Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 1 month ago

    Pt. 7

    The justice of God's sending of humans into the darkness and the fire that has been prepared for the devil and his angels is that this is a preferred choice (though unaware of the full implications of this choice) and will remain so throughout all eternity. They will not have God, and therefore in the profoundest sense of the word, they will not have Him as they wish.

    If Christians think in any degree that God is unrighteous in this judgement, it is because we have not yet considered how great the weight of sin is. We must come to see that God's Son is so precious in his sight that He will crush as with a rod of iron those who are opposed to his Son's glory and honor.

    The real question believers should ask is not how can a loving God condemn sinners. The really amazing question is why would a holy God save sinners at such infinite cost to his own dear Son?

    Some also ask, "Why is it then that God who saves some does not save all?" The Bible is clear that He does not. Yet, we are told in Scripture that Jesus did for the sins of the whole world. So, why are not all people saved? Certainly God is able to have elected every human to salvation and only had the devil and his angels inhabit the lake of fire.

    Perhaps all are not saved (Universalism) because God us glorified both in His grace and mercy and also in His wrath and judgment on sinners. So that in electing a portion of humanity rather than all, He is more fully glorified than if He saved all and no human would receive His wrath and just judgment that comes from His hatred of all that is unholy.

    As believers, it is so very important for us to know and believe that this would be our judgment, too, if God had not chosen us and drawn us to Christ by His mercy. We should ever express our gratitude and praise to God for the glory of His mercy and grace given to us when we were yet sinners.

    See Pt. 8

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