Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 1 month ago

    PT. 8

    We were dead in our sins, hostile to God as His enemy, blind to the gospel's truth, and separated from God our Savior. But God chose us and made us spiritually alive, blessed us with faith to believe the gospel and put our faith in Jesus. It is all a gift of God and none of us can boast of any works we did to receive it all!

    This concludes this section of my study. I will continue with a new section soon. Thanks for reading. I know that some will not agree with some of my opinions here and I am fine with that. I welcome input, of course. And I hope to inspire others to think deeply and prayerfully on these topics as I have so as to come to a better understanding of these great truths taught in the Scriptures. I so love how God leads us to come to know Him and His ways more and more as we seek out the Scriptures His truth and though our interpretations may be weak, in error, or in need of more growth, God works with us in our human inability to know in full, but in part. This life is truly a journey towards knowing Him as our only hope for eternal life.

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