ancestor in that family line.

    So, in the case of 2 Chronicles 3:17 (and 1 Kings 7:21), it could well be that the names of Jachin & Boaz were given to them for a particular reason by their parents. Now here in these passages, King Solomon wants to reflect the importance of these two pillars (which are certainly outstanding by their position, height, & proximity to those passing by the temple) & so he designates these names as we see here.

    In Hebrew, Jachin (Yakin) means "to be established or be firm": maybe representing the God-appointed construction of this structure & its endurance and longevity ( 1 Kings 8:17-20) by Solomon. And Boaz, traditionally taken to mean "in strength & in swiftness". We could only imagine how such meanings could fit here; as Boaz himself was a man of great character & influence, ready to meet the needs of the family (esp. concerning Ruth), could it be that Solomon was envisioning God's Presence & Power displayed here, even as God was ever-present even as the children of Israel gathered outside & within the confines of the Tabernacle of the Congregation & dealt speedily with them, whether for their needs or in judgment? Just a few thoughts for you to consider - others here may share their understanding. Blessings.

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