To men who have refused to change in their attitude towards God, it will mean there will be no prospect or desire for change and repentance before him, and to those who have never loved Jesus Christ as Savior, it will mean they will go throughout all eternity never knowing what it means to know Christ's love nor to love Christ as Savior in grateful response, and therefore experiencing a loveless eternity.
In this life, God's mercy is "new every morning", but unregenerate humans are too blind and sin-numbed to experience it. But to those He elects to salvation, His mercy in redeeming them will last throughout eternity. Without God giving grace of regeneration and faith, no human would know God's redeeming mercy. But, He has brought that mercy to those He chose for salvation before the beginning of the world. Believers should be so thankful for having been chosen and drawn to Jesus through God's mercy and grace!
With God's grace and mercy being freely given, why will God still judge unregenerate sinners? How is His severe and eternal judgment appropriate to the sins committed against Him?
1. It is appropriate because it has been freely chosen. No human being has ever been, will ever be damned against their will. They choose it.
2. It is appropriate because what men and women know the righteous decrees of God about disobedience to Him and choose break His commands and even flaunt their disobedience before God. ( Romans 1:32)
3. It's appropriate because humans have consistently ignored God's providences.
4. It's appropriate because humans have despised the offer of Christ, who is able to save all those who come to God through Him.
5. It is appropriate because it is universally true of the natural man that he seeks a heaven devoid of God's throne and empty of God's presence.
Pt. 6
To men who have refused to change in their attitude towards God, it will mean there will be no prospect or desire for change and repentance before him, and to those who have never loved Jesus Christ as Savior, it will mean they will go throughout all eternity never knowing what it means to know Christ's love nor to love Christ as Savior in grateful response, and therefore experiencing a loveless eternity.
In this life, God's mercy is "new every morning", but unregenerate humans are too blind and sin-numbed to experience it. But to those He elects to salvation, His mercy in redeeming them will last throughout eternity. Without God giving grace of regeneration and faith, no human would know God's redeeming mercy. But, He has brought that mercy to those He chose for salvation before the beginning of the world. Believers should be so thankful for having been chosen and drawn to Jesus through God's mercy and grace!
With God's grace and mercy being freely given, why will God still judge unregenerate sinners? How is His severe and eternal judgment appropriate to the sins committed against Him?
1. It is appropriate because it has been freely chosen. No human being has ever been, will ever be damned against their will. They choose it.
2. It is appropriate because what men and women know the righteous decrees of God about disobedience to Him and choose break His commands and even flaunt their disobedience before God. ( Romans 1:32)
3. It's appropriate because humans have consistently ignored God's providences.
4. It's appropriate because humans have despised the offer of Christ, who is able to save all those who come to God through Him.
5. It is appropriate because it is universally true of the natural man that he seeks a heaven devoid of God's throne and empty of God's presence.
See. Pt. 7
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